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Archive for the ‘Counseling’
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Career research report

Directions: Use the following outline as a rough draft to write 2 career reports. Include the career component topics presented in class. Be sure to list at least 3 different resources for EACH occupation. This report is to be typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins and be 3 to 5 pages in length. List your resources on the last page of each report. 1. Specific Work Performed a. Name/Title of the occupation (i.e., nurse) b. Broad field in which the occupation is found c. Broad or general statement of the kind of work performed d. List of the specific activities required which are related to but not performed regularly (i.e., attend meetings, prepare reports, etc.) 2. Preparation, Education and Training a. What education is required? What college major? What degree(s)? Are there any degrees that are preferred? What technical or special schooling? b. What specialized training after formal education? (i.e., apprenticeship, internship, etc.) c. What experience is required bef

Counseling in addiction- research paper

Order Description State Credentialing Board Research Project Instructions Directions: The purpose of this project is to help you become familiar with the credentialing and regulatory processes that will govern your practice as a counselor. In order to complete this project, you will need to select a state to use as the basis for your research. You should select either the state in which you are now residing or a state in which you plan to practice in the future. The project consists of several activities that culminate in the writing of a paper that summarizes your research and your experiences in this project. Activity 1 Identify the specific state credentialing or licensing board that governs the discipline that you plan to enter (e.g., professional counseling, chemical dependency counseling, marriage and family therapy, social work, etc.). Identify the location, dates, and times of public meetings at which credentialing and complaint activities are conducted. Activity 2 Identify so

Somatoform, Factitious, and Dissociative Disorders

When a client presents physical ailments for which no medical evidence confirms a condition, the client's pain may not simply go away. Rather, the pain may persist, further disrupting the client's life. In these cases, psychological evaluations may be used to determine if any psychological disorders exist. Specifically, somatoform disorders, factitious disorders, and dissociative disorders may be considered for the client's diagnosis. Additionally, psychologists may also evaluate whether other confounding factors, such as environmental and/or individual variables, influence a diagnosis. For this Discussion, review the case study in the Learning Resources. Consider the presenting symptoms of the client and any confounding factors that may influence diagnosis. With these thoughts in mind: 1.)write an Axes I through V diagnoses for the client in the case study (will up-load) 2.)and explain your rationale for assigning these diagnoses on the basis of the DSM-IV-TR. 3.)Then describe thre

How should I counsel suffering people – Essay

1.How can/should I counsel suffering people? 2.Is the point of counseling to remove all suffering? Why or why not? We are using the book Psycholoy, Theoplogy, and spirtuality in christian counseling by McMinn 96 multicultural communication in regards to Dress and Clothing within culture - Essay To get you started, you might start with reading a major newspaper or a magazine and looking for a recent article that addresses the multicultural communication in regards to Dress and Clothing within culture. Keep in mind your central theme(s) should be clear as you develop your work. Describe: • When, where situation occurred • Who was involved (roles/titles) Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Cultural Trends In Couple Therapy – THE LONG HOT Marriage. – Research Paper

This a paper That I interviewed Todd Creager ,MSW He is sex and couple therapist. http://toddcreagermarriageandsexblog.com/category/conflict-resolution/ there is vidios and all about him. the paper about his book: THE LONG HOT Marrige. and peer review Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy – Research Paper

This a APA 6thed paper I will send you an email with attrachments . Referances must be peer-reviewd . The Title page has to have Running head. dont number the title page . page 1 in the 1st page. title page is free! referance page must be APA 6th ed. Im sending APA Referances. send me an email if u have question. Font are 12 Arial. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Therapeutic Communication – Speech Presentation

Description of Setting & Situation: Who was involved in this interaction? What were the circumstances surrounding the interaction? What prompted the conversation When and where did it occur? Why did you choose to engage in a therapeutic communication to elicit this patient’s feelings at the time? How did you initiate the interaction? Patient Communication: Include details of your patient’s verbal and nonverbal reactions to each of your responses. Explain your patient’s reaction to each of your responses. (both verbal and nonverbal) Student Communication: Include details of your verbal and nonverbal reactions to each of the patient’s responses. Explain your reaction to each of the patient’s responses. T/NT Technique, Analysis & Rationale: Identify the type of technique that you utilized with each response Identify whether it was Therapeutic or Non-therapeutic Include an explanation of why you chose to use this particular technique when you responded (to each one). Anal

Contracting and goal setting-Essay

This assignment asks you to explore the process of contracting and goal setting with your client. (Addresses Learning Objectives 1,3,4,5,6,7) 1.    Select a client [a client can be an individual, family, group or community] Briefly describe the client. Include in this description, a discussion of the environmental and social factors impacting the client. 2.    Use the literature to define and discuss the concepts of assessment, goal setting and contracting. 3.    Talk about your experience of assessing your client. What skills did you use? 4.    Talk about the contract you and your client established. 5.    Identify at least 3 goals you and your client have identified. 6.    How has the agency helped and/or hindered your work with your client? 7.    Describe any value or ethical dilemmas encountered in the course of this relationship This assignment requires that the student use a minimum of 5 references, beyond the required texts, to include journal articles, mate

md6 dq 2- Essay

Why is it important for counselors to know what happens in 12-step Why is it important for counselors to know what happens in 12-step groups? Use examples within your answer please label this as MD6 DQ2 No cover page is required.

Explore all aspects of therapeutic process and critically evaluate their thinking, treatment plan and interventions. 50 minute dvd recording CBT Approaches: Counselling in Practice

Essay: Using a Case Study (with a DVD recording of the session that must be handed in), students will explore all aspects of therapeutic process and critically evaluate their thinking, treatment plan and interventions. 50 minute recording, 3500 word critical review of the session 1.Demonstrate a deep understanding of counselling processes 2.Demonstrate a greater degree of competence with regard to their therapeutic interventions (to a standard that is professionally acceptable) 3.Facilitate the formulation of effective therapeutic alliances with clients 4.Successfully identify therapeutic goals and formulate (and carry out) an effective treatment plan. CBT CASE STUDY This is a College case study DVD scenario, for 5o minutes. Y x-partner is back in her life they have a daughter. She feels that he’s jealous because she’s got a new partner. When Y daughter was four she had injunction toward her x and now her daughter is 8yrs old, he’s blaming Y for not been there in he’s daught