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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Factors affect the learning of mathematics in secondary schools

An examination of the extent to which social and economic factors affect the learning of mathematics in secondary schools   Three sub themes: 1) Pupils approach to learning mathematics in secondary schools 2)the impact of a) assessment strategy on the learning of mathematics b) and the curriculum arrangements on the learning of mathematics c) the extent to which pupils are disadvantaged in any way by these factors. 3)The impact of social and economic factors ? income, ethnic backgrounds, etc ? on pupils? learning of mathematics. Reference/ sources : ? Gary N. Marks (2006): Are between- and within-school differences in student performance largely due to socio-economic background? Evidence from 30 countries, Educational Research, 48:1, 21-40

Educational leadership-Essay

Preparing for Technology Integration Guide After reviewing the NETS*S standards and profiles for the grade level you teach open the PDF file - NETS-S_2007_Student_Profiles. Find the specific NETS*S profiles that address the standards for the grade level you are teaching. Each indicator is followed by numbers within parentheses. These numbers are the standards that the indicators address. According to the student profiles, what types of activities need to be integrated in your teaching for students to meet technology related standards? After you examine the student technology standards, you are responsible for writing a two (2) page reflection paper on the following areas: 1.    What are your responsibilities as a teacher for students to meet grade-level technology standards? 2.    Identify a possible topic for a Technology Integration Lesson. What technology integration activities can you incorporate to this lesson? What specific grade-level technology standards will you be a

Library Misson and Goals for School your choice-Essay

Identify a school and examine their mission and goals. Reflecting upon what you have read, write a mission statement and goals for the school's library. Don't merely copy what the library may already have. Include the name of the school and town in the title for the assignment. Some tips for this assignment: A mission statement needs to be concise and clear. It doesn't get better by being long-winded, but it does take more effort on your part to write a good one that is brief. Give it some thought! You should identify three to five goals that would help the library achieve its mission. Goals should be SMART*: · Specific – who, what , where, why, and how. Just like the first paragraph of a newspaper article, in one sentence. · Measureable – basically, how will I know if we achieved it? I might count something or take a survey, for example. · Attainable – let’s be realistic. I’d like to teach the world to sing – but that ain’t gonna happen! However I could increase

Quanitative or Qualitiative Research Design Paper on Education and ESL

*Quanitative or Qualitiative Research Design Paper on Education and ESL (English as a Second Language). Paper needs to be 12-15 pages, from cover to cover, in APA format. Need 3-5 references. Looking for a Quanitative or Qualitative or Mixed Method Research Design paper on the topic of Education and ESL. Would be great for Data should include California, but not necessarily limited to. Very open on what direction paper goes, as long as it follows the above and below directions/guidelines. Thanks! Purpose: The signature assignment is the Research Design Project. The purpose of this project is to confirm that the student has acquired research skills sufficient to design a meaningful research project on their own and that it can be communicated appropriately in APA style. Since this is an eight-week course, collecting data for your assignment would not be possible and is not part of this project. However, students are expected to adhere to scholarly journal writing standards by writing t

How does race affect educational achievement-Research paper

The paper should embark on a research question around "How race influences educational achievement". Statistical numbers that could document that the research question addresses a significant issue: Are there racial differences in drop-out rates? Are there racial differences in graduation rates? Are there racial differences in completion of UC/CSU requirement rates? Are there racial differences in AP enrollments? Are interactions with teachers different depending on the gender of the teacher? Does the race of the teacher affect teacher-student interactions? What factors contribute to the social construction of “good” or “bad” students? Does being part of a majority or minority population affect school performance? As a way of forming a preliminary research question, please review the Oakland High school's statistical data (refer to attached document, Oakl_H.xls) looking for evidence of racial (and gender) inequality. What aspects of racial or gender inequality in the school an

Relationship between teacher perception of professional learning community implementation

The relationship between teacher perception of professional learning community implementation, personal teacher efficacy and student achievement at the high school level. I have collected the data in survey monkey, 475 responses out of a population of 1153. I need tests run in SPSS and the write up to include charts and tables. I need demographics, means and correlational tests. I am looking to see if there is a relationship between teacher perception of professional learning community implementation, personal teacher efficacy and student achievement at the high school level. There are 11 high schools. I cannot use the name of the high schools in the final report. I would like to create an overall score for each school in each area and then look for correlations. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Academic Advisor Training Syllabus-Research paper

Project Scenario: Assume the hypothetical role of a Student Affairs professional within a university setting. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare one 50-minute training session for a new team of academic advisors, who will be hired and onsite by the next semester, and an advance reading list that they will have read prior to the training. Your goal is to train the team of academic advisors on one learning objective that you will develop with an individual identity focus or a social identity focus as justified by student development theory. As you have read in your Final Project instructions, one of the components of your project will include a one-page training syllabus that outlines the 50-minute training session on one, focused objective that is related to either student individual identity development or social identity development. For your Week Five submission, you will begin with the training objective and reading list you completed in Week Three to develop the on

Computer Technology and Education-research paper

How has Computer Technology impacted higher education in Universities? This is going to be a research paper on how Computer Technology has impacted higher education. I will attach below a list of sources that the writer can use in order to effectively answer this question. However, I do want online learning to be brought up, digital story telling, through use of power-points and other online software, the convenience of online classes for people who might not be able to make it to universities and whatnot, and also how much faster research and can be found for projects and assignments. Also talk about how encourages more inter-activeness with teachers and students, which is an effective teaching method in order to engage students in educational activity/material. In addition to that, I need the writer to bring up the problems of what this technology is doing to education, such as increasing plagiarism,and also talk about the challenge in implementing these positives effectively by maki

Designing and Preparing to Implement an Evaluation-Essay

Designing and Preparing to Implement an Evaluation Using the text material from Russ-Eft and Preskill (2001) create a document reflecting an evaluation plan for a program of your choice that impacts learning, performance, and change interventions. You are instructed to utilize an imaginary workplace training program and follow-up evaluation regarding the program and learner outcomes for a population of 950 diverse employees. Please use the following information about the population: 50 employees are upper level managers, 150 are supervisors, and 750 are hourly workers. Refer to page 131 and 133 of Russ-Eft and Preskill (2001) for examples that will help you develop your imaginary scenario. I recommend that you carefully review chapters 3 and 5-12 as you develop your evaluation plan for a program that impacts learner performance. Please ensure that you address each of the following criteria shown below within a single-spaced document, including your cover page.  Paper length for under

Education- Term paper

Reading comprehension and Auditory Memory After administering the Informal Reading Inventory test to a student named Michael and looking over the results, I came to the conclusion that his weakness lies in both reading comprehension due to listening vocabulary deficiencies as well as a weakness in auditory memory. The term paper is to develop an intervention plan or program to address the needs of the child ( ie: how to improve his reading comprehension skills and his auditory memory) Describe how and why this program, the steps, the activities will be beneficial for this particular student, analyze the program, and reflect on it. Discuss each activity, if you have more than one, in detail. To support your rationale, use literature related to the problem and to the intervention. You can use references from what you have learned in the course and from other sources in the APA format. Consider what assessments will be used throughout the intervention program. Specify which assessments wi