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Technical Report

Technical Report Requirements

You will use the format of the article from Week 1 as a guide for your paper.

Title at the top of the first page (no title page)

Use your name as the author followed by the University information.  Example on the next line

Name, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, 

Headings in the paper include the following

Abstract bold font

Keywords bold font

Introduction bold font

Other major headings as needed bold font

Subheadings as needed NO bold font

Conclusions bold font

References bold font

Other requirements

Minimum of 10 pages single spaced not including tables or figures

Times New Roman - 12 point

Standard margins 1 inch top, bottom, left and right

In text citations and reference list at the end must be in APA format

Tables must be identified as a Table

The republic and the Matrix

Dystopia's generally cautionary tales that highlight a concern or issue about a contemporary society. How is the Matrix a comment or critique of contemporary culture? attachment: class reading (the republic), and class note movie Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncv0jQsY1GY quotation have to be from class reading or moving have to be full 5 pages

Assignment 3: Writing the Body Paragraph

Review the "T" chart you created in Week 2. You will write body paragraphs 2 and 3. Body paragraph 2 is either a similarity or difference paragraph. Body paragraph 3 must be a difference paragraph. Look at the controlling ideas you listed on your "T" chart to remind yourself of the controlling idea you need to develop for each paragraph. The main focus of this week is the across paragraph transition + topic sentence. However, I expect that you continue demonstrating your understanding of signal words, controlling ideas, within paragraph transitions, supporting details and concluding statements. Step 1: Write the topic sentence for body paragraph 2. Look at your "T" chart: FullSizeRender (1).jpg Last week, I wrote about "cost," so this week I will be writing about "effectiveness" and "speed." When I move from one paragraph to another, I need to remind the reader of the previous paragraph's purpose. For example: (Note Jan 23, 2017 6_37_58 AM-2.pdfPreview the documentView in a

Comparing and contrasting The Tragedy of Hamlet and The Crucible

Thesis statement- The play The Crucible portrays a theme of mass hysteria, while the play Hamlet portrays a theme of personal madness. Both societies experienced destruction and unjust deaths due to this madness. I would like this to be the main focus of the paper and in the introduction. Other comparisons and differences may be included. As well as causes and effects. The Tragedy of Hamlet and The Crucible count as 2 sources. Outline for paper Introduction-Thesis statement First work of literature (Hamlet) Comparison to other work Similarity #1 “Quote” Explanation 2. Similarity #2 “Quote” Explanation 3. Similariy #3 Example Explanation B. Contrast with other work Contrast #1 A. “quote” B. explanation 2. Contrast #2 “Quote” Explanation 3. Contrast #3 Example Explanation III. Second work of literaturte Impact of similarities Effect #1 a.”quote” b. explanation 2. Effect #2 “Quote” Explanation 3. Effect #3 Example Explanation IV. Conclusion

based on the novel UNBROKEN by LAURA HILLENBRAND

Chapter 6: 1. In history classes, we focus on the Pearl Harbor attack because it affected our country. What else did the Japanese do simultaneously? 2. Besides going to war against Japan, in what other ways did America respond to the attack? 3. Why was the type of plane Louie was assigned to called "The Flying Coffin"? Why did Louie and his crew give their particular plane the name "Super Man"? Chapter 7: 1. Humor seems to have played a big part in Louie's experiences in life, no matter how difficult those experiences were. Why might humor and practical jokes be something that Louie would do even as he faced very dangerous wartime situations? Chapter 8: 1. Why were so few crewmen rescued from downed aircraft? 2. Why did American crewmen fear capture by the Japanese? 3. How did Louie try to soothe his anxiety?

Week 1 Marketing

please type questions and answers and include references.
  1. 1.Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well, and provide examples of why you believe they are successful at it.  
  2. Describe a company that you believe does not do well putting the 4Cs into practice, and provide two (2) examples of why you believe they struggle at it.    
  3. What recommendations would you give the company who needs to update their approach?

"Species and Scientific Correction"

"Species and Scientific Correction"   Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted options.  
  • Imagine you are explaining to a friend what the term species means. In your own words define the term species then provide three (3) examples of different species. Next determine three (3) ways that species within a genus are often related to one another. Furthermore, in your response briefly describe how the word “related” is being used when discussing species and genus.
  • Go to The Economist Website to read the article titled “Beetles and Bugs”, dated July 18, 2015, located here. Choose three (3) main points you found interesting in the article then summarize each of your chosen main points including in

“Species and Scientific Correction”

"Species and Scientific Correction"   Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted options.  
  • Imagine you are explaining to a friend what the term species means. In your own words define the term species then provide three (3) examples of different species. Next determine three (3) ways that species within a genus are often related to one another. Furthermore, in your response briefly describe how the word “related” is being used when discussing species and genus.
  • Go to The Economist Website to read the article titled “Beetles and Bugs”, dated July 18, 2015, located here. Choose three (3) main points you found interesting in the article then summarize each of your chosen main points including in

Modes of Entry

Provide a scenario where a company would enter a foreign market using the following modes of entry. Be sure to provide one scenario for each mode: Exporting Licensing Franchising Creating a turnkey project Establishing joint ventures Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary Give justification for your choices using the advantages or disadvantages for each mode discussed in course readings. Read the closing case attached and prepare a response to the following questions: GM entered the Chinese market at a time when demand was very limited. Why? What was the strategic rational? Why did GM enter through a joint venture with SAIC? What are the benefits of this approach? What are the potential risks here? Why did GM not simply license its technology to SAIC? Why did it not export cars from the United States? Why has the joint venture been successful to date? Attachments:

Corporate Governance

Governance mechanisms are considered to be effective if they meet the needs of all stakeholders, including shareholders. Governance mechanisms are also an important way to ensure that strategic decisions are made effectively. As a potential employee, how would you go about investigating a firm's governance structure? Would that investigation weigh in your decision to become an employee?

Identify a firm that you would like to join or one that you just find interesting. Complete the following research on your target firm:

  • Find a copy of the company's most recent proxy statement and 10-K. Proxy statements are mailed to shareholders prior to each year's annual meeting and contain detailed information about the company's governance and present issues on which a shareholder vote might be held. Proxy statements are typically available from a firm's website (look for an "Investors" submenu). You can also access proxy statements a