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Final essay

Policy Advisors from (mostly) the Past Length: 1000-1200 words Due: Monday, Dec. 19, 2016 Grade weight: 20% Submission: .doc format, to Blackboard (“assignments” -> “Final Essay”)

Representation of Women in Media

3 short essays need to be answered each essay cannot exceed 300 words, i'll upload documents pertaining to each short essay

poem(topic: As Time Passes)

Bivens poem in many ways follows a pattern, both in regards to sentence structure and in the overall organization of the poem established by her repetitiveness of certain phrases. Like Bivens’s poem, Melendrez’s poem follows a similar structure. Bivens writes about time passing around the general idea of life. In the second poem, Melendrez write about time passing from a teacher’s perspective. Although both authors’ purposes are different, each has given special attention to word choice, punctuation, detail, and organization with the goal of eliciting a certain response from their audience. Your task is to follow the lead of Bivens and Melendrez in imitating the structure of the poem. To do so, you should first decide from what perspective and/or idea you would like to focus on around the topic of “passing time.” Remember to think about your intended audience and what reaction or emotion you are trying to elicit. Lastly, make sure to give attention to word choice, punctuati

An overview of innovation in the industry/Compan

An overview of innovation in the industry/Company (you can choose any industry/Company) This report must base on an industry or even a specific company of your liking (for Parts 2 and 3). The format is a management report. Part 1: Provide a brief introduction to each of the topics in the table below that must include one or more cited definitions from credible sources. One paragraph per topic. Innovation type: 1 Product 2 Service 3 Marketing 4 Process 5 Technology 6 Business Model 7 Organisation / Management Part 2: Demonstrate the different types of innovation in the table above by means of appropriate examples from the extant academic literature, or publicly available information sources (you may include videos or images). If you find it difficult to come up with a specific example in any of the categories, take the liberty and propose something that you imagine would add significant value in your chosen industry, and justify your reasons. Maximum 200 words per topic. Part 3: Brie

Appraisal of the Psychometric Properties Of Responses To An Instrument By Older Adults

Assignment Requirements   I uploaded two materials to you, please read them before start writing. Those two materials can be used to analyze this essay. this is the eassy related to gerontology. Description For this first assignment, you are to report, summarize, and provide an overall appraisal of the psychometric properties of responses to an instrument by older adults. This can be a scale initially developed for use with older adults (e.g., Geriatric Depression Scale-cannot select this ) or a measure first developed with younger samples which has since been validated for use across the lifespan (e.g., Beck Depression Inventory- cannot select this ). Note that you cannot select Geriatric Depression Scale or the Beck Depression Inventory. Part of this exercise entails the identification and selection of an appropriate instrument for this assignment. This entails analysis of indices of reliability and validity as found in published research. You should briefly describe how the

Hybrid Car

Assignment Requirements   3 sources about hybrid car, and required one source is print source. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/vehicles/question262.htm http://www.howhybridcarswork.com A Tutorial on Hybrid Electric Vehicles: EV,HEV,PHEV and FCEV if your think the sources is not suit for paper, you can change   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

12 domains of culture//religion and spirituality American culture

Assignment Requirements   Write a 2 page paper with at least 2 citations on religion and spirituality. It has to be about a specific religion in American culture. it has to cover two main points.. the one's I have chosen are worship and deities or discipline of a specific religion in American culture. deities or discipline is the one you can choose one of, worship is a must. I need an introduction with a topic sentence, then a benefit for the audience to listen, what it benefits them. 2 main points, main point 1 worship, main point 2 deities or discipline... discipline if possible and if it goes with other in American culture. specific religion in specific region either in the southern American states or northern. again about American culture worship and such. have a transition between main points, transition from main point 1 to 2. and a conclusion that gives each main point with a sub point of each. if any further instructions needed please don't hesitate to ask.   Orde

Book Review

Assignment Requirements   In an MS Word Document, write a 7-10 page double spaced paper addressing the questions in the assignment where you summarize the content of each chapter and discuss the book’s applicability to the course. 5.Upload the document via the assignment submission area by clicking "Add Submission" Deliverables 7-10 page paper, double spaced--between 1750 and 2500 words BOOK REVIEW    
  1. Please include page numbers as instructed bellow.
  2. The review should reflect a master level student.
  3. The numbering should be as directed bellow.
  4. Not a rough writing please.
    The Book is by Pue, Carson.  Mentoring Leaders   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Taking violence out of hockey

Assignment Requirements   WR 2101F 001: Essay 4: Research Essay Length: 5 pages (not including bibliography and, if you are using APA format, title page) Write a persuasive research essay on one of the following topics. Please keep your audience in mind: you are writing a formal essay for a university course, and your instructor will be your primary reader. You must submit an original work: cite your sources responsibly. You must format your essay according to MLA or APA guidelines. You must refer specifically to the following five sources in your essay: one single-author academic book, two articles from scholarly journals, a discipline-specific reference work (e.g., dictionary, encyclopedia), and either a story or an editorial from a newspaper. The first must be a print source, but the others can be either print or electronic sources. You are, of course, free to cite other sources in your essay, but you must cite at least the five sources that I list above. Your essay must conc

Math Paper

Assignment Requirements   A paper of 4 or more complete pages of text, on a topic of historical, social, or cultural significance, in or related to mathematics. The bibliography, or citation page, and the cover page, are not counted as part of the 4 pages, but it should be included. MLA style required with a 12 pt font please make simple and try to make it interesting   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/