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Assessing and teaching productive skills ( Writing and Speaking) in English for Academic Purposes Context

The intended participants are Female students at university in Saudi Arabia You have to include the following : Title and abstract: In case of predefined PhD projects, a title is usually provided by the university. In other cases, an applicant is expected to provide a preliminary title which will be further elaborated in the process of thesis writing. An abstract should usually be no longer than a page, and provide a brief summary of what you are going to cover in your research proposal. Literature review: The literature review demonstrates the applicant’s knowledge of the main research achievements in the area of study. You should pay attention to providing some of the key references in your area of research which requires doing extensive research on your part. Research Questions : 3 Research problem, aim and objectives: As a result of your literature review, you should identify the main gap in your research area on which you are going to focus in your PhD project. Once the research

Final Reflection Paper – Event

Final Reflection Paper - Event. I'm looking for an essay about the event that I post the link for it. The links is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BJ8TWf5wiw&list=PL088A8448634D950E&index=37). Please watch this video and write an essay about it. Please make sure everything from this video. Thank you

Reflection Paper Three

Reflection Paper Three. I'm looking for an essay about the event that I post the link for it. The links is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ztfVfqfces&t=1s). Please watch this video and write an essay about it. Please make sure everything from this video. Thank you

Argument in your profession

Paper Five: Argument and your Profession (Research Based Argument) For you final paper of the course, you will explore argument in your own professional field. Within any profession there are issues that are actively debated and discussed and having the ability to take part in that professional debate, in an intelligent and knowledgeable way, is important to your professional success. For this essay you will take an issue on which people in your profession actively disagree and take a clear position on that issue. You will support your position with reasons, and you will support your reasons with evidence, the elements of argument that you have been studying all semester. Your audience for this paper will be others in your professional field as well as the general public. Terms commonly used inside the profession that may be new to a general audience will need to be explained. You are the author of this paper, so the arguments you present will be your own (without using “I”

Argue Against The essay "Why we love"mad men" by Lauren goodlad

FINAL PAPER (Argue Against The essay "Why we love"mad men" by Lauren goodlad) This is a third ?synthesis? paper. Your audience is an informed and concerned reader (such as your instructor). The Assignment Compose a 10 page/10 source argument synthesis in the topic area of Media and Popular Culture. Remember, you must argue a position in this essay and use sources to help prove your point. I am also asking that you include a counter argument or two to show your versatility in arguing and seeing different sides of the topic. Remember: this is not a summary essay, this an argument essay. Remember how you wrote the essay that developed from the controversy over the composition of ?Goin? Home.? Composing Advice As with Synthesis #1 you want your sources to have a dialogue

Argue Against The essay "Why we love"mad men" by Lauren goodlad

FINAL PAPER (Argue Against The essay "Why we love"mad men" by Lauren goodlad) This is a third ?synthesis? paper. Your audience is an informed and concerned reader (such as your instructor). The Assignment Compose a 10 page/10 source argument synthesis in the topic area of Media and Popular Culture. Remember, you must argue a position in this essay and use sources to help prove your point. I am also asking that you include a counter argument or two to show your versatility in arguing and seeing different sides of the topic. Remember: this is not a summary essay, this an argument essay. Remember how you wrote the essay that developed from the controversy over the composition of ?Goin? Home.? Composing Advice As with Synthesis #1 you want your sources to have a dialogue

comparitive essay

Its a comparitive essay between 2 books. All the instructions are attached to the additional files. The books to compare are Macbeth or memoirs of a geisha with Across 100 mountains.

• What are reasons why some people tackle long-distance backpacking journeys? What kinds of obstacles do they encounter? What benefits do they experience? What are some long-distance trails that appeal to backpackers?

Choosing a Research Topic for the Final Paper on Self-Sufficiency Self-Sufficiency The theme of the book we are enjoying What are reasons why some people tackle long-distance backpacking journeys? What kinds of obstacles do they encounter? What benefits do they experience? What are some long-distance trails that appeal to backpackers?

Race and Culture

A research that should include sources outside of the textbook attached (a minimum of 3) in combination with 1-2 articles chosen from the textbook.The research paper will be 4-5 pages long and will include a Works Cited page.

Teaching a Grammar Lesson

Please find attached a document, teaching grammar lesson assignment which will explain all the requirements. Next check the grammar lesson sample to see how it have to looks like. After this this use a lesson plan proforma document to carry out the task. Please use one reference for grammar in harvard style. Please use one of three the ways to do the plan lesson . Please see the document Three ways to aproach grammar teaching.