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Archive for the ‘Government’
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Latin America

Within Latin America, assess the rationale for the creation of additional regional organizations outside of the OAS structure. (UNASUR, ALBA, and MERCOSUR). Do these involve attempts to exert soft power?   Response should be at least 500 words.


Choose a news program to watch on television or online which is a minimum of 30 minutes.  The news story should be from one of the major U.S. media outlets (i.e., a major television network or its Web site). Answer the following questions about the news story in an essay of 400 words:
  • What news stories did the media cover?
  • What did you learn from the news stories that were covered?
  • Do you think the stories that were covered were significant and important to political process in the United States? If so, in what way?


Choose a social or political issue that you are interested in or passionate about and complete the following:
  • Explain how the issue relates to your life currently and how it can affect you in the future.
  • Do you think differently about the American political system? Why or why not?
  • Explain what suggestions you have for making the form of government in the United States better for the future.
  • How are you active in politics? Have you voted recently on any level? Why or Why not?
  • If you did not vote how would you feel if your right to vote was taken away?
  • If you did vote what do you think about non-democratic political systems?
The main post should include at least 1 reference to an academic source, and all sources should be cited using APA format.

American Fed Gov

Write a short 3-4 page paper profiling ONE of the individuals listed below. 
Develop the significant impact made by that individual upon political ideas 
and developments in the United States from its formation through the time the 
individual had lived in mid-19th Century.

-John Locke

HLS420 ass3

  • Assumption: The Secretary of Homeland Security, as a former governor, is reasonably aware of the basic connection between the NSHS and state planning efforts. What she is most interested in learning about is where there are challenges, incongruities, or friction between federal homeland security planning efforts as outlined in the NSHS and state efforts to develop comprehensive and effective state-level homeland security strategic plans.
  • Address the following in 900 words:
    • Assignment: Your assignment is to develop an executive-level briefing that provides succinct information to the Secretary of Homeland Security so that she is prepared to engage the states in assessing the impact of the NSHS on state homeland security strategic planning efforts. Your briefing memo should include the following:
      • What have the states had to say about the 2002 and 2007 versions of the NSHS? Explain.
        • Conduct an Inte

Questions Interagency Communication

70 words minimum 1. What is the involvement of politics in emergency management response?  Does the EOC need to take politics into consideration?   2. When disaster strikes our nation the citizens are the ones that suffer. politicians and laws control the funds so the political process has to take place so funding will be approved. Emergency managers are trained to manage the disaster recovery and since this is key to recovery should politicians have some authority over the management of the efforts?   3. Do you support a national standard for all areas of emergency management?  If not, why not?  How often should standards be evaluated?  Periodically or annually?

Assignment 1: Politics – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Assignment 1:  Politics - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Due Week 6 and worth 200 points Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student answers the following three (3) items using headers to separate each item:
  1. Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American government today. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: In your response, consider how the events influenced the way state, local or national political leaders or agencies responded in a socially responsible or ethical manner toward the community.
  2. Discuss two (2) media events (past or present) that have positively and or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how a news story or media coverage of an event positively or negatively changed the public’s opinion

HIS 1.1

Traditionally, as Americans, we have often looked at the events leading to the American Revolution in terms of "good guys vs. bad guys."  Is this necessarily the case?  Were the British entirely wrong in making the colonies pay taxes?  Why or why not?  Were the colonists entirely right in not wanting to pay them?  Why or why not?   12-15 sentences

unit 5-s2

https://kucampus.kaplan.edu/Seminar/OpenSeminar?chatID=4821220   open it and 300-500 on the seminar and what was spoken about.


Drug Analysis

In this Assignment, you are going to compare depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens, and identify a specific theoretical explanation for why an individual would choose to use one or more of these drugs.

You are to identify one drug from each category (see examples below). In a minimum 4-page paper, you are to analyze and evaluate the differences between the drugs, including composition, manufacture/cultivation, how they are used, and their physical and psychological effects on the human body. You will then identify one specific theory, such as anomie, differential association, social control, cultural deviance, labeling, behaviorism, behavior modification, or cognitive learning that you believe best explains why an individual would choose to use one or more of your chosen drugs.

A sample of drugs listed in the thre