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Archive for the ‘Economics’
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Shaping Exchange Rates

"Consider the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Thai Bhat, the Pound Sterling and the Turkish Lira, since 2000. Using relevant economic models and data, evaluate what forces have shaped the developments of the exchange rate between the two currency areas. Given that currently the USA is recovering from one of the most severe recessions in its recent history, assess what policy measures (if any) the US has its disposal with respect to the exchange rate, in order to aid its recovery from recession. Consider both relevant economic models and data in order to establish the scope of feasible policy intervention. In doing so, be certain to outline the consequences (costs and benefits) of the policy suggestions. In writing your response, please note that you will be assessed on the ability to apply appropriate economic models, to marshal these toward the assessment of empirical (data driven) evidence, and for your ability to use both models and empirical evidence to argue for a cohe

Corruption in Egypt

15 pages at least 10 sources


Word Limit 2500 words (excluding appendix and reference list)   Refer to the Journal Article Attached as a guide on how to report the results of the data analysis.   Use SPSS OR STATA as the preferred software for data analysis.  

Advanced Manufacturing Systems

This is Mechanical engineering assignment for a course of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, this assignment is taking about Baby carriers. It need to be focused on a new baby carrier to be produced and marketed by the firm. attachments will be described more.

Writing Assignment #3

1- I Will upload Writing Assignment #1 and Writing Assignment #2 I already done to give you idea what is my project about 2- I Will upload the instruction for this assignment and the outline. 3- I will upload chapters from the book to help you with the writing. 4- I Will upload example for my friend to give you more idea please do not copy from it. name of the file (PAPER3-ADED701). 5- I want two more resource to be used . .

Export Business Plan

Select a product of which you will export to a foreign country. After your product is chosen, decide on a foreign country to which you will export. In developing your Export Business Plan, you will present the following information: See Attachment Product: Handbags from China  

Historical Sources of Pre-Industrial Europe

You are expected to follow the PDF file assignment's clear directions of solving the problem that is presented. Please refer to the Book as the main source that I have attached as a PDF. Further more you are allowed to use empirical sources to get to your answers. Make sure they are empirical sources. Maximum 1000 words Please cite all resources and add as page of bibliography.

Creating Shared value

Creating Shared value

Review and Evaluation Processes

Case study (chapter 10) – Controllable Costs Young People Past Time Association is a social association whose objective is to keep youngsters effectively occupied. This association runs a tennis coaching program for those who are interested. Being a non-profit organisation and being funded by grants from different levels of government authorities its charges for coaching are very affordable to many youngsters. Being accountable for public money, the association is concerned with the lack of control over the costs that relate directly to the coaching program. For the coaching program courts are hired from the local council. The hire fees paid are directly related to the activities. The rate paid to tennis coaches hired on a need basis are higher than booking them on a continued basis. The coaches are hired based on demand for their services and not on a permanent basis. Many tennis balls are lost particularly by beginners as they hit the ball wildly . As a fund raising activity and

Economics Empirical Project

Empirical project on an Economics topic of your choosing. The country selected MUST be from the Caribbean.   Software requirement: EVIEWS Outline: Statement of the problem: describe the problem you have studied, the questions you have asked, and the broad hypothesis you have tested. Review of Literature: summarize the relevant literature. Formulation of  a general model: describe the initial model you formulated and point out the difference between your model and those reviewed in the RL. Data Sources and Description: Present a table of variable names and their definitions. Specify the source of data and attach a copy of raw data. Model Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Present the regression results in tables with relevant statistics. Interpretation of the Results and Conclusion.  Present some concluding remarks regarding the study and put it in perspective with other studies. Include tables   Limitation of the Study and Possible