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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Research problem and literature review on technology addiction in children

Assignment Requirements   Research problem and literature review on technology addiction in children In this task, students will identify and articulate a problem worthy of research within their own area of professional interest and expertise. Students will submit an essay which: • Clearly outlines the background context to the problem • Succinctly articulates the problem itself • Provides a literature review which systematically surveys existing research relevant to the topic, identifying multiple research approaches and forms of evidence appropriate to addressing the problem. • Evaluates the relative advantages and limitations of alternative research perspectives on the problem. Note: This task is not the development of a full research proposal, but is intended to develop and demonstrate students' skills in identifying potentially researchable topics and issues, in critically evaluating existing research that bears on the issue, and evaluating alternative possible appr


Assignment Requirements   360 Individual Project Proposal for Literature for Children and Young Adults Your name ____________________________________________ Date __________________________ Topic _______________________________________________________ (How is your topic connected with children's literature?) Purpose/Goal of the project ________________________________________________ ñ What do you want to do? How did you get to the point of deciding on this topic? What influenced your decision? ñ Why do you want to do it? Why is it important? What will it do for you? How will it help you professionally? personally? ñ How might this project help children/adolescents/students and/or others who are significant to them? What resources and materials – ones that you predict you may need as well as ones you are already familiar with – would be required to complete your project? Include some sources that provide justification for this project


Assignment Requirements: Dissertation   It should be 15000 words and includes 6 chapters as well as abstract and table of content including page numbers. chapter 1: is introduction and should be 1000 words.say a summary about CLT revolution and explain what you are going to do.say this topic is interesting because more and teachers are interested in CLT in Iran because they experience grammar translation method at high schools and so they cant communicate and all they know is about grammar. so they go to private schools with clt method to learn how to talk and communicate.and you want to search what british teachers think about the level of grammar on clt.and talk about clt and the role of grammar in it chapter 2 : is literature review and 3000 words.. compare and contrast different books that are related to the role of grammar in CLT chapter 3 : is 2000 words. includes what is the research how does it emerge from an evaluation of the literature what is /are the problems with g

Accreditation in Higher Education

Assignment Requirements   Please read the Day 2 materials before completing the assignment. Required: This second assignment is designed to strengthen your understanding of the concept of quality in postsecondary education in Europe. You are required to prepare a research paper demonstrating your knowledge of the impact of the Bologna Accord and the impact on higher education institutions in Europe. Your paper should include: • An adequate definition of quality assurance; • illustration of hierarchy in quality organizations; • commentary on the purpose of the Bologna Accord; • a description of the quality assessment process and timeline; • a compare and contrast of the Bologna Accord requirements for quality in higher education to the CHEA requirements for accreditation in the US; and • the role of European governments in the quality assurance process. While the task is simply stated, your submission should be approximately 4,000 words, formally structured, reflec

Assignment 1

Assignment Requirements   Week 1 Lecture: Reviewing the Research Project, Chapters 1 and 2   It may be useful as you begin this concluding research course to take a step back and review the applied research process—a process that hopefully you will employ repeatedly in your career as an educator. It begins with the identification of an actual problem in a real school, classroom, or similar workplace. While there is surely a place for theoretical research and experimental research, the typical educator may be better served by focusing on an immediate problem that needs to be solved. When such a problem is solved or at least improved upon, students benefit right away.   The process comprises several steps:
  • Identify the problem
  • Collect quantifiable evidence of the problem that describes its nature and extent
  • Research the literature to understand the causes of and possible solutions for such a problem
  • Implement


Assignment Requirements   Discuss specific advantages and disadvantages to using a qualitative approach. What implications do these advantages and disadvantages have in the process of choosing a qualitative design for your Applied Research Project?   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Planning and Differentiating Instruction for Every Student

Assignment Requirements   Planning and Differentiating Instruction for Every Student In this week’s Learning Resources you examined the importance of planning for designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment. You also explored different planning strategies and frameworks. These tools support your efforts to provide a learning environment that maximizes opportunities for every student to successfully access the general education curriculum. In the media segment, “Ryan’s Story, Part Three,” you observed the IEP team as they made decisions about the accommodations and modifications Ryan will receive in his general education classroom. In this week’s Discussion, you will explore how to plan for differentiated instruction and how to use the strategies and frameworks described in this week's Learning Resources. Consider Dr. King-Sears’ planning strategy from the media segment "Planning," the INCLUDE planning strategy from the course text, and the Universal Design fo

Analyzing a textbook that is designed for ESL children

Assignment Requirements Please complete the remaining chapters of the dissertation with clear headings. These include Findings (at least 1500 words), Discussion (at least 1500 words) and Conclusion (approx. 600 words). Basically it is to analyze/evaluate the effectiveness of a textbook (a unit is attached for your reference) using a guideline from the Education Bureau of Hong Kong (see attachment: Guiding Principles for Quality Printed Textbooks) and synthesizing with the interview data. The completed chapters (Intro., Lit. review and Methodology) as well as interview transcripts are attached for your reference. In addition, please avoid citing internet sources for the Bibliography and must not disclose or share any of the uploaded document(s) to anyone. Your help is greatly appreciated.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Learning, training and development in London Hilton hotel

Topic: Learning, training and development in London Hilton hotel Order type: Dissertation Chapter - Methodology The methodology need to used in Hilton hotel case study and USE QUESTIONNAIRE OR INTERVIEW to deep understand this topic. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15% DISCOUNT (CODE GAC15)  

Case Study Assignment

Prepare a memo to Mr. Jenson to advise him which assets should and should not be transferred using Section 85 and why. Indicate the appropriate alternative treatment for each of these assets. Topic: Case Study Assignment Order type: Case Study   Required: 1. Read through the case study details above and determine which assets should be transferred using Section 85. 2. Prepare a memo to Mr. Jenson to advise him which assets should and should not be transferred using Section 85 and why. Indicate the appropriate alternative treatment for each of these assets. 3. Use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the goodwill for the business and any additional calculations necessary to complete the T2057. 4. Access the version of the T2057 provided with FITAC which can be filled in use the jump key and "form T2057", select the English version and click on the Word document which can be filled in ). Use this document to prepare the Section 85 rollover for Mr. Jenson and TGS Ltd. PLACE AN O