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Archive for the ‘Computer Science’
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Case Study 3: Minnesota Detectives Crack the Case with Digital Forensics

Case Study 3: Minnesota Detectives Crack the Case with Digital Forensics Due Week 7 and worth 80 points Go to the Government Technology website to read the article titled %u0432%u0402%u045AMinnesota Detectives Crack the Case with Digital Forensics%u0432%u0402%u045C dated October 8, 2014, located at http://www.govtech.com/public-safety/Minnesota-Detectives-Crack-the-Case-with-Digital-Forensics.html. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Provide a brief summary on the case involving the two (2) Andover teens. Explain, from a forensics perspective, the digital evidence found on the mobile devices that helped lead to the perpetrator%u0432%u0402%u2122s capture and the girls%u0432%u0402%u2122 rescue. Describe the basic components of the Anoka County Sheriff%u0432%u0402%u2122s Office digital forensics lab and staff, and consider whether or not you would implement improvements in any areas based on the growing need. Determine whether or not you believe the notion that an offi

CIS 321 Unit 2 Discussion 2: Project Feedback

Unit 2 Discussion 2: Project Feedback Script design and creation can be a complex task. Often it is helpful to share your work with others so that you can get feedback on your work. In your discussion post:
  • Attach or post the contents of your script including the pseudo code.
  • Identify any issues that you may be having on the script and any assistance/clarification you would like from your classmates and/or instructor.
  • When responding, first respond to their specific requests for assistance. If these have been addressed or they have none, review their script and comment on how their script can better meet the requirements of the grading rubric.

Enterprise level network information security and awareness model for enterprise

Assignment Requirements   I will upload additional files later in my account Enterprise Level Network Information Security   1.1 potential supervisor: Marry; Richard; Sinead O'Neil.   2 Introduction:   Development with the progress of science and technology, network is more and more perfect, the enterprise also along with the expanding network size, the architecture and the corresponding is becoming more and more complicated, However, enterprise network security also faces a bigger challenge, once the enterprises lose security, network security will be a direct threat to the stability and development of the enterprise, will cause significant losses. However, for different levels of enterprises should have different level of network security solution. Therefore, In this paper Enterprise network security problems and the cause of the problem analysis, and how to improve enterprise security, to the enterprise The development of the meaning for

Demand Prediction in Cloud Computing Environment

Assignment Requirements: Research Proposal   I already did the proposal but the teacher gave me some comments need to be changed -- just write the answer for those comments in word document. Those are the comments: As discussed when you presented, there are several things that really need to be tightened up before your proposal is adequate. I would like you to work on these to provide me with a clearer idea of what you will do. You do not need to redo the whole proposal, but I would like you to give me a revision of the following pieces: 1) clear, precise, questions for investigation, that are sufficiently specific with regard to what you intend to do. (Please go over the material on research questions). Do not use questions framed so that there is a yes/no answer. Rewrite the question to be more about why and how .. Idea about the prediction . 2) describe carefully what you plan to do, making sure it is clearly related to the questions you have framed. Or, more likely, fra

Lighting as marketing tools (For retail shop lighting)

Assignment Requirements: Thesis/Dissertation Proposal   Introduction (general overview about artificial lighting and its impact on retail lighting ) Retail market analysis: Type of shops Function of shops Case studies examples Lighting design for fashion shops: Lighting design in retail shop in Saudi Arabia market   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Development Plan

Order type: Coursework   PURPOSE OF THE SDP A SDP is the controlling document for managing a software project. It defines the technical and managerial processes necessary to develop software work products that satisfy the product requirements. SCENARIO Lead a software development effort for Defense-Specialists Corporation, a large defense company in the United States.Develop the software needed to operate a fictional network of ground based tracking stations. The effort should be completed within twelve months. The US government customer stresses the need to balance development costs, quality of the software, overall operability and functionality, and delivery time. In this project, develop the tools for planning, managing, and controlling all software development efforts for the ground based tracking stations. The SDP must also contain project reporting and team communication mechanisms. SDP Template Please use the following template • Adaptable Process Model (ADP) temp

Important issues related to electronic medical records and health science technology

Important issues related to electronic medical records and health science technology Order type: Coursework Pleas answer the fallowing questions be specific. How does information technology impact health care delivery? Should all health organizations shift to electronic medical records (EMR)? Why or why not? What are the implications of doing this? Of not making this universal. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT ( CODE G A C 15 )

Case Study on Ohio Lottery

Case study:- Read the case study Ohio Lottery: Innovative Research: Design Drives Winning. Answer the following questions: a. What is the main research question the researchers are trying to solve for? b. Review the overall research design in the Ohio Lottery case (See Exhibit OL-1). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this design? Would you select a different research design? Why or why not? c. Evaluate the MET process (Exhibit OL-2). What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the MET technique? d. Review the sample questions provided (Exhibit OL-3) Why might the lottery attitude and lottery importance questions have presented the most challenge to the professional researchers? e. Evaluate the MET discussion guide for the Ohio Lottery Research. Case Studies: Prepare a double-spaced paper (2-4 pages without title, references, etc). Please follow the APA rules for completing this assignment. Be sure to support your answers with at least 4 references( you must cite our bo

Forecasting Future Trends in Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism-Case study

Order Description The case study for this class is to forecast future trends in digital crime and digital terrorism. Learning from the past can help law enforcement forecast future trends in crime to facilitate creation of best practices for investigation and prosecution of computer crime along with researching all past, present, and future aspects of emerging methodologies in digital crime. You are to research information related to forecasting future trends in digital crime and digital terrorism. Outline the eight primary forecasts as related to computer crime. Based on the analysis of the eight predicted forecasts, analyze the forecasts and describe the important factors of each. Provide examples of each forecast and demonstrate how law enforcement can use these to improve the possibility of mitigating future forecasts. Forecast 1: The number of offenses reported to the police involving computers and electronic storage media will continue to increase substantially, requiring chang

Development Plan

Topic: Development Plan Order type: Coursework   PURPOSE OF THE SDP A SDP is the controlling document for managing a software project. It defines the technical and managerial processes necessary to develop software work products that satisfy the product requirements. SCENARIO Lead a software development effort for Defense-Specialists Corporation, a large defense company in the United States.Develop the software needed to operate a fictional network of ground based tracking stations. The effort should be completed within twelve months. The US government customer stresses the need to balance development costs, quality of the software, overall operability and functionality, and delivery time. In this project, develop the tools for planning, managing, and controlling all software development efforts for the ground based tracking stations. The SDP must also contain project reporting and team communication mechanisms. SDP Template Please use the following template • Adaptable