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Archive for the ‘Health and Medicine’
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a cover page listing your name(s) and title Cite all references using APA style double spaced, using 11 or 12 point font. -- Search the Internet and find 5 healthcare information system vendors that offer EHR products. In a short paper, compare and contrast the functions and features of each product. Find and critique in a short paper a sample RFP for a health care organization. Think about the following questions when writing your critique .What were the sections included in the RFP? Based on the reading, what was missing? What did you like about it? What aspects of it did you feel could be improved, explain. Assume you are the CEO of a large group practice (75 physicians) that implemented an EHR system two years ago. The physicians are asking for an evaluation of the system and its impact on quality, costs, and patient satisfaction. In a short paper, create and document a plan for evaluating the EHR system’s impact on the organization in these three areas. Do an Internet or lib

Duplex Guided Trans-Radial Artery BAM and Fistuloplasties

I will upload the materials needed to write this, also the results, methods/materials have to be from the word doc i will upload and the discussion should be done in a way similar to the pdf files i upload, everything overall has to be about the word doc i upload and must have 10 sources or more on this material.

Global Health Case Study Analysis

seven (text book, article, and 2 peer reviewed journal articles and information from 3 reputable global health sites.

Treatment Plan

Objective 3: Demonstrate the interview, assessment, diagnostic, and treatment plan process. A clinician takes many steps to determine what is best for a client who comes to him or her for help. Clinicians must interview, assess and refer, diagnose, and then create a treatment plan for clients. The treatment plan becomes the road map for the client and clinician to follow to reach the agreed upon goals. Having the data gathered helps show the rationale behind the developed plan, and the plan itself will then be used throughout treatment, amended throughout the process as needed. Learning Activity #4: Treatment Plan Refer back to the case study and accompanying assignments from Week Three. Based on the assessment report and recommendations in said report, create a 2-4 page treatment plan for the case study. To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need to be addressed.  Brief description of the interview response  Screening form

Haematology, biochemistry, microbiology, cellular pathology, immunology

I have two cases and 5 questions that I have to answer i don't know how many words actually I will need, I just I want to have the fullfill answer.  

pathophysiology of the body

Hi there, I'm a paramedic's student and I have this subject talking about the pathophysiology of the body. However, I have had a case study includes 4 questions and its need to be answered with references and for the last question make sure you use Queensland Ambulance Services. Case: You are called to a 30 year old male who has been burned in a factory blast. His factory colleagues have rescued him and have continually poured water over him for the last 10 minutes. Assessment: Alert and oriented but in significant pain, he is speaking in full sentences but his voice is husky. He has partial thickness circumferential burns to his arms, partial thickness burns to the front of his legs, full thickness to his chest and partial thickness to his abdomen and although he was wearing a helmet at the time he is displaying a singed mustache and eyebrows. Vital signs, RR 26, SaO2 - not obtained, PR 128 palpable at the radial pulse, BP not obtained, PMHx: Nil known allergies No significant past

Proteus mirabilis

Use the references that are attached . The paper should incloud the following : - Introduction and conclusion - History - How the organism stains, morphology, how it would appear on media used for its growth - The issues that it causes ( diseases and symptoms ) - How it can be treated, antibiotics, etc - A specific case study - Other interesting information

Proteus mirabilis

Use the references that are attached . The paper should incloud the following : - Introduction and conclusion - History - How the organism stains, morphology, how it would appear on media used for its growth - The issues that it causes ( diseases and symptoms ) - How it can be treated, antibiotics, etc - A specific case study - Other interesting information

Educational Assessment Paper

Objective 2: Review the differences between diagnostic tests and cognitive tests for educational assessment purposes. Educational testing is used to determine how students are performing in the educational environment, problems with learning, readiness, and cognitive ability. These are all important areas when looking at current progress as well as future direction for students. Diagnostic testing is used to look for problem areas in learning and what difficulties students may face. Cognitive testing is just as important and assesses reasoning. Testing allows educators to assist students and determine if services may be needed, what type of services may be needed, identify strengths and weaknesses, and accurate grade level placement. Learning Activity #3: Educational Assessment Paper Read Chapter 6 in the Neukrug & Fawcett textbook. Write a 1-2 page paper outlining the functions and applications of both the diagnostic tests and cognitive ability tests. To achieve maximum points f

Discussion Board / Long Term Care

Discussion Board: LTC Legal Issues and Regulation in LTC COLLAPSE Discuss how the four expectations of a long-term care administrator presented in the American College of Health Care Administrators code of ethics affect professional behavior on a daily basis. State requirements for the education and certification or licensure of nursing home administrators and assisted living facility administrators vary greatly. Select two states and create a chart comparing requirements for licensure or certification and education or training for each. Laws regulating skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities vary by state. However, most states’ regulations address emergency/disaster preparedness, fire safety, staff training, medication management, resident privacy, and background checks. What do the regulations in your selected two states say about these issues? Where do you see the greatest differences in regulations? Why? Note that any perceived duplication/plagiarism will resu