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Archive for the ‘Economics’
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A critique of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development (500-words).

A critique of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development (500-words).

ECO LASA2: Implementation of Sustainability in an Organization.

Global economics

British car manufacturing hit a record high in the first half of 2016 with firms such as Toyota, Nissan and Mini continuing to increase their output. Almost 80% of all of those automobiles were exported to the EU and to other nations outside of Britain. Your client, a well-known Korean car manufacturer, has contacted you for your advice regarding her plan to begin manufacturing vehicles in Britain at the start of next year. You will need to respond to her with: The compelling reasons for Toyota, Nissan and Mini to have chosen Britain for manufacturing The concerns over Britain’s decision to leave the EU and what this could mean for manufacturing and exporting Your recommendation for whether or not she should go through with those plans. Your recommendation must be based upon factual evidence and should any include any concerns she should consider if she follows your advice. Your response should follow APA guidelines and should include in-text citations and a reference page at the en

Elasticity and Its Application

Assignment 2: Elasticity and Its Application

Over the last year your boss has noticed that it would be useful for your firm to understand how consumers behave when variables in the market change and how these changes affect the total revenue for your product. You have been asked to do an analysis for your product, Good A, by addressing the following questions and reporting the results to your boss in a formal paper.


  1. Define the price elasticity of demand? What information does it provide? How is it calculated?
  2. Define the income elasticity of demand? What information does it provide? How is it calculated?
  3. Define the cross-price elasticity of demand? What information does it provide? How is it calculated?
  4. What is total revenue? How is it calculated?
  5. Define elastic, inelastic, and unitary elasticity means. How are these related to tot

Market Structure and Pricing Power

Select a new, realistic good or service for an existing industry, preferably an industry you current work in or one in which you are interested in working.

Develop a 1,400-word evaluation of pricing strategies available producers of your selected product. This will include statements about the market structure and the elasticity of demand for the product, based on text book principles and real world products under development.

Economics assignment

definition of terms and clearly outline the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics

Taxes in United States

The topic has to consist on macroeconomic. It should explains a major macro theory that relates to current events. The thesis statement should be backed up by a major economic figure that should serve as the authority for the ideas you want to defend and explain. Include footnotes or in-text citations. The paper will be graded on how well the writer can explain and use a macroeconomic theory on a current event/issue affecting the global economy and by the Rubic included.

E201 (Intro to Micro)v

You are required to write one short paper for this course. You will need to choose an article from any credible sources like The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Courier Journal, The Economist, etc. that is published during this semester (August-November 2016). The article must relate to the course materialcovered in the class. Include a copy of the article with your paper. The following is thegrading criteria to be used to evaluate your papers.Divide your paper into sections to match the evaluation scheme. Use the same section headings as the ones provided below. The total text of your paper should be approximately 3 typed pages in length, double-spaced [this excludes cover page and graph/s]. Use 12 point letter font and 1 inch margin.

Functions of Money

APA format 2 pages NO PLAGARISM There are two parts to this assignment.
  1. Consider these scenarios:
Dash Riprock goes shopping at the local music store he sees a CD of his favorite singer Elvis Costello for only $5. Dash picks up the CD to buy it and then at the last minute he sees another CD of another one of his favorite performers, the Beasty Boys, for $7 and next to it is his favorite all time girl band, the Spice Girls for only $10. This is money acting as? Crunch Hardtack visits the local zoo. He notices there is a charge to see each animal. It costs $45 to see the monkeys and $78 to see the ant eaters and $94 to see the snails. Being a snail lover, Crunch gives the clerk $94 and goes in and sees the snails. This is money acting as? Bolt Upright wants to take a vacation. He searches on the internet to find the perfect spot to visit. He finds a 3-week vacation in Siberia for only $1000. Then he finds two weeks of fun in Death Valley, California

The Three Functions of Money

2 paragraphs, APA format, NO PLAGARISM Of the three functions of money, which one do you feel is most important to you and why? Of the three functions which one do you feel is most important to the U.S. economy and why. Finally, of the three functions, which one do you feel is most important for the global economy and why? Do you feel a barter system would work for you personally, for the U.S. economy, or for the global economy?