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religions 1.Select two (2) religions from those that we have studied so far. Identify and describe the cultural and geographical origin of each religion. 2.Identify and describe three (3) specific religious practices of each religion. •Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures. •Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion. •Develop written pieces that demonstrate an analysis of a topic relevant to the course. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion. •Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

Personality and Assessment Diagnosis

Personality and Assessment Diagnosis With a reliability coefficient of 0.81, using classical test theory we would interpret that the: Answer a. Amount of error variance to observed variance is 81 percent b. Amount of true variance to observed variance is 81 percent c. Instrument has good enough reliability d. Instrument's validity coefficient would be 0.812 Question 2 According to classical test theory, if the observed variance of a test is 50 and the true variance is 40, what is the estimated reliability of the test? Answer a.0.40 b.0.50 c.0.80 d.0.90 Question 3 If the correlation between one’s interest in statistics and being a “fun date” was –0.70, it would mean that: Answer a. The higher someone’s interest was in statistics, the more likely it would be that he or she is a fun date b. The higher someone’s interest was in statistics, the less likely it would be that he or she is a fun date c. There is a 70% chance that someone with an interest in statistics i

Rule of the Road

Rule of the Road Imagine you made your hobby of building model airplanes into a small business that produces very small remote control aircrafts capable of long sustained flights. You are ready to expand your business by competing for Department of Homeland Security contracts. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze how the federal act supports and favors your business over large multinational organizations that build aircrafts (e.g., Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation). 2. Create an organizational chart that would best support working within the federal contracting system and explain the value of each position (i.e., internal contracting officer) to your proposed business. 3. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides

Evening Sun Go Down by William Faulkner

Evening Sun Go Down by William Faulkner That Evening Sun Go Down by William Faulkner, Big Two-Hearted River by Ernest Hemingway, Red Leaves by William Faulkner The short story choices are The Gilded Six-Bits by Zora Neale Hurston ,That Evening Sun Go Down by William Faulkner, Big Two-Hearted River by Ernest Hemingway, Red Leaves by William Faulkner. ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

Wan Chu’s Wife in Bed

Wan Chu’s Wife in Bed Select two of the following three poems, and discuss the difference between them T.R. Hummer’s “Where You Go When She SleepsGary Soto’s “Oranges, & Richard Jones’ “Wan Chu’s Wife in Bed,” Use evidence (quotes) from the poems to help support your claims ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!

Selecting A Diagnosis

Selecting A Diagnosis In this assignment, you will select the DSM-5 diagnosis that will be the focus of your final project. In Unit 7, you will present the case study you have developed of the hypothetical client. Please review your course project information to familiarize yourself with the required components. For this assignment, you will select the DSM-5 principal diagnosis that you will be presenting in the case study and final paper. Choose a mental disorder from Section II of the DSM-5 (excluding substance-use disorders, other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention (V and Z codes), and disorders noted in the chapters "Other Mental Disorders" and "Medication-Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication"). In your paper: 1.Identify the diagnosis you have selected for your final project. Do not describe the client you will use in your case study here—that information will be included in your Unit 7 assignment. This assignment is just about t

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina Unit 6 Assignment This Assignment continues our review of Hurricane Katrina. Based upon the four (4) key elements in an emergency response to a specific incident, write a 3–5 page paper, critiquing the response of each responder during Katrina. Highlight the mistakes each responder made, and what you would do today to ensure those problems would not reoccur. The four key elements to an emergency response include: resources from state and federal agencies first responders secondary emergency services private sector resources In your paper, evaluate the effectiveness of the four (4) key elements in the emergency response to Katrina, and recommend alternative actions that may have resulted in a different outcome, either positively or negatively, based upon these response principles. For information on the Katrina responders, review the Executive Summary and Investigation Overview (pp. 1–26) in the Katrina report, and conduct research on the internet. Source: gpo.

high-need school

high-need school Camden City School District is seeking outstanding teachers to provide a high-quality education for our students, of whom 95% qualify for free or reduced price lunch. • Why do you want to teach in a high-need school in Camden? • What challenges do you think you might face in Camden’s schools that you might not face in other schools, and what academic strategies could you use to address these challenges? • What experiences have you had working with students from high-need communities that would equip you for these challenges? lease describe an ambitious academic goal you have set (or would set) with a student or group of students. In your response, please address the following: • What was (or is) the specific goal you set for the student(s)? • Why was (or is) it an important goal for your student(s)? • What specific steps did you take to meet your goal and how did you know you were successful? Or, what specific steps would you take to meet your goal, an

Issuing prescriptions

Issuing prescriptions • What training is required in order to issue prescriptions? • How does a Pharmacist know that the person calling in the prescription is qualified? Does the Doctor’s nurse ever call in the prescription or refill? How does a Pharmacist verify the validity of a call? • Are there classes of meds that require a paper script? For example, narcotics? Are there meds that are non-refillable without a whole new script? • Identify major legal and ethical issues that Pharmacists struggle with in their practice. • What does a Pharmacist do if he believes that the prescribed med is not appropriate for the patients’ condition or is contraindicated due to the patient’s condition? What if the prescribed med conflicts with another med that the patient is taking? • Does a Pharmacist “suggesting” an over the counter medication create any ethical issues? • How does a Pharmacist handle “emergencies”? ORDER THIS ESSAY HER

death penalty

death penalty develop a position on whether the death penalty effectively deters crime. Consider whethere crime and punishment and the stranger act as cautionary tales? will the protagonists harsh punishment deter future criminals? ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!