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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Curriculum Guide for Academic Intervention

Assignment Requirements   A curriculum guide is a packet of practical ideas for teaching. It is written in a convenient format as practical teaching notes for use by either you or your colleagues. It is a how-to guide that covers steps for achieving specific objectives, principles governing behavior, or descriptions of effective teaching strategies, interventions, and accommodations that a special educator can use in the classroom. The guide might include: 1. The title of the strategy or principle (must include 5 strategies) 2. An explanation of its educational purpose (goal or objective) 3. A task analysis of teacher and student activities 4. Student assessment procedures 5. A reference for each strategy (5-references should be included) Create a curriculum guide for teaching reading with additional learning strategies and possible behavioral interventions for any off-task student. Include practical information necessary for effective teaching of students with EBD. In 800-1,00

Education and Cultural Diversity

Assignment Requirements   See attached file for complete paper requirements. Required Text for Term Paper   Donna M. Gollnick & Philip C. Chinn. Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society. 9th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. 2013.   **************************************************************************** This should be seen as a scholarly paper which answers the following questions:
  1. What are the three areas you have chosen to focus on? Why? (Topics Listed Below)
  2. How have these issues been seen within the historical / legal framework of modern educational thought?
  3. What have you personally experienced within each of the three areas that have made a positive contribution to your life as an educator?
  4. What do you see as the future for yo

3000 language 7day

Assignment Requirements   3000 language 7day SubjectCultural Translation and Transfer Write a 3000-word essay in response to the following question: With detailed reference to AT LEAST TWO of the theorists you have studied on this module (ie two theorists from the ‘Required Reading’ lists), analyse the significance of ONE of the following on questions of cultural translation: gender; colonialism; OR religion.(MUST choose this onereligion Your essay must be double-spaced, include an appropriate and accurate bibliography, and be submitted as a paper copy to the Graduate Office (with the appropriate coversheet) and via Turnitin   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Lesson Reflection

Assignment Requirements   Lesson reflection You should use peer feedback you have received on your microteaching activity in writing your lesson reflection(please see the uploaded documents). You can write about any changes you made to your teaching between your practice and your final teaching session. Question for lesson reflection Your lesson reflection should be written in paragraph form, answering the question below. Critically reflect on your microteaching session, drawing on your knowledge of learning and teaching principles developed in the course. You must include in-text referencing for all sources and a reference list. Some tips on writing your lesson reflection Think about your lesson reflection BEFORE and DURING your microteaching session, not just after it! Use your peer feedback to help you in writing your reflection. Review the 5 Rs of reflection in the course notes SOME POINTS TO CONSIDER IN YOUR LESSON REFLECTION The lesson reflection question is: Crit

DQ 1& 2

Assignment Requirements   {Writer place place ( " ) quotation marks at the beginning and the end of what is being cited in the writing.} {Writer this class is a "General Education Capstone" for a degree in Social and Criminal Justice.} 1. Review The Surgeon General�s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation 2010. https://vizedhtmlcontent.next.ecollege.com/pub/content/ae879674-e923-40e4-8238-daa12f3434bc/GEN499.W4.SurgeonGenVision2010Reading.pdf Then, locate a news article or video related to obesity. Identify the source and evaluate the impact of the report, in relation to the media attention and focus on the topic of obesity. How did the report and media coverage create a sense of urgency to move the audience from complacency to action? In what ways do persuasive arguments and presentations directed toward general audiences create a call to action for reform? Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. 2. At this point in the course, you should have a stron


Assignment Requirements   Just write a Review of practice teaching You need to review a student. In your review you should answer the following questions: What was the most effective part of the activity and why? Pick one part of the activity that did not run smoothly. What would you have done differently to avoid or resolve this situation? Do you have any suggestions on how to increase student engagement in this activity? Refer to the following principles of good teaching in your suggestions: 3. Make learning relevant by using real and current examples and by linking theory and practice; 5. Provide opportunities for active learning and engagement including discussion; 6. Develop a personal connection with students through classroom and online interaction; 7. Motivate students to achieve your expectations through encouragement, enthusiasm, interest, variety, relevance and challenge; 9. Plan thoroughly for teaching but be flexible in response to student feedback. A golden rule wi

Response to "A Time for Justice"

Assignment Requirements   Please view documentary "A time for Justice" by Charles Guggenheim. found in You TUbe.com. develop a concrete picture of how different social classes are defines and consider the impact these factors would have on a student's academic success. the only reference's to be used for the essay are document and the handouts ( I will email ) this is for a mutli-cultural education THIS IS MY SECOND ORDER HOW DO I GET MY DISCOUNT?   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Training Program case study

Assignment Requirements TRAINING PROGRAM CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT In order to continue designing the employee training program you are developing, you will do a case study of a national or international company in your field. You will research the target company’s training program online and design a 10-15 slide digital presentation to present your findings to your board of directors. DELIVERABLES For Project 2, you will submit a professionally-designed presentation for the company’s board of directors, that includes: ◾Cover Slide Your name, report title, date ◾Introduction Summarizes the need for developing the formal training for your company. The introduction also provides the name and location of the company whose training program was assessed for this project. . ◾Case Study Through online research identify a company that publishes extensive information on their training/professional development program. Please remember that companies may call their training programs di

Applied Psychology: Mental Toughness

Assignment Requirements   Attached is paper requirements and book to be referenced. Paper requirements: all parts and questions need to be addressed per paper requirements. Book to be referenced chapters 9-10“Cornerstones of Coaching” by Jon J. Hammermeister 2010.  Paper requirements: While most coaches focus on sports skills, Chapters 9-10 evaluate the importance of incorporating mental training into sport.  After completing the mental toughness survey (results below), write a paper that addresses each component assessed.  Begin the paper by summarizing your own results.  Next, break down each area (reboundability, pressure, concentration, confidence, and motivation) and discuss how you address each of these areas with your players.  What do you do to enhance each area and/or assist athletes who have difficulties in these areas?  Have at least one paragraph for each area.  Conclude your paper with

3 scenarios

Assignment Requirements   I want one scenario about coaching each scenario is between 3 persons one scenario about mentoring between 3 persons one scenario about consultation between 3 persons write 3 scenarios one for each coaching, mentoring, and consultation a teacher. at the end of each scenario you will write question about how shout the other two person advice this teacher? It will be on chapter 8 I will upload the chapter if you need Interactions Author: Friend ISBN: 9780132774925   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/