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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Main concepts in Conversational Framework analysis – Conceptual

Assignment Requirements   Main concepts in Conversational Framework analysis – Conceptual • Definition of the Conversational framework (CF), what it suggests in relation to teaching and learning/where it is derived from (the conversational theory) and the purpose of the CF (whether it is to analyse/evaluate educational technology or to create a new one). • Explanation of the CF model (the 12 processes as well as the discursive/interactive levels). • The main concepts of the CF as an analytical tool for educational technology. Please use the textbook (teaching as a design science: Building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology) for Diana Laurillard, 2012 as a reference and any other book of hers. • Studies that have used the CF to analyse educational technology. These studies could be discussing any type of educational technology. However, please try to find something related to medical educational technology. This paper should not have an introduction or a

A Classroom Plan

Assignment Requirements A Classroom Plan For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include: a.Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words. b.Identify and describe the developmental characteristics of the selected age group. c.Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the text or other scholarly resources when describing your layout. (You may use a software application that provides graphic layouts like Classroom Architect, or create your layout in a word document.) d.Create one activity for each developmental domain. Make sure to include a detailed description with a step-by-step procedure that includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each of these act

Draft a Research Problem

Assignment Requirements: Editing   Based on the feedback you received on the topics in Activity 2, select one of those topics, and draft a Statement of the Research Problem. The draft Statement of the Research Problem should be supported by research literature and should have the characteristics identified in Activity 3. The documents in the loaded references will be helpful in the actual development of this draft. Use the ‘comment’ feature of Word to annotate the presence of those characteristics identified in Activity 3 within your draft. The editing is to add comments using the Comment Feature in Word using the loaded references. Make sure the comments are entered in the side margin of the paper. Sample Problem Statement Direction Please provide further explanation of your purpose statement see the direction from the DRF below.
Problem Statement (approximately 250 to 300 words) Note

Scientific Methods, Research Designs, and Researchable Questions

Assignment Requirements   READING ASSIGNMENT Fraenkel & Wallen Text: Chapters 1 and 2 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Your assignments for this unit are to select three subjects of interest to you and then pose each of them in three different ways of questioning as follows: 1. State the subject in general terms, such as the relation of class size and student achievement, together with the reasons for your interest in it. 2. State the subject in a more specific but still non-researchable way, as with our modified question from the Study Notes. 3. Restate the subject in a researchable way with its terms and behaviors appropriately defined, specified, and measurable. Prioritize the three according to your degree of interest (Healthcare Educator Degree). The 3 subjects are Promoting Wellness, Health Concerns, and how to cope with or manage existing health conditions(One page each should suffice.) STUDY NOTES SCIENTIFIC THEORIES AND METHODS A course in educational research design should beg

Qualitative Interviews using NVivo qualitative software

Assignment Requirements   This paper requires the researcher to apply the chosen topics of interest. I am going to be attaching the prospectus for the research. For this, you need to use a list of open-ended interview questions with Socratic follow-up options that will provide the required data in thematic codes using the NVivo qualitative software. Write 3–5 open-ended research questions with 3–5 open-ended interview questions for each research question. Usually, these research questions will focus on perceptions and descriptions. For each interview question, include approximately 3–5 Socratic follow-up questions (applicable to any interview question) to elicit responses that can be evaluated and coded. After receiving feedback from the instructor regarding the alignment of the interview questions to the specific questions, conduct an interview with a person (any one of your colleagues, peers, friends, or family members) who fits the population you have selected to work

Application: Adapting an Assessment

Assignment Requirements   • Choose an assessment you have already used with your students and brainstorm ideas for how to adapt the assessment for a student with special needs. • Select three or more of your ideas for adaptations to the assessment and formulate a rationale for the changes you have made. In particular, focus on how the accommodations will help the student more accurately demonstrate progress toward the intended learning outcomes. • Be sure to consider one or more ways you will address each of the following: preparing the student before the test, providing support during the test, and communicating results after the test. • Also consider technologies that might help students "bypass" their disability and more accurately demonstrate their progress toward the outcomes being measured. With these thoughts in mind, write a report that provides the following: • A brief description of the original assessment. • A description of the revised assessment, that in

Developing High School Mathematics Skills: Comparing Experience of Regular and Special Education Students with Teachers’ Experience from an Inclusive and General Classroom

Assignment Requirements   Please use sample Chapter 5 to complete my Chapter 5. I need for chapter 4 to be put together with chapter 5. I will also send you a copy of Chapter 1 thur 3 to summarize my chapter 5. I also need 6 references for my chapter 5. So please open the attachments. please indicate current reference for Ch.5. Remember only put ch.4 & Ch.5 together.   Chapter 5: Discussion
  • introductory paragraphs provide overview of the study
  • results are elaborated and interpreted in sequence and relative to each research question
  • conclusions and summaries regarding the findings are offered
  • findings are linked to relevant research
  • implications of findings are discussed
  • limitations are indicated
  • recommendations for future research are offered
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Diversity And Social Justice

Assignment Requirements   Please read additional folder with instructions   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Reflective Learning Practice On Leaders In Universities

Assignment Requirements: Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review   Please. deal with my supervisor's comments on this file to improve my writing. I ask you to write 550 for that. I will upload the file later in my account   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Differentiation and character principle

Assignment Requirements   Using the Lesson Plan Template, plan the differentiation (student population) and character principle for the five-lesson thematic unit. Fill out the differentiation and character principle sections on the template for all five lessons Below are listed the specific instructions for each section. Student Population: Describe the group for whom the lesson is being prepared. Identify cultural groups, learning style groups, ability groups, and any special needs groups represented. Define any special groupings to be addressed during the lesson. Cut and paste into each lesson. Character Principle: Choose a character trait that applies to the lesson. State the principle in children's terms, a correlated verse (or an appropriate excerpt for young children), and the Scripture reference (even if you are teaching in a public school). The character principle must also be included in the lesson. you will fill this information in on all five plans in the attachment