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Archive for the ‘healthcare’
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Assignment 3: Obesity in America

Assignment 3: Obesity in America Due Week 9 and worth 65 points Obesity in America is considered an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Review the information on obesity on pages 383 to 385 in the textbook. You may also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research obesity and its causes. Suggested Reading: “What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?” located at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/risks.html Write a one to two page (1-2) page essay in which you: Describe the effect that obesity (childhood and / or adult) has had on you personally or your community. Select one (1) contributing factor to childhood or adult obesity. Recommend two (2) preventative measures related to the selected factor that people can take in order to reduce their chance of becoming obese. Discuss one (1) sociological theory that relates to

Scenario: Pursuant to the 2010 Health Care Reform Bill

) Scenario: Pursuant to the 2010 Health Care Reform Bill, the United States will be challenged to bring into its health care population some 32 million more patients. Formerly, many of these patients were uninsured. Some of these patients were seen and treated in safety-net hospitals, but mostly in emergency rooms. Reliable, independent studies have shown that this population is low income and is disproportionately made up of ethnic and racial minorities; however, it is important to point out that due to the economic downturn at the turn of the decade surrounding 2010, this 32 million will include a significant number of non-minority unemployed individuals. Consider that health care institutions must move beyond simply taking in and treating the sick and injured who come through the door. In the near future, the health of the community will be measured in terms of low disease burden, high vaccination rates, controlled chronic disease rates, healthier life styles, and a better educated

Annotated bibliography

This assignment is designed to guide you as you start your research for  the Future of Managed Health Care Delivery Systems.  Use eight to ten scholarly and/ or peer-reviewed sources and  the following guide as you write your proposal and bibliography: I.   Paper Proposal: For the Research Paper, you are to choose a topic related to the future of managed health care delivery.  Describe the topic that you will be covering.  Explain why you chose it and how it relates to the future of managed health care delivery systems. II.   Annotated Bibliography:  Provide an annotated bibliography of at least five of the required eight to ten scholarly sources you will be using to write your research  Paper.  An annotated bibliography for this purpose is one that i

NRS 429V/429V Week 4 Family Health Assessment (100% Tutorial)

Details: Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: Values, Health Perception Nutrition, Sleep/Rest, Elimination, Activity/Exercise, Cognitive, Sensory-Perception, Self-Perception, Role Relationship, Sexuality, Coping, NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment. After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses. In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected. Identify two or more wellness nursing diagnoses based on your family assessment. Wellness and family nursing diagnoses are different than standard nursing di

Ethic question..What are the role and responsibilities of the ethics committee

Ethic question What are the role and responsibilities of the ethics committee in healthcare organizations? What type of conflict could healthcare administrators encounter when trying to manage ethical issues pertaining to business, patients, and staff that may be brought before the ethics committee?

Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthc

Compare and Contrast U.S. Healthcare Policy Review the health policies of each of the following countries. Then, choose a country from the following list to compare and contrast with the current U.S. healthcare system: ·         China ·         England ·         Germany ·         Australia ·         Canada ·         Japan Once you have thoroughly analyzed the health policy information for your chosen country, answer the following questions: ·         What is the main focus of the policy standard in this (chosen) country? ·         What are the similarities to the U.S. healthcare system? ·         Governance ·         Workforce ·         Leadership ·         Quality ·         How does the U.S. healthcare system differ in terms of policy? ·         Where do you foresee the U.S. healthcare system in the future (long-/sho

Ideal childcare setting for a 6 month old

Ideal childcare setting for a 6 month old What constitutes an ideal childcare setting for a 6 month old? Suppose you were seeking a child-care setting for your 6-month-old baby. What would you want it to be like, and why? Address issues such as (but not limited to):
  • Physical setting
  • Personnel qualifications
  • Health, safety, and nutrition
  • Mental, emotional, and cognitive stimulation
  • Cost
  • Proximity
Support your opinions with citations from at least three academic sources (not websites or popular press).   Word document with separate title page and reference list, not included in the word count 1200-1500 words

HSM541 Health Service Systems All 7 Weeks Discussions

HSM 541 Week 1 DQ 1 Costs, Quality, and Access HSM 541 Week 1 DQ 2 Illness vs. Health Promotion HSM 541 Week 2 DQ 1 Healthcare Workforce HSM 541 Week 2 DQ 2 Government Programs HSM 541 Week 3 DQ 1 Private Insurance HSM 541 Week 3 DQ 2 The Uninsured HSM 541 Week 4 DQ 1 Primary Care HSM 541 Week 4 DQ 2 Managed Care HSM 541 Week 5 DQ 1 Hospitals HSM 541 Week 5 DQ 2 Employer Health Plans HSM 541 Week 6 DQ 1 Errors, Safety HSM 541 Week 6 DQ 2 Improving Quality HSM 541 Week 7 DQ 1 Fraud and Abuse HSM 541 Week 7 DQ 2 Healthcare Management

HSA 510- Assignment 2 -The Health Care Market Health Economics HSA 510

The Healthcare Market
6-8 page paper
  1. Analyze the current health care delivery structure in your state. Compare and contrast the major determinants of healthcare market power.
  2. Analyze the main competitive forces in the your healthcare delivery system in your state, and compare the major factors that influence the fundamental manner in which these competitive forces determine prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism, and providers’ compensation.
  3. Evaluate the positive benefits and negative aspects, respectively, of HMO managed care from the provider’s point of view—i.e., a physician and a healthcare facility—and from a patient’s point of view. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Assess the efficiency of the types of economic incentives available to providers in the delivery of healthcare services in your own state.

HSA599 Assignment 1: Conducting an Environmental Analysis (A+++++)

Assignment 1: Conducting an Environmental Analysis Due Week 4 and worth 300 points For all assignments assume that you are the administrator of a fictitious organization of your choice. The organization can be any type of health care organization such as a hospital, nursing home, rehabilitation center, clinic, etc. As the administrator, you are faced with the challenges of declining reimbursements from insurance providers and increasing demands for patient services due to dramatic changes in the external environment. Such changes include those imposed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Your first step in evaluating the position of your organization will be conducting an environmental analysis. The purpose of this is to determine your organization’s ability to continue to provide