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Archive for the ‘English Literature’
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Journalism, mass media and communication

literature review This is a simulation of the next step that an academic takes when considering a problem: a literature review leading to hypotheses. The objective of this research assignment is to determine what is known and what is not known about the social medium in question. You may or may not find articles specifically dealing with using a social media AND a traditional medium at the same time, but you can find articles about one or the other. See Picking a Topic. Picking a topic a literature review. It is supposed to spring from your observations and reflections, not what you "want to write about," or "want to examine." I know that *normally* the objective when tackling a writing project is to establish what you want to write about but that isn't our objective here. Our objective is to take what we saw, and what we thought about, and then examine the literature to see what the literature has to say about that. You might end up in a similar place, but it is very important to be

Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse

Topic:  Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse 1. Have a clearly defined thesis. You should be able to say in one sentence, “in this paper I argue that ___________." 2. Articulate your thesis in your opening paragraph. 3. Emember that posing a hypothetical question is not the same thing as articulating a thesis. Your thesis should be in the form of a declarative statement 4. Take intellectual risks and make your thesis interesting. If you’re stating the obvious or regurgitating exactly what you read in class then you’re not thinking hard enough, and I will be bored. 5. Saying “Gosh, things sure have changed since then” is not an acceptable thesis for a history paper. You need to explain how and why things have changed. Similarly, saying “Let’s review everything that happened in the past 500 years” is not a thesis. You need to make an explicit argument about historical change. 6. Consider that generally it is better to go narrow and deep than wide and superficial.

The Paper for Bussiness

Business Research Paper for English The research report will involve an independent study in which students select a business, identify a problem within that business, study theoretical and practical solutions to similar problems, and adapt those solutions to the business in the study. The rest of the details are in the attachment. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY &  GET 15% DISCOUNT(CODE G A C 15 )        

Individual Assignment—Your Most & Least Liked Building -Essay

This Essay Assignment is an Analysis; it is not a History or Technical Information Report. Study and provide photographic images of two buildings of similar scale and occupancy use from any place worldwide, in NYC or in your local neighborhood. One building shall be your all time most liked building, the other your all time least liked. Both graphically (through your photographs and, if you elect, through other media) and verbally (a maximum of 500 words for each building—think about using bulleted phrases) explain why you think one is best while the other worst. Use images to explain your discourse. Restrain yourself from using the “I feel” refrain; rather articulate what you think, and provide graphics that support/corroborate/demonstrate what you state. Be succinct. Use images. This is not a report on the buildings. This is not an assignment to learn about the history of the building, or its technical or financial background. Rather, it is a chance for you to think about what

Saving Scourdi vs Three girls-Essay

Order Description I need a comparison between two stories. May-Lee Chai "Saving Sourdi" & Joyce Carol Oats "Saving Sourdi". they both coming-of-age stories. this essay has on how they similar and different. the Comparison has to be on what have the main heroes become after the stories. For instance: did they understood what the real world is? Please make no comparison considering the setting, facts about stories, writers, plot and etc. Here is the assignment that teacher gave: compare and contrast the protagonists in two of the coming-of-age stories listed above. Do they change as a result of the action of the story? If so, how? If not, explain. Decide whether you want to emphasize differences or similarities in your essay, and then frame your thesis accordingly. Here is an example of this type of thesis: “Although Jane and Mary both start out as gullible high school girls, Jane learns from her experience while Mary does not.” Please be

Interruption in Discourse Analysis-Term paper

Order Description This is a seminar paper for Discourse Analysis Course. The topic I chose is interruption. In our daily life, we come across so many situations in which people interrupt each other in communication. So I’m so interested in searching and reading more about the reasons and the possibilities that would make a speaker interrupts another. The seminar paper follows a specific format, and requires us to gather data inorder to come up with our results. The format is: first we have to introduce the topic plus ask the question. Then methodology; what we did to answer the question: participants, recording, transcriptions and then descripe the setting of the transcription.Then the results; findings and examples from the data. Finally, we should provide a conclusion which includes three points: summary, furture study and application. The most important part is, of course, methodology. Gathering data is important. I was thinking to have an interview or a converstaion from utube t

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood – Victorian art and poetry-Essay

Order Description The Treatment of the Emotions in Pre-Raphaelite and Late Victorian Poetry and Art. Chapter 2: The social, political and cultural context of the mid to late Victorian period (major conflicts, contrasts and contradictions) and the specific role of the artist in Britain: major influences and the new social and artistic movements (Pre-Raphaelitism and Aestheticism) and their principal representatives (including theoreticians like John Ruskin and Walter Pater). 1.    The chapter must cover all the above. 2.    Never forget that your work is on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood ? Painting and Poetry?.. from both male and female artists/poets. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Linguistics -Phonology, Syntax- Coursework

Order Description Please follow the description that I upload. *Rule=phonological rule (rule using features)* Helpful resources will be "Introductory Phonology" by Bruce Hayes, and "Modern Syntax" by Andrew Carnie. Thank you. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Linguistics teaching-Essay

Deadline:    February 05 07:18 Order total:    $7.50 Compensation:     $2.50 / Page Pages:    3, Double spaced Sources:    3 Order type:     Essay Subject:     Linguistics The Assignment must be of 500 – 1,000 words, and the student should describe the possible uses of linguistics in any one of certain fields specified. However, the assignment is in the form of a "report", with a brief introduction and it should show some evidence of research - and must have linguistic content. You do have a great deal of latitude ("free-space") for the assignment - I just need you to show that you understand how linguistics has practical applications in the real world. The student should describe the possible uses of linguistics in teaching. written in MS Word or Open Office Document.  Times New Roman in size 12 and double spaced line. I would preferably have at least two-three sources, literary sources , but if you find any trustworthy information from articles or journals, t

Avoiding Fallacies in Argument-Essay

Order Description How and why an individual might incorporate that fallacy into his or her writing deliberately and inadvertently? Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW