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Archive for the ‘Economics’
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ECON 4751 – Financial Economics Project 1

You may use either Excel or Stata to complete the project. Regardless of which software you use, you must document with images each step. Briely explain your work throughout the project: what is the purpose of the calculations you are doing? The main goal of the project is for you to understand the theory behind optimal portfolio choice, as well as nd good data sources and become familiar with using statistical software. Important: The project should look and read like a short paper. In particular, it should have an Introduction section, a Data section, a Results section etc.

What would be the inputs you use in the production

Homework 1 NAME_____________________ Please type your answers and upload to D2L dropbox folder Question 1. Let’s say that you want to open your own haircut salon. a) What would be the inputs you use in the production? b) What is your output? c) Write down 5 decisions you will have to make (the decisions discussed in the book and class) and specify what you actually decided on in each of thesedecisions. Question 2. a) Over the past 30 years, technological advancements have reduced the cost of computer chips. How do you think this has affected the market for computers? For computer software? For typewriters? b) Suppose that in the year 2015 the number of births is temporarily high. How does this baby boom affect the price of babysitting services in 2020 and in 2030? (hint: 5-year-olds need babysitters, whereas 15-year-olds can be babysitters Question 3.You are thinking of opening a hardware store. You estimate it will cost $100,000 a year to rent a storefront and $400,000 to renovate a

Assignment 2 – the following statements using supply and demand

Assignment 2 1. Explain each of the following statements using supply and demand. a. When a cold snap hits Florida, the price of orange juice rises in super markets throughout the country. b. When the weather turns warm in New England every summer, the price of hotel rooms in Caribbean resorts plummets. 2. For each of the following market situations, explain whether the supply curve or the demand curve shifts, in which direction does it shift, and the equilibrium price and quantity as a result of the change. a. The market for Ginkgo Biloba after studies shows its efficacy at memory retention with no adverse side effects. b. The market is for automobiles after the price of steel, which is used to produce automobiles, increases by 50%. 3. Consider the following events: Scientists reveal that consumption of oranges decreases the risk of diabetes, and at the same time, farmers use a new fertilizer that makes orange trees more productive. Illustrate and explain what effect these changes hav

Explain what engineering management

Questions. 1. Explain what engineering management is. What skills an engineer manager needs to succeed in the new millennium? Include References. 2. What was the positive value of Max Weber's model of "bureaucracy"? Include references. 3. For what types of employees or positions do you think management by objectives (MBO) should prove particularly effective? Ineffective? Include References 4. Explain the difference between "optimizing" and "sufficing" in making decisions, and distinguish between routine and non-routine decisions. Include References. 5. Herzberg specifically classed salary as a hygiene factor, not a motivator. How does salary fit in with Maslow’s hierarchy? Discuss how these two statements relate. Include References. 6. Two products are to be manufactured. A single unit of product A requires 2.4 minutes of punch press time and 5.0 minutes of assembly time. The profit for product A is $0.60 per unit. A single unit product B requires 3.0 minutes of punch press time and

What impact will increasing minimum wage to $10hr

Question What impact will increasing minimum wage to $10hr have on the US economy Research Paper Requirements PAPER DUE DATE: (see ASSIGNMENTS section of course for due date). Papers should be submitted as WORD files. OUTLINE DUE DATE: (see ASSIGNMENTS section of course for due date). Prepare and submit a one or two paragraph abstract of your topic as well as a short outline of your paper's proposed organization. The abstract and outline should be submitted in WORD format. CONTRIBUTION TO GRADE: The Research Paper score constitutes 20% of your grade in Business 6120. LENGTH AND FORMAT: The paper should be 10 - 15 pages in length, double spaced, and follow generally accepted APA guidelines for college papers. It should contain a bibliography, and references should be properly noted. Information on APA standards for preparing papers can be found at the Webster online library. PURPOSE: The purpose of having you write a research paper is to gauge how effectively you can apply informa

Price Discrimination 2 – Many pharmaceuticals

Price Discrimination 2 1. Many pharmaceuticals produced in the United States are sold at lower prices in other countries than in the United States. Proposed legislation would allow drugs sold by U.S. firms in Canada to be re-imported to the United States at prices available in Canada. If such legislation passed, which of the following would most likely occur? A. The profits earned by pharmaceutical companies will not be affected because their patents give them monopoly power in supplying many types of drugs. B. The price at which pharmaceuticals are sold in the United States will fall, and the price at which they are sold in Canada will rise. C. The prices at which pharmaceuticals are sold in the United States will fall to the levels that now exist in Canada. 2. The EarthCom Company prices its wireless service differently in the two market segments it serves even though the cost of adding a new customer is the same in each segment. Market research has shown that EarthCom can increase i

Evaluate the Expenditure Multiplier effect

Evaluate the Expenditure Multiplier effect coming from an increase of government consumption in $400, combined with a reduction of taxes in the amount of $200 (assume a mpc=0.8) show formula and calculations for full credit. Identify and explain 2 potential complications related to the use of fiscal expansion as a way to promote economic activity

Evaluate the Expenditure Multiplier effect

Evaluate the Expenditure Multiplier effect coming from an increase of government consumption in $400, combined with a reduction of taxes in the amount of $200 (assume a mpc=0.8) show formula and calculations for full credit. Identify and explain 2 potential complications related to the use of fiscal expansion as a way to promote economic activity

Ten firms compete in a market to sell product X

Ten firms compete in a market to sell product X. The total sales of all firms selling the product are $2,500,000. Ranking the firms’ sales from highest to lowest, we find the top four firms’ sales to be $240,000, $220,000, $200,000, and $178,000, respectively. Calculate the four-firm concentration ratio in the market for product X.

Assignment Moral Hazard – In economic theory

Assignment: Moral Hazard Overview In economic theory, a moral hazard is a situation where a party will have a tendency to take risks because the costs that could result will not be felt by the party taking the risk. In other words, it is a tendency to be more willing to take a risk, knowing that the potential costs or burdens of taking such risk will be borne, in whole or in part, by others. For this assignment, you will explore a corporate scandal that has occurred in the past 5 years. You will examine moral hazard and the relationship with excessive risk taking by management. Action Items¬: Write 3¬page papers that includes the following sections. Format the paper according to the cademic Paper A Guidelines. 1. Identify a corporate scandal that has occurred in the last 5 a. years Discusses the corporate scandal chosen and the moral hazard involved. b. Discusses the excessive risk taking by management that lead to the scandal. c. d. Provides possible solutions to mitigate the moral