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Archive for the ‘finance’
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Examine the financial statements of the two companies in your pair

Choose one pair of the companies and find their statements from Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, and MSN Money: (1) Amazon and Wal-Mart or (2) Microsoft and Apple. Examine the financial statements of the two companies in your pair. Most ratios are computed by the websites. If you need any ratio that is not available, you can do your own computation. Compare their ratios, and see if you can identify any trends from them. Decompose some ratios to see if there is something interesting. Based on their ratios, what can you say about the operational efficiencies/strategies of the two companies that you have chosen to examine?

Managerial Finance

Details:Please attached assignment details The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to stocks and to analyze the ethical implications of decisions and promote ethical standards within organizations. Read the Chapter 7 Mini Case on pages 322-323 in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions a through d.   Using the mini case information, write a 250-500 word report presenting potential ethical issues that may arise from expanding into other related fields. In your discussion, proactively strategize about possible expansion by explaining opportunities to promote ethical standards within your organization. Details: The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to fixed income securities.   Read the Chapter 5 Mini Case on page 230 in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabu


1.Word Count guidance:2000 words 2.Type of Assignment: Business Report. 3. Make use of reference,where appropriate,useHarvard or APA referencing method.

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Prepare: View the Globalization: What is Happening to Us? video and read the article A Model of Global Citizenship: Antecedents and Outcomes by Stephen Reysen and Iva Katzarska-Miller (2013). Go to the Ashford Library and locate one additional source on global citizenship that will help support your viewpoint. Reflect: Please take some time to reflect on how the concept of global citizenship has shaped your identity, and think about how being a global citizen has made you a better person in your community Write:

What is the difference between a cost and an expense?

What is the difference between a cost and an expense? When does a cost become an expense? Do all costs become expenses? Explain

Module 6: Discussion Forum

A company is experiencing lower than expected sales. The company’s executives agreed that in order to make up some of the lost revenue’s impact on the bottom line, expenses must be lower. One of the expenses to reduce was equipment that was purchased for $4,400,000 two years ago and which was estimated to have a useful life of eight years and a salvage value of $400,000. The company uses straight line deprecation, therefore, the company has recorded accumulated depreciation of $1,000,000 to date. The executives want the estimated useful life changed from eight to 12 years so that depreciation expense will be reduced. The argument is that the useful life was just an estimate and by changing it the company can be aligned with the industry since some competitors in the industry also use 12 years’ useful life.
  • Identify the stakeholders in the case.
  • Determine whether the proposed change in assets’ useful life is unethical or good business practice.

Healthcare Finance U2DB

You are also required to respond to your classmates. Remember, a quality post is not a simple "I agree" or 1-sentence response. Your responses to your classmates should be at least a paragraph and should be based upon your experiences or the unit readings and/or class materials. If you need more clarification about quality posts, please ask your instructor. The Ocean View Diabetes Clinic is considering implementation of a tele-health diabetes unit. This will allow clinicians to monitor the care of the patient from the patient’s home through the use of high-tech equipment. The pilot project will consist of two test patients. This will be a very costly project. The Ocean View Diabetes Clinic needs to know how long it will take the revenue generated from investing in this tele-health diabetes unit to equal the dollars spent to implement this pilot project. The assumptions are as follows:
  • Cost of the equipment: $500,000
  • Longevity of the equipment: 20 years

Vanilla Bonds and Vanilla Stocks

Deliverable Length:  800–1,000 words   Understanding how to properly value a vanilla bond (a plain bond) is essential for finance. Using the following:  https://www.auctions.zionsdirect.com/ find 3 different funding structures. Describe for each structure: security type, term, and yield. Furthermore, take a look at each of their offering documents, and provide a short description of the information found in the documentation.  

Lee Manufacturing Case Study

Lee Manufacturing Capital Budgeting Analysis   In 2004 David Lee started Lee Manufacturing, a company dedicated to manufacturing simple yet efficient gas barbecues. The barbecues are made of aluminum and stainless steel and are priced at the middle of the market. David’s goal has always been to make a barbecue that cooks great food. This means, good quality parts, simple construction, even heat, no hot or cold spots, and a barbecue that will hold temperature from the lowest setting to the highest setting. David’s motto is “high quality for a fair price”. The company offers four basic grill sizes (models) and several options and accessories that can be added on to each model. Lee’s barbecues have been well received. Revenue and profits have grown steadily.   Based on the recommendation from his sales and marketing department Mr. Lee is considering broadening his product line by adding a new product line of Lee charcoal barbecues

FIN/370 Question and Problem Sets

Purpose of Assignment Provide students with a basic understanding of financial management, goal of the firm, and the basic financial statements. Students should be able to calculate and analyze solvency, liquidity, profitability and market value ratios, and create proforma financial statements.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web that offer support for office products. 

Complete the following Questions and Problems (Concepts and Critical Thinking Questions for Ch. 1 Only) from each chapter as indicated.

Show all work and analysis.

Prepare in Microsoft® Excel® or Wor