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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Final Lesson Plan

Describe in detail each step of this lesson, so that a substitute teacher could use this plan and teach the lesson.

Survey – Researching Issues in Education

An essay on self-completion questionnaire

Education Study:Music Fundamentals Topic Final Lesson Plan

Describe in detail each step of this lesson, so that a substitute teacher could use this plan and teach the lesson.

Measurement and Data Lesson Plan

Measurement and Data Lesson Plan Part 1 Select a grade level CCRS related to Measurement and Data. Using the Class Profile, and the lesson plan template I provided to create one lesson plan with instructional activities that: 1.Makes comparisons; 2.Uses models of measuring units; 3.Uses measuring instruments; and 4.Represents and interprets the data. Part 2 Review the three videos of teachers teaching measurements and data. Include the three video references and use intext citations. Remember a citation cannot begin nor end a sentence and a paragraph must be at least four sentences. Write a 250-500 word review of what you observed regarding the use of instructional steps in teaching measurement and alignment to the CCRs. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the ex

Unit Lesson Plan for a Math Teacher

This is Florida. I teach Math for 7th Graders. So the Unit could be about any content related to Number Sense, Algebra Thinking, Geometry, one of those 3 would be fine. See the Rubric attached, because It's needed to be followed. You have to make an assignment which is a Unit Lesson plan (for a math teacher) including several requisites and an essay. Review existing curriculum in your content area and identify a unit you teach that could be modified to include the new technology tools introduced in this course and/or were part of your identified necessary resources in past assignments. This assignment will be submitted at the end of Module 6. Formalize a teaching unit. 1. Document how your unit meets CCSS and other relevant standards for your state and curriculum. Mathematics Standards - www.corestandards.org/Math/ Standards for Mathematical Practice - www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice/ 2. The unit should consist of 3-5 days of lessons that address the following: a. Unit title b.

Fostering Classroom Communities

To Prepare: Use the Walden Library to identify an early childhood dissertation, written within the last 5 years, that focuses on positive and caring learning environments. The dissertation you read should include in its literature review (Chapter 2) a discussion of how cultural and family influences play a part in establishing supportive learning environments through positive cultures and classroom communities. Note: • You may need to read/skim a number of dissertations before you find the one you choose to use as the basis for this Assignment. • Additional information needed to complete this Assignment should be available in Chapters 1 and 5 of the dissertation you choose. After reading the dissertation, and in particular Chapters 1, 2, and 5, create a post for your blog summarizing the following: • The title of the dissertation • The early childhood problem researched in the dissertation along with a brief explanation of the study—study purpose, population/participants, met


I will upload my paper with remarks from my chairman. I need six pages to be looked at. Abstract, Research Questions, Change research design to mix-method using a descriptive research design. I need to justify why I am using a mixed method and explain what is descriptive design. I need to fix Instrument an materials (see chairman's comments). Last page needs to be done is the response calculation and raw data, see comments

Unit Lesson Plan for a Math Teacher

This is Florida. I teach Math for 7th Graders. So the Unit could be about any content related to Number Sense, Algebra Thinking, Geometry, one of those 3 would be fine. See the Rubric attached, because It's needed to be followed. You have to make an assignment which is a Unit Lesson plan (for a math teacher) including several requisites and an essay. Review existing curriculum in your content area and identify a unit you teach that could be modified to include the new technology tools introduced in this course and/or were part of your identified necessary resources in past assignments. This assignment will be submitted at the end of Module 6. Formalize a teaching unit. 1. Document how your unit meets CCSS and other relevant standards for your state and curriculum. Mathematics Standards - www.corestandards.org/Math/ Standards for Mathematical Practice - www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice/ 2. The unit should consist of 3-5 days of lessons that address the following: a. Unit title b.

College Readiness

Create a lesson plan that can transcribe into a 45 min presentation on college readiness, must appeal to low income and first generation students preparing to attend four year and community colleges. Also draft an email to the principal about why they should allow me to use instructional time to present this topic. The prompt is also attached.

Unit Lesson Plan for a Math Teacher

You have to make an assignment which is a Unit Lesson plan (for a math teacher) including several requisites and an essay. Review existing curriculum in your content area and identify a unit you teach that could be modified to include the new technology tools introduced in this course and/or were part of your identified necessary resources in past assignments. This assignment will be submitted at the end of Module 6. Formalize a teaching unit. 1. Document how your unit meets CCSS and other relevant standards for your state and curriculum. Mathematics Standards - www.corestandards.org/Math/ Standards for Mathematical Practice - www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice/ 2. The unit should consist of 3-5 days of lessons that address the following: a. Unit title b. Concept/topic c. Unit goals/objectives d. Required materials e. Introduction/anticipatory set f. Step-by-step procedures g. Technology integration h. Assessment i. Adaptations and extensions You have to provide 3 separate documen