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Archive for the ‘Economics’
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Assignment 2: Externalities

Assignment 2: Externalities Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
  1. Identify and discuss three (3) externalities, which can either be positive or negative.
  2. Conclude why an externality might exist in the situation that you described, and determine the solutions to mitigate these particular externalities.
  3. Analyze the different stakeholders (i.e., government, three (3) affected parties) that are involved in the externality, and identify what their roles are with regard to the externality.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the

Ethics and social justice

Assignment 2: Single-Payer Healthcare

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was implemented primarily to provide access to health insurance for those who would not otherwise be insured. The ACA is not designed as a single-payer healthcare system although some of its architects as well as its detractors see the ACA as steering the United States toward one. Research the single-payer approach to healthcare delivery using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

In a 3–4-page paper, address the following:

  • Define a single-payer system and identify a country where it is used.
  • Using demonstrated research findings, describe the strengths and weaknesses of a single-payer healthcare system.
  • Based on your current situation in terms of healthcare coverage (insured by an employer, covered under a parent’s or spouse’s policy, receivin

ECO 372 Class

Five Weeks Five week discussions (3 different days each week) Five Papers Final Exam

The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy

APA FORMAT/NO PLAGARISM Using the Internet, textbook or related resources, research the creation and role of the Federal Reserve. Then in a 2 page paper, address the following:
  • When was the Federal Reserve created and for what purpose?
  • How does the Federal Reserve manipulate our economy to foster economic growth?
  • Research at least three specific policies instituted by the Federal Reserve.
  • Finally give an analysis as to why or why not you feel these policies were successful. Remember to support your position with cited sources.

Ethics and social justice

In this course, you have learned that social policies are formulated to solve social problems considered important by a mass of voters, media, and political actors. Social policy is but one solution to the problem—not necessarily the most rational, effective, or socially just. Social policies are human creations and, as such, can be changed. In this paper you will analyze a social policy as a tool for social justice.

Research one social welfare policy using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Analyze the policy and address the following:

The social problem addressed by the policy

  1. What is/are the problem/s to be solved in the most fundamental terms?
  2. What is the history of the problem/s in the United States?
  3. What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what do you think is/are

Assignment 2: Discussion—Ethical Considerations for Healthcare Reform

In this assignment, you will explore the ethical issues present in the healthcare system.

Research the ethical issues of reforming the healthcare systems in the United States and at least one other country using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

Respond to the following:

  • Does the government have an ethical obligation to provide some form of healthcare for its citizens?
  • Identify the key features of the Affordable Care Act in the United States as well as the key features of healthcare proposals or systems in one other country.
    • In what ways do these features reflect a continuation of the existing system?
    • In what ways would they represent a significant overhaul?

Write your initial response a minimum of 200–300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Shaping Exchange Rates

"Consider the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Thai Bhat, the Pound Sterling and the Turkish Lira, since 2000. Using relevant economic models and data, evaluate what forces have shaped the developments of the exchange rate between the two currency areas. Given that currently the USA is recovering from one of the most severe recessions in its recent history, assess what policy measures (if any) the US has its disposal with respect to the exchange rate, in order to aid its recovery from recession. Consider both relevant economic models and data in order to establish the scope of feasible policy intervention. In doing so, be certain to outline the consequences (costs and benefits) of the policy suggestions. In writing your response, please note that you will be assessed on the ability to apply appropriate economic models, to marshal these toward the assessment of empirical (data driven) evidence, and for your ability to use both models and empirical evidence to argue for a cohe

The Myth of the Chilean Miracle

Outline Klein’s arguments in “The Myth of the Chilean Miracle” (p. 85, PDF) 1. Using two part title divided by a colon; 2. short direct quotes followed by bracketed page numbers; When you are summarizing the author’s reasoning and evidence, be as specific as possible and take extra care to clarify who is doing what in each sentence. Introductions should grab the reader and include the author’s last name, title of the reading, and question to be answered. Before concluding, effective compositions often restate an aspect of the introduction. This framing device may be a recalled detail, image, or idea expressed in different words.

The Myth of the Chilean Miracle

Outline Klein’s arguments in “The Myth of the Chilean Miracle” (p. 85, PDF) 1. Using two part title divided by a colon; 2. short direct quotes followed by bracketed page numbers; When you are summarizing the author’s reasoning and evidence, be as specific as possible and take extra care to clarify who is doing what in each sentence. Introductions should grab the reader and include the author’s last name, title of the reading, and question to be answered. Before concluding, effective compositions often restate an aspect of the introduction. This framing device may be a recalled detail, image, or idea expressed in different words.

International Trade and Finance

Assignment Instructions International Trade and Finance: NOTE: The following articles may be found in the APUS library system Stark, J. (2010). Is the global economy headed for a lost decade? A European Perspective. Business Economics, 45(3), 147-151 http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/744193003?accountid=8289 Capling, A., & Higgott, R. (2009). Introduction: The future of the multilateral trade system-what role for the world trade organization? Global Governance, 15(3), 313-325 http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/213733391?accountid=8289 Bishop, T., Reinke, J., & Adams, T. (2011). Globalization: Trends and perspectives. Journal of International Business Research, 10(1), 117-130. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/886529226?accountid=8289 Weiss, J. (2010). Changing Trade Structure and its Implications for Growth. World Economy, 33(10), 1269-1279. http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/login *** Assignment: Read the