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Archive for the ‘english’
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Essay TWO based on The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

The Sixth Extinction as Man’s Long-Lasting Legacy In her book The Six Extinction, Elizabeth Kolbert argues that humanity is solely responsible for the “sixth extinction.” Humanity stands on the edge of the knife; one step backward will likely spell doom. Kolbert is no prophet of doom. Scientists all over the world are currently monitoring the sixth extinction, deemed to be one of the most devastating mass extinctions since the time of the dinosaurs. Accordingly, this is humanity’s long lasting legacy – a legacy characterized mainly by biodiversity loss and ecological imbalance caused by man’s insatiable greed, climate change, and the proliferation of climate-altering industrial systems. Thus, in the book, the author chronicles the fate of several species in the wake of the sixth extinction. These include the Panamanian golden frog, the great auk, ammonites, the brown bat, and the Sumatran rhino. More than a decade ago, Panama was once home to the Panamanian golden frogs. Th

Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook “Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition” to match the Professor’s requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said)

Thank you for helping me to do this Historical assignment. - Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook "Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition" to match the Professor's requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said). It is about 4 little parts such as: 1. Early Development of Greek Society. 2. Greece and the larger world. 3. The fruit of trade: Greek economy and society. 4. The cultural life and classical Greece.

Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook "Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition" to match the Professor's requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said)

Thank you for helping me to do this Historical assignment. - Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook "Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition" to match the Professor's requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said). It is about 4 little parts such as: 1. Early Development of Greek Society. 2. Greece and the larger world. 3. The fruit of trade: Greek economy and society. 4. The cultural life and classical Greece.

Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook "Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition" to match the Professor's requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said)

Thank you for helping me to do this Historical assignment. - Make a summary of chapter 10 (The Greek Phase) from the textbook "Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500 6th Edition" to match the Professor's requirement and use the Past Tense for all historical information (as he said). It is about 4 little parts such as: 1. Early Development of Greek Society. 2. Greece and the larger world. 3. The fruit of trade: Greek economy and society. 4. The cultural life and classical Greece.

Literature and Languages

The essay must have a clear thesis statement and make sure to use specific evidence to support your thesis. The Essay is on the Tv series Mad Men season 1. Also included journals that I have wrote that can help you out with the essay(mostly journal 3) minimum 1000 words

TV has a negative impact on children. Do you agree or disagree?

TV has a negative impact on children. Do you agree or disagree?

How does technology in education affect social growth and learning ability in the area of critical thinking

No 1st or 2nd person, avoid generalization, use active voice and present tense. Must have an effective hook, establish context and background. Prompt to be used: What major societal issue must your generation address in order to make significant change in our society: What are the potential consequences if we fail to responsibly address this issue? How can we tackle the problem in a country with different social, political and economic ideologies? and a thesis statement " Technology is an extremely beneficial tool in education although if not used effectively it can be detrimental to learning and social skills proven through psychoanalysis of students today compared to past generations as well as empirical data. Must provide attribution to sources, quotes integrated, Follow each piece of evidence with analysis. Works cited page use 5 sources from attached list and 2 outside sources (Science daily, Education today and/or New York Times

Literary Theory Research Paper-Those Winter Sundays

Literary Theory Research Paper English 1B In a well-organized, well-developed research paper (8-10 pages), choose a literary theory as your lens to interpret and analyze what you think the meaning/message/point is of any of the short stories or poems we’ve read this semester. Your options are: “The Scarlatti Tilt” “The Story of an Hour” “A Rose for Emily” “Battle Royal” “Sonny’s Blues” “Love in L.A.” “Sonnet 18” “Sonnet 116” “On My First Son” “She Walks in Beauty” “Winter Sundays” “The Girl Who Loved the Sky” “love poem” “Love Poem” City of Glass Choose only one text and only one literary theory to successfully complete this assignment. Use your notes from discussions and your research project to prove how the theory lends itself to reading and interpreting one of the above texts’ major literary themes. Criteria for Success Your essay should have the following: Clear, arguable thesis statement that makes clear on which theor

English Creative Writing

Read the short story "Inbound" by Edith Pearlman and write a Creative Prequel or Sequel (1000 words to 1200 words) Keep in mind the elements of fiction (characters, setting, plot, point of view, symbolism, theme and language) as you shape your story. These elements should be clear so that your reader can identify each of them in your story. SHOW rather than tell. Use descriptive language, including the five senses, and dialogue. As you create the prequel or sequel, make sure there is a clear connection to the actual short story. Extra Information A scene has the following pattern: Goal—what the character wants. Must be clearly definable Conflict—series of obstacles that keep the character from the goal Disaster—makes the character fail to get the goal And a sequel has the following pattern: Reaction—emotional follow through of the disaster. Dilemma—a situation with no good options Decision—character makes a choice (which sets up the new goal).

One page summary of Jean Beicke by William Carlos Williams

One page summary of Jean Beicke by William Carlos Williams