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Archive for the ‘Finance’
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Preparation of a Market analysis and Strategic review of the leading companies for the production of Super Absorbent Polymers (the sector where the Negotiation Simulation Exercise will be based)

Pre-work A. 20%- Preparation of a Market analysis and Strategic review of the leading companies for the production of Super Absorbent Polymers (the sector where the Negotiation Simulation Exercise will be based). Super Absorbent Polymer is a chemical product with the capacity to retain a high level of liquids. They are used commonly in disposal hygiene products. Other uses include water-blocking applications in electrical power cables, construction works, food packaging and agricultural soil conditioners. The leading companies of Super Absorbent Polymer market are: Evonik Industries Nippon Shokubai BASF Sumitomo Seika Chemicals SDP Global Yixing Danson Technology Market analysis and strategic review to be prepared including a minimum of 3 companies and to be presented in an individual executive summary in a word format with no more than 5 pages. B. 35% - Preparation of Qatar-Kuwait financial case: Based on the case provided, participants will review

Islamic banking case study

I will upload you a word document that has all instructions with the case study + a pdf of the company annual report mentioned in the case study And a powerpoint of the material covered, as you need to answer the questions based on the material of islamic banking. Please follow the instructions strictly and don't go out of subject. Only based on the material covered and the information given.

Financial planning case study

Read instructions in the attachment. Please finish the writing part of the case study (in the deliverables. from the engagement letter to Two step/ three panel approach). Leave the Calculations and recommendation part. Thanks!

managing financial resources

DO NOT INCLUDE REFERENCE IN WORD COUNT PLEASE i have attached instructions also you must reference the book go to bookshelf here is the loging details

Sky Air Case

Here are some prompts: · When and why principal-agent relationships exist · How contracts attempt to deal with the principal-agent problems · Examination of principal-agent problems that occur inside a firm · Examination of principal-agent problems between firms or between people external to a firm · Moral hazard · Discussion of hidden information an hidden action. The role of observability, verifiability, and measurement in contributing to moral hazard · To examine various solutions to those problems including incentive compensation, monitoring, tournaments, etc. in the specific contexts of internal labor markets as well as the relationship between an investor and an entrepreneur. Ethics is there, but it’s not the main focus of the article. Thanks, Case is attached.

Bank of America Corporation

Events: Look back and come up with at least three to five significant changes in the stock – I won’t force a timeframe on you, but try to have some Company Specific and Market Specific (so if it is the Market – show that the Company was down e.g. 5% and market down 9% or vice versa and comment). You should probably have a sense of the company’s beta – risk is same as the market, less than or more thanвЂВ¦ If it is Company Specific it could be e.g. the company announced a delay in introducing their new product – stock fell 7% while market was 0% changed. Below is what you gonna to write. Company description and Industry Description that are seperate, use small title, labal which paragraph is Company Description , which one is industry Description. Company Description: Major Lines of Business and brief history Industry Description: Chief Competitors in Major Lines of Business e.g. barriers to entry, where is the industry in terms of life cycle,

managing financial resources

DO NOT INCLUDE REFERENCE IN WORD COUNT PLEASE i have attached instructions also you must reference the book go to bookshelf here is the loging details

Estimating Financial Needs

Application: Estimating Financing Needs In your accounting course, you learned about the income statement that provides a record of what led to net income for the year. Just as you might develop a forecast of the future year's budget, financial professionals forecast future income by developing a one-year forecast of the firm's income statement, more commonly known as the pro forma income statement. Taken together with assumptions about future assets, liabilities, and retained earnings, one can estimate future long-term financing needs for the corporation. For this Assignment, complete Problems 17-7 (one year pro forma statement) and 17-8 (total liabilities estimation and forecast of long-term debt financing need) in your course text. In addition, provide two or more suggestions on what Ambrose Inc. could do to reduce the forecasted debt financing (the managerial part of financing). Be sure to provide rationales as to why your suggestions will be effective in reducing the forecasted


1. It must be typewritten and submitted on the designated date in Microsoft Word format. 2. It must be no less than 2 double spaced, 8 ½ x 11 inch pages with margins of 1 inch left and right, bottom and top. The font should be size 12. (Hint: submitting more than 2 pages never hurts) 3. It must demonstrate a coherent understanding of the subject and written in a formal business report style format. 4. You must use at least 2 other information sources along with your textbook, make proper citation within the essay and include a Works Cited page. You may use either citation format, MLA or APA. Just give proper credit for others work. Do not use extensive quotes or charts!

Finance project calculation

I am assigned with the country of Chile from the time period 2001 to 2006.