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Bonn, T & Fisher, J. 2011. Sustainability: the missing ingredient in strategy. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(1)5-14

Bonn, T & Fisher, J. 2011. Sustainability: the missing ingredient in strategy. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(1)5-14 http://0-www.emeraldinsight.com.oasis.unisa.ac.za/journals.htm?issn=0275- 6668&volume=32&issue=1&articleid=1896875&show=abstract Crews, D.E. 2010. Strategies for implementing sustainability: Five leadership challenges. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 75(2):15-21 http://0-web.ebscohost.com.oasis.unisa.ac.za/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=e0b757ff-b51f-4edda1e9- df75b899cf65%40sessionmgr111&hid=118&bdata=JnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#db=bth&AN=5284 2580 Holton, I., Glass, J & Price, A.D.F. 2010. Managing for sustainability: Findings from four case studies in the UK precast concrete industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(2):152-160 http://0-www.sciencedirect.com.oasis.unisa.ac.za/science/article/pii/S0959652609003151 Pretorius, M & le Roux, C. 2012. Determining the embeddedness of sustainability claims in strategising: a comparative study

Health Care

Health Care Paper instructions: answer question  1 & 2 1- access and review the material in the following document and compare it with the perspective given. Centers for disease control and prevention (1999). Framework for program evaluation in public health. Morbidity and mortality weekly Report, 48(Rr-11):I-41. Retrieved August 31, 2012, from www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr4811al.htm. 2- Discuss the ways in which the linguistic diversity of target audience would affect programs being planned at each level of the public health pyramid. text book : Health program planning & Evaluation L. Michele Issel PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Journal 1: Please tell me three goals that you have when it comes to bettering your communication skills. Why are these goals important to you? How will your life be affected if do not improve said skills?

Paper instructions: Journal 1: Please tell me three goals that you have when it comes to bettering your communication skills. Why are these goals important to you? How will your life be affected if do not improve said skills? Journal 2: What is Empathy? In your own words, please explain to me what you think empathy is and why it is important. Why do you think I use it as the foundation for the course. What does it have to do with communication? How empathic are you? Why? Write two separate essays 150 words each. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

All Inclusive Resort

All Inclusive Resort Please read order details and paper instructions carefully. Paper instructions: Using the Resort: http://www.thegrandcollection.com/en/at-your-service Conduct a marketing analysis, then make recommendations for changes to their marketing in the final section of the paper. Paper should have a minimum of 6 references and a minimum of 2000 words. These are the areas you should focus on: Importance of tourism in the area Nature of the business Current situation Marketing strategies Target markets Market segments Goals, missions and objectives of the resort Marketing Mix (four P’s) Public Relations & sales promotions 7 C’s of effective web site design Your paper should consist of at least the following six sections: 1.      Introduction 2.      Nature of Business 3.      SWOT Analysis 4.      Types of marketing 5.      Recommendations 6.      References PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WIT

Long-Term Investment Decisions

Long-Term Investment Decisions Paper instructions: Graduate Level Paper 2 previously written papers will be sent once writer found to help with final paper. Along with detailed grading metrics. General Requirement: Assume that the low-calorie frozen, microwavable food company from Assignments 1 and 2 wants to expand and has to make some long-term capital budgeting decisions. The company is currently facing increases in the costs of major ingredients. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Outline a plan that managers in the low-calorie, frozen microwaveable food company could follow in anticipation of raising prices when selecting pricing strategies for making their products response to a change in price less elastic. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. Examine the major effects that government policies have on production and employment. Predict the potential effects that government policies could have on your company. 3. Determine whether or not government re

See details

See details Paper instructions: You are a new associate at the law firm of Dewey, Chetum, and Howe. John, a former researcher at PharmaCARE, comes to your office. He has concerns about PharmaCARE’s use of AD23, one of the company’s top-selling diabetes drugs. Two (2) years ago, after PharmaCARE’s research indicated that AD23 might also slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, John and his team of pharmacists began reformulating the drug to maximize that effect. In order to avoid the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) scrutiny, PharmaCARE established a wholly-owned subsidiary, CompCARE, to operate as a compounding pharmacy to sell the new formulation to individuals on a prescription basis. CompCARE established itself in a suburban office park near its parent’s headquarters. To conserve money and time, CompCARE did a quick, low-cost renovation. CompCARE benefited from PharmaCARE’s reputation, databases, networks, and sales and marketing expertise, and within

Political, Social, and Sociocultural Influences on Women’s Health

Political, Social, and Sociocultural Influences on Women’s Health Paper instructions: Review  Chapter 1 of the Schuiling and Likis text. Select and research one of the following women’s health issues: birth control, abortion, family planning, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in women. Consider the impact of political, social, and sociocultural factors on the women’s health issue you selected. Reflect on how the personal perceptions of providers might influence their ability or willingness to care for women in relation to this issue. write an explanation of the women’s health issue you selected, including the impact of political, social, and sociocultural factors on this issue. Explain how personal perceptions of providers might influence their ability or willingness to care for women in relation to this issue. 3 References, graduate level PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN


business Paper instructions: Each questions answer should be at least 200 words in length. I am required to use at least my textbook as source material for the response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. 1.One of the best communicators of our time is Bill Clinton. Who do you feel is as great a communicator? Identify communication elements used by this person to support your answer. 2.What is management? Provide an example or scenario to describe how you, as a manager, would use each function to reach your organization’s goals. 3.You have selected the in-person presentation channel to communicate. What are three prerequisites that should be clear before giving an in-person presentation to your audience? What are the “dos” and two “don’ts” that will provide for a successful presentation? 4.What are the four categories of business planning? Explain each of them. How does the lev

Use Turner's concepts of communitas, liminality, structure, and ritual to compare and contrast two of the following: hippies,and Linda from South Africa.

Paper instructions: Use Turner's concepts of communitas, liminality, structure, and ritual to compare and contrast two of the following: hippies,and Linda from South Africa. To do so, think about the following questions. What structures are they encountering, confronting, subverting, or rebelling against? What are the outcomes of these encounters or rebellions? How do they manage to live and act outside of norms and expectations of their own societies or the wider world? What rituals do they engage in and why? Do they ultimately alter structures and norms through their actions? Choose specific examples to make your argument. The goal of the essays is not simply to for you to reiterate and summarize the readings or for you to show that you took notes during lecture. Instead, you are expected to have mastered the readings and lecture content enough to offer an original engagement with them and then offer a unique response to the prompt. For this reason, the most important thing is th

Alternate Dispute Resolution

Alternate Dispute Resolution Paper instructions: In one paragraph of moderate length, using whatever online resources you think appropriate, briefly describe how you think the typical mediation process, as you currently understand it, might evolve over time into a " calcified" process or rule-driven process or overly-formal process, as the parties attempt to "game the system" to their advantage. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)