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Should the stand your Ground law be Changed

Assignment Requirements   Unit IV Research Paper Draft 1 Purpose: The purpose of Draft 1 is to build upon the Annotated Bibliography and to move forward in drafting your final Research Paper. Description: In this assignment, you will build upon the summaries that you did for the Annotated Bibliography for Unit III. Unlike the Annotated Bibliography, however, the Draft 1 of your Research Paper is more than just a summary of sources. Instead, it is a conversation between sources wherein the student author places his or her sources into a conversation about topics surrounding the issue. You will need to review at least five academic sources for this assignment. You are not restricted to the sources used in the Annotated Bibliography, but that would be a good place to start. The length of the draft should be between 3-5 pages, not including the cover page or references page. Review of literature: Below are techniques for writing a review of literature. • Consider the topics that

Subtitling analysis of a video

Assignment Requirements   Please analyse a vide that I will upload later. This analysis is 30 minutes from the beginning, not whole video. No reference is required. Write in your own word. Here is the description of this assignment. Please carefully read the following instruction and follow this. Write an analysis of the video you chose. This analysis should be between around 1200 ~1300 words and contain the following sections in a equal balance. a) Synopsis and semiotic analysis (25%) Here you will give a brief synopsis of the full video, and then analyse it in terms of semiotics paying attention to characteristics of the genre, types of signs, codes, etc. b) Analysis with a view to subtitling (25%) Here you will discuss the way the qualities/characteristics of the text influence the subtitles (e.g. in a film "Buffy", the speed of the dialogue and the fast editing creates various problems with the subtitles in that you have to edit down/shorten the dialogue). c) Specific ex

Research Proposal

Assignment Requirements The articles are the web addresses on the requirement.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Essay on The Alchemist

Assignment Requirements   Essay on The Alchemist Coelho uses the term “personal legend” to describe Santiago’s quest. Define the term “personal legend” as you understand it through the text. Coelho implies or explicitly states some approaches to life that will help an individual achieve his/her legend. For example, he states that courage is “an essential quality” to reach one’s legend (111). For your prewriting, list at least five such traits that are evident through your reading. Then choose two of those traits and develop a three (full) page essay, applying these character traits to your own personal legend. In creating topic sentences, remember to further split the traits into sub-categories. Don’t expect to develop one body paragraph per trait. Each trait has various aspects that can be developed into more than one body paragraph. Develop your body paragraphs by analyzing your topic sentences and supporting your viewpoints with evidence from your research

Song Analysis

Assignment Requirements   Essay For your final essay, choose a song of your liking. As your thesis, state the main intent of the song. What do you think is the song writer’s message that emerges through the song? In your essay, proceed to analyze the song to prove the song writer’s intended message. In each of your body paragraphs, discuss a different component of the song. For example, one of your body paragraphs could discuss word choice. How do certain words in the song enhance the song writer’s intended meaning? In another body paragraph, you may analyze imagery. How does the imagery created in the song enhance the song writer’s purpose? If you want to further your discussion, you may consider analyzing the tone of the song. As always, make sure you have a clear thesis and focused topic sentences that directly related to your thesis. Remember to have well thought out details in your body paragraphs. Incorporate language from the song and evaluate it. Weave in idea

Money and Happiness

Assignment Requirements   Requirements are attached on first page. 5 FULL pages. Only use the sources that are given (no addition sources needed).   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Exploratory Essay

Assignment Requirements   I will file you the instruction and please take note that the essay structure has to be like intro(one or more paragraphs), Body section on source(each source is a paragraph), Conclusion, Works cited. The body paragraph should be structured like Summary of inofrmation from the first source...reflection on material in the source...Self reflection on how source/reflection on the source affect your larger understanding of the problem/issue your are researching (3/4 a paper per source)   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Research Proposal

Assignment Requirements The articles are the web addresses on the requirement.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/


Assignment Requirements   Story called, " The Namesake" One of the themes of The Namesake is the difficulty Gogol has in reconciling the two cultures he lives in-Indian, which stresses conforming to traditions; and American, which stresses being true to oneself. How does this conflict affect the relationship Gogol has with Maxim? with Moushumi?   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Analysing complex sentences and Grammar in context

Assignment Requirements Section A questions relate to the content of Unit 7 and carry 50% of the TMA mark. Section B questions relate to the content of Unit 8 and also carry 50% of the TMA mark. To ensure that this TMA is assessment for learning as well as of learning, page references to relevant course material are given with each question. You may also find pages 121–32 and 208–23 in the set book by Greenbaum and Nelson useful for answering questions in Sections A and B respectively. Answer all questions in both sections and in your answers use the terminology adopted in the study units. Write all your answers on separate answer paper and not on the question paper. Write your name and student number on each piece of answer paper.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/