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Archive for the ‘Criminology’
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analyzing a Police Department

analyze how the department is organized and determine, what are various functions of the police department’s, units/divisions?Also from the organizational chart you receive, you will suggest what changes you would make to the organizational chart if you were the Chief of Police of that agency and why you would make those changes. You then might continue your paper by writing about the demographics in the city of Baltimore.Is it an urban city or a suburban town? Where is it located in this country? Maybe talk a little about their history. Also talk about the current crime situation in Baltimore. What are the major issues in Baltimore?Also, these facts can be used later in your paper to assess what changes you might want to make to, “your police department”. For example, more traffic officers because of the traffic related incidents. Maybe there’s a corruption problem in your P.D. so you

S.A.R.A Project

Intro. To Law Enforcement S.A.R.A. Model Assignment Based on the following scenario and what you have learned in class regarding the S.A.R.A. Model, prepare a comprehensive step-by-step overview of how the S.A.R.A. model could be applied to this scenario. Your methods utilized to address the incidents may incorporate any policing operation/philosophy/tool that we have discussed in class, to include: community policing and problem solving, predictive policing and statistics such as crime mapping, crime prevention techniques, the CHEERS Test, the Complete Problem Solving Triangle and various patrol strategies. You are expected to be creative and will be required to hypothesize the results/outcomes to complete the response and assessment sections. Be sure to discuss how you would measure the results of your efforts (numbers of calls for service, numbers of arrests, etc.). Be sure to address each step thoroughly. Your project must be typed, double-spaced, in essay format, with 1” margins


*I want a native australian writer *All references from australia where possible *please follow assessment questions precisely, i don't want any issues like i had with you in the past. Thanks.

Criminal Justice System and Reform Paper

With this in mind suggest three (3) reforms of the American criminal justice system that would increase its fairness and efficiency.В  For instance, which part or part or parts (police, courts, and/or corrections needs to be fixed?В  You may list three reforms for one part only (example:В  three reforms for the police) or, you can list one reform for the police, one reform for the courts, and one reform for corrections or any combination, as long as you come up with three reforms.В Discuss your three reforms in detail. What evidence is there that these reforms are needed?В  Be specific. Use real life examples of problems with the police, courts, and/or corrections to back up your argument. 1-2 pages; essay format (including an introduction and a conclusion) В

The Boy Who Knew Too Much- The story of Robert "Yummy" Sandifer

For this paper you should research the name Robert Sandifer aka "Yummy." Just a few pointers- *He was an 11 y/o little boy who was a member of the black disciples gang. *He was failed by DCFS who sent him to live with his grandmother and 19 other children. * He was later killed by the very same gang who he thought was "family." * He was the boy who knew too much. -In the paper include at least 3 criminological theories that fit Robert Sandifer's life. (i.e environment, middle class measuring rod, ect.) -Attempt to explain why he chose the gang life. -Answer the question: Was he failed by the legal system and Child protective services?

Questions – week2

Describe two major challenges in preventing global nuclear proliferation, despite the proliferation of international nonproliferation regimes? 2paragraphs explaining one challenge each. Use textbook Textbook(s): Forest, J. (2013).ВВ Weapons of Mass Destruction and TerrorismВВ (2nd ed., Vol. 1). New York: McGraw Hill. ISBNA 978—0-07-802-622-5

Argumentative research paper

Argumentative research paper 1500-2000 words 6-8 pages. Original claim. Can be casual, evaluation, or proposal. MLA with works cited page. No specific number of sources listed in requirements so about 5? How will the paper be sent to me? As an attachment..?

Homicide and Law Enforcement

Read attached file to answer questions for assignment. Also please note that I live in the state of "Michigan" therefore you will answer questions and research this state in which I live. Also writer may use as many sources he/she wants.

Homicide and Law Enforcement

Read attached file to answer questions for assignment. Also please note that I live in the state of "Michigan" therefore you will answer questions and research this state in which I live. Also writer may use as many sources he/she wants.

court report

QUESTION In observing justice in the courtroom, would you say that what you saw was the IDEAL of justice being DONE or the PROCESS of justice being MANAGED? Make reference to specific cases and contrast and compare the outcomes to support your claims. i went to courtroom 2 cases i just write the main things i can write you can add or fabric the other information i uplaod alot of information like the refrence you should to use the 2 case from local court and you can fabric in District courtroom in sydney because we should to visit both court. the subject area are both criminology and sociology. and ist report so you can use supheading . in this like you find the refrence style for this report i will upload file name ( information) you should to use the recource there and there are statics you have to use or find statics . and i will upload the 2 cases that i take a litile note about it in local and you can fabrice visit to District courtroom because we shoild use both Sociology De