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Archive for the ‘Economics’
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Major Debates over Macroeconomic Policy

Select two subjects from the following list of topics and write a 1,050-word analysis:
  • Active monetary and fiscal policy
  • Increased government spending to fight recessions
  • Reducing federal government's discretionary powers
  • Zero-inflation target
  • Balanced government budget
  • Tax incentives for saving
Evaluate both the advocates' position and the critics' position. Determine which position you support and defend your position. Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources not including your textbook. Format consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Economics Empirical Paper

Outline: Statement of the problem: describe the problem you have studied, the questions you have asked, and the broad hypothesis you have tested. Review of Literature: summarize the relevant literature. Formulation of  a general model: describe the initial model you formulated and point out the difference between your model and those reviewed in the RL. Data Sources and Description: Present a table of variable names and their definitions. Specify the source of data and attach a copy of raw data. Model Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Present the regression results in tables with relevant statistics. Interpretation of the Results and Conclusion.  Present some concluding remarks regarding the study and put it in perspective with other studies. Include tables   Limitation of the Study and Possible Extension. Recognize the limitations of the study. Limitations might be due to inadequate data, lack of appropriate  software package, etc.

Applications of Forecasting by Firms

Assignment 2: Applications of Forecasting by Firms

Forecasting is used as a tool for planning. When developing forecasts, firms need to think of all possible scenarios and their future impacts.

For example, if you are in a management role and overforecast sales, you will then overforecast employees or payroll as you will schedule more employees than needed to meet your projected sales. This overforecasting will lead to excess purchasing of supplies and, ultimately, lead to insufficient cash flows because you will need to pay for expenses incurred to maintain and provide services for revenues that did not come in as projected. A small error in forecasting at the start can significantly affect overall results. In this assignment, you will be exposed to the basic principles of forecasting.


Research a firm that applies forecasting principles and methods. Y

A critique of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development (500-words).

A critique of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development (500-words).

Assignment 1: Discussion—Assessment of Risks

Assignment 1: Discussion—Assessment of Risks

Risks are common for all firms, but there are different levels of risks in different industries and in different countries. The differences in risks from firm to firm or industry to industry are called unsystematic risks. Consequently, individual firms and industries deal with risks in different ways.


Consider two companies that deal in two entirely different industries, such as Microsoft, which is a technology company, and Caterpillar Inc., which manufactures heavy equipment.

Respond to the following questions:

  • Explain how the risks and the approaches to anticipate these risks differ for each company.
  • Analyze the kinds of risks that are most intimidating for each.

Economics of Inequality and Derivation

Describe the evolution of inequality in a country of your choice (The preferred country of discussion is South Africa or Nigeria but generally you can use any country except USA, CHINA, GERMANY and UK). Illustrate your discussion using data you have collected and displayed in the form of tables or graphs. In your discussion, using graphs please show the trends in the following: Gini Coefficient, share of income going to top 1%, Earnings of top deciles as % of median, Quantile ratios, General Entropy Index (GE index decomposes overall inequality into Sub-groups) trends, Discuss the potential reasons behind the changes in inequality that you observe. The word limit of this essay is 1500 words. Referencing style: Harvard System of Referencing

Assignment 1: Markets, International Trade, and the Government

Assignment 1: Markets, International Trade, and the Government

You are given the following scenarios for consideration:
  • Scenario 1: Assume that the government imposed a price ceiling on gasoline in order to prevent prices from getting too high. What are the economic implications of this action in the gasoline markets? Use graphs as needed and explain your answers thoroughly.
  • Scenario 2: Assume that the government imposed a price floor on wages (minimum wage) in order to make sure that workers can earn a living wage. Is this a price floor? What are the economic implications of this action in the labor markets? Use graphs as needed and explain your answers thoroughly.
  • Scenario 3: What are the gains and losses of international trade? What happens when tariffs are imposed, in terms of the importing and exporting countries? Use graphs as needed an


answers for questions1,2, 3 and 4

Data Collection Strategies – Value and Appropriateness

The focus of this paper is Educating young children Research Questions Data Collection Tool Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match with what you are attempting to find and to measure? Will the incorporation of project-based learning improve students%u0432%u0402%u2122 state assessment scores as it relates to the Common Core State Standards in comprehending non-fiction text? District Common Assessments (post-test) This research question requires quantitative data collection. The answer of this question is either yes, the incorporation improves test scores or no, it does not. District common assessments, which assess Common Core State Standards as well, can also be used for post-test data. Will the inclusion of project-based learning improve student application of comprehending non-fiction text at a high depth of knowledge level? Pretests and post-tests Pre- and post-tests can give quantitative data to support findings in the examination of the artifacts an

The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource: The Fishery

The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource: The Fishery