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Archive for the ‘english’
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Career positions

Write a one single space page memo report addressing the four (4) points below.  Each of the four points should have its own heading in the memo. Access job search websites such as monster.com, careerbuilder, LinkedIn, or any other you choose.  Then: 1.  Provide possible job titles for at least six jobs you are interested in 2.  Perform research on salary range for each of these job titles and include this information in your memo 3.  Discuss qualifications needed for each job (do not copy information--instead synthesize it for each job) Note, you might consider putting this information in a chart for easier readability. 4.  Discuss any gaps in your skills/abilities to get the job you want.  What should you do/are you doing to overcome these gaps?

Journal 9

Please prepare a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) on yourself.  Address what you "bring to the table" in terms of your ideal career and also address those things that may be challenging you.  Finally, for opportunities, focus on your weaknesses and what you can do to improve those.

Ethics 6

Learn about the "Apple vs. FBI" issue from earlier by reading the articles at the links below. Once done answer the following questions: 1. What was the "bigger" issue here? 2. Who was for Apple complying, and, who was against? What were each side's reasoning? 3. What is the "all writs" act that the FBI used to attempt to get Apple to comply? Was it relevant in this case? 4. Even though the case itself is off the tables.....is this issue resolved? Support your answer Your final document will be between 2 or 3 pages. Timeline of events: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/03/03/technology/apple-iphone-fbi-fight-explained.html?_r=0 Information on law used to compel Apple to comply: http://www.dailydot.com/layer8/what-is-all-writs-act/ (Links to an external site.) Apple Letter to Customers: http://www.apple.com/customer-letter/ (Links to an external site.)Legal motions filed by Apple and the FBI in the case: https://www.eff.org/cases/apple-challenges-fbi-all-writs-act-order (

English 101

This essay needs at least five paragraphs. Cite passages and references from pertinent works; document carefully, using MLA format, as before. Make sure that your essay—even if written as a letter—contains an introduction (stating thesis and purpose statement); a body, developing the essay’s major points;. and a conclusion which comes full-circle to the introduction and provides closure for the thesis idea. Be sure to proofread carefully and slowly! Discuss Whitman’s definition and presentation of death. How does he regard the “final phenomenon” and express his understanding in his work? How does death fit into his poetic philosophy? Refer to at least two different poems, but focus on “Song of Myself,” “Out of the Cradle…” and “The Wound Dresser.”

Write about your childhood

Write about your childhood.  What are some of the pleasant memories of your childhood?  What are some of the unpleasant memories?  Use adverb clauses, and connectors to write about time, cause/effect, contrast and conditions.  Try to use at least 8!  Underline all adverb clauses with a straight line. (underline the whole adjverb clause please, NOT JUST the word that introduces the adverb clause). Type, double space, size twelve font, title. This is your LAST writing assignment for the term so make it your BEST!

Research Assignment 5

1. Students will read an overview of a topic of their choosing, then formulate a “researchable question” that emerges from their reading. Consult the following page, Writing a Good Research Question from Vanderbilt for assistance with formulating a research question. 2. Students will use the BC library to compile a working MLA Works Cited page for two possible sources of information on their research question (one book and one journal). Students should also do a Google search and find one appropriate and credible resource that is a website. For help citing your sources, see The Purdue Online Writing Lab’s MLA Formatting and Style Guide. For help with assessing Internet sources see the University of Illinois' Tips and Tricks for Evaluating Web sites. 3. Students will write a three-sentence summary for each of the three sources (one book, one journal, and one website). The chosen sources should present different points of view on the topic and relate to the student’s research q

Effects of deforestation

Effects of deforestation. 100 words in point form

A combination essay on Little women and the short story How it all Happens by Louis May Alcott

Write essay on the book Little Women and her short story "how it all happened" My theme/ thesis is being grateful for what you have and not judging a book by its cover. You need to explain how the them is in both works and why it is important. Since you are use two sources some comparison and contrasting will be there. Must have at least 5 quotes from the two stories 4-6 pages

Argumentative Essay

write a 750 word Argumentative Essay that incorporates synthesis of at least two sources for support. These may be sources from PCI or elsewhere. Your topic may be one of the concerns raised for you in reading the Homelessness & Poverty, Bioethics, Social Media, Marketing and the American Consumer, or Popular Culture chapters. Your topic does not have to strictly adhere to approaching the themes in the same way the PCI essays do but can grow out of them in a way that interests you, branching off in whatever direction works for you. You should take care to avoid logical fallacies and inconsistencies, as pointed out in PCI 1.5. And you should take care to include the components of a well-developed argument, as pointed out in PCI 1.5. You should include at least one long (block) quote, one paraphrase, and one short quote, all of them properly formatted. You can write the essay based on “Sharing Is A Trap” by Andrew Keen and “Social Media” by Steve Johnson.

assignment 4

Review summary of  the WHO discussion on Gender Genetics  and specifically Sex Selection and Discrimination. Offer 2 arguments in favor, and 2 opposed, brief and concise. Also a summary statement of your position and opinion.     get the information from this link  read the first 5 five ages   2 pages for the answers and the due in 15 hours