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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Academic Advisor Training Syllabus

Academic Advisor Training Syllabus Project Scenario: Assume the hypothetical role of a Student Affairs professional within a university setting. Being asked by the supervisor to prepare one 50-minute training session for a new team of academic advisors, who will be hired and onsite by the next semester, and an advance reading list that they will have read prior to the training. The goal is to train the team of academic advisors on one learning objective that will develop with an individual identity focus or a social identity focus as justified by student development theory. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC 15 )

Brenner – Interviewing in Educational Research -Coursework

Read Brenner's Chapter: Interviewing in Educational Research, and as you read this chapter, please highlight helpful ideas for any novice Researcher intending to write a Research Proposal in the area of WHOLE PERSON LEARNING in HIGHER EDUCATION - with a research topic: Re - Thinking Higher Education through Whole Person Learning. Keep in mind that the type of research to be undertaken by this novice researcher is INTERPRETIVE INQUIRY RESEARCH. After identifying helpful ideas from the text, write down three (3) Quotes obtained from the reading you may consider very helpful to this novice researcher undertaking research in the area highlighted above. A quote can be about: 1) Helpful idea: A key idea you found helpful, reassuring, or clarifying 2) Provocative: The way the quote made a new question come to mind for you 3) Confusing: The way the quote made you wonder about how interviewing for interpretive inquiry is the same or different from other approaches to interviewing. Important:

Diversity and the New Teacher -Essay

Order Description Diversity and the New Teacher by Catherine Cornbleth You will choose one selections to review for this assignment and produce an eight page paper. You should also include research that reflects its point of view and/or contrasts with it. You will demonstrate your understanding and proficiency via your paper and in your understanding of your educational topic of choice. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Librarian Budget-Coursework

Order Description This is a report for a library budget. Please please follow the steps listed below. Make up good information please. No plagerism Budget The budget is crucial to the success of the library. As many of you discovered when interviewing the school librarian and in examining services offered, librarians need to be capable of managing their budgets. For this week’s assignment, you will need to obtain a copy of a sample library’s budget and talk with the librarian or a budget officer from the campus or ISD. There are two main areas of investigation for this assignment. The close-up picture is to understand the detail of how the library receives and spends its own budget. The bigger picture is to understand how the sample library’s budget compares with benchmarks, and to see the trends in library funding. Follow these steps in completing this week’s assignment. Be sure to read Morris, Ch. 5 before you begin! First: Obtain a copy of the sample library’s ann

Assignment 2: Components of Quantitative Approach-Research Paper

Order Description Assignment 2: Components of Quantitative Approach Write a five (5) page paper in which you: Analyze the findings of at least three (3) quantitative research studies related to the topic of your proposed research. Evaluate the approach and validity of the same three (3) research studies related to the topic. Analyze at least four (4) key characteristics of the sample population needed for your proposed research. Propose at least two (2) challenges you might encounter with access to the sample population and recommend two (2) ways to meet the challenges. Analyze at least two (2) advantages and at least two (2) limitations of using surveys for research. Analyze at least one (1) ethical issue that might be involved in survey research. Propose one (1) way your proposed research will address the issue. Develop a survey instrument with at least ten (10) questions for your sample population. Include at least four (4) demographic questions and at least six (6) topic-related

Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning-Essay

Dear writer here is another work. there are two instruction for you. the following one is from from professor Rationale: This assignment provides an opportunity for personal reflection and consideration of the importance of a student’s social identities related to the student’s personal development and experience of college. Assignment: After reading the book, Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning, write a narrative about your own life explaining where you are from, who you are, why you are the way you are, etc. No style requirements (except 14 pt. Arial). Just let your creativity and imagination flow: your narrative may take the form of a poem, a prose essay, an autobiographical history, a cultural identity description, etc. (Please consult with the instructors if you need help deciding on a narrative format.) Evaluative criteria. The assignment will be evaluated on demonstrated personal reflection, creativity, and evidence of consideration of content in Where I Am From in d


Order Description PLEASE SEND ME A DRAFT. SO I CAN HAVE THE PROFESSOR LOOK AT IT). I have a group of 3rd Grade ESE ( Exceptional Education Students) with a "Modified CurrIculum". The program that I use is the "UNIQUE LEARNING PROGRAM" I WILL UP-LOAD THE LESSON PLAN AND WORKSHEETS. THE Pre-assessment is the "CHECKPOINT OF THE Unique LEARNING Program". PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW; Each student will create an analysis of students’ learning based on work samples that include the following components: a.identify an outcome, based on pre- or early- assessment data b.determine evidences of learning to meet successful achievement of the outcome/s c.teach the outcome embedding formative assessment techniques using at least two technology tools (e.g., student response systems, Survey Monkey) which yield both qualitative and quantitative data d.develop a summative assessment based on the targeted outcome e.analyze the success o

Institutional Practices Affecting First-Year Hispanic Students Community Colleges in Texas-Essay

Order Description Chapter 4 Results - Doctoral level and knowledgeable statistician. I'm not sure which analysis method I should use. I was thinking about chi-square but what I really need to do is see if differences exist between gender, enrollment status, etc. for institutional practices. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Theoretical Framework -Coursework

Read chapters 1 and 2 of a published dissertation by Constance L. Pearson (provided in the Reading & Study folder). After reading the chapters, write a 2-3 page summary of the theoretical framework that is used. Be sure that you include an explanation of how the theory and the research question tie together. Additionally, focus on demonstrating higher-level thinking through your word choices, sentence structures, and explanation methods. Review the Analysis of Theoretical Framework Grading Rubric for more details on how your paper will be graded. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Curriculum Review and Assessment- Research Paper

Need at least 6 peer reviewed journal articles -- no bibliography needed-- no index needed Select an entire learning or training curriculum that includes many different levels of learners (e.g., select an entire K-3 curriculum, K-6 math curriculum, the English curriculum for a high school, or a company's training curriculum including at least six different curriculums). The paper should include at least six different curriculums to be reviewed for this paper. The curriculum should be added in the Appendix parts of this final paper or as a separate file turned in with your final Unit 5 IP paper. The following elements should be included in the curriculum you choose: ?objectives, preferably standard-based objectives, for every level and subject ?scope and sequence for the objectives ?a number of activities or lessons for many of the grades and subjects ?descriptions of facilities and equipment ?descriptions of instructor/trainer and administrator roles ?audience descriptions Design an