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Archive for the ‘healthcare’
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1st paragraph: patient history and relation to radiology. This is an x-ray program. Patient is 7 yrs old female. 2nd paragraph: films taken digitally, equipment needed, positioning of pt, my participation and experience. 3rd: results, diagnosis and what would be on radiologist report. 4th: pt follow-up, procedures, surgeries for disease. 5th: conclusion

M5A1 "Inpatient Hospital Coding"

I need the writer to write: Title: M1A3 Introduction to Quality Management Essay Question Essay: Instructions: Think about your most recent healthcare encounter. What aspects of the care or service were you pleased with? What could have been done better? Watch the videos "My Right Knee Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXOvLcNGKOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCBO_7pXgGE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxVbC2VlvrQ In a 2 to 3 page essay (APA format) write about your experience. Please be as specific as possible in answering these questions, as your answer will serve as the basis for your response to questions in future chapters. Explain which of Dr. Berwick’s quality requirements were met and which were not during your recent


Please go to the file named case study data it contains all of my raw data and information that you would need to use. Then go to the file named Manuscript preparation these are the requirements you need to follow. Then go to file named manuscript this is the template you need to use

Database Schema

Details: Design a database schema for the proposed Database Design Proposal in Module 1. Identify and list all relevant entities and their relationships: 1) Select no less than five entities. 2) Provide a diagram. 3) Map this to a database schema. 4) Provide a data dictionary for all entity attributes. Focus on one or two areas of your design that seemed especially difficult to develop and provide a brief assessment of the difficulty you encountered in modeling or mapping to the schema. In addition, provide the rationale for the design chosen, its limitations, and its possible extensions. Tip: If you do not have access to ER modeling software or a diagramming tool like Visio or OmniGraffle, you can simply create diagrams in a presentation tool like PowerPoint. This is an essential skill which is used in the field. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignme

Database Design Proposal: Proposal Outline

The Database Design Proposal assignment consists of several parts which are due in various modules throughout the course. The assignment will also be referred to in some of the other individual assignments within the course. Module 1 discussion focused on data types and their categories and some challenges and strategies of dealing with data. In this Database Design Proposal, you are required to design and develop a database which will be used to compile and report distilled information using clinical health care data. The Proposal Outline is the initial step of this assignment. Create a short outline of about 250–500 words of the project proposal. In the outline, briefly define and describe the scenario for which the database will be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the given scenario would solve, and any other additional components of a standard project proposal outline that are needed. Utilize the following outline as a guideline: 1) Title Page 2) Abstract: A su

M2A1 "EHR Navigator"

Discussion Board Topic - EHR Navigator: After completing an overview of the EHR Navigator in the module, prepare a list of features that are most important to your job as the HIT training specialist at Northstar Medical Center. Explain why each feature is important and how each will help you complete your job more effectively and efficiently. Textbook information: Chapter 3 - Textbook information Foltz, Diane & Lankisch, K. Exploring Electronic Health Records. Paradigm Publishing. ISBN: 0978-0-76385-729-5

M5A2 "Documentation"

Discussion Board Topic - Documentation: You are the health information manager at a local hospital. A physician on the medical staff does not understand how to add H & P notes to a patient’s EHR. He explains that he “always used to handwrite the H & P”. You explain to the physician that he can no longer handwrite his notes and you give him two options of how he can add his notes to the EHR. Describe these two options. Textbook information: Chapter 7, 8, & 9 - Textbook information Foltz, Diane & Lankisch, K. Exploring Electronic Health Records. Paradigm Publishing. ISBN: 0978-0-76385-729-5

M7A2 "EHR Selection"

Discussion Board Topic - EHR Selection: Watch the following video, “EHR Vendor Selection, Interpretation, and Patient Adoption,” found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RSad8PU-JM. Then search YouTube for another video on vendor selection. Compare and contrast the video’s main points. Textbook information: Chapter 12 - Textbook information Foltz, Diane & Lankisch, K. Exploring Electronic Health Records. Paradigm Publishing. ISBN: 0978-0-76385-729-5

M2A1 Measuring Performance

Discussion Board Topic: For any healthcare activity, three performance factors can be measured: structure, process, and outcome. Identify one structure measure, one process measure, and one outcome measure that could be used to evaluate the following hospital admission process and explain why you selected each measure. Upon arrival, the patient reports to the hospital registration or admitting area. The patient completes paperwork and provides an insurance identification card, if insured. Often, patients register before the date of hospital admission to facilitate the registration process. An identification bracelet including the patient’s name and doctor’s name is placed around the patient’s wrist. Before any procedure is performed or any form of medical care is provided, the patient is asked to sign a consent form. If the patient is not feeling well, a family member or caregiver can help the patient comple

M3A1 Visual Display of Data

Discussion Board Topic: There are many different ways to display information. We all view things in different ways. For some of us, we would rather read about data, but for most of us, helping breakdown numbers or dense information into graphics is helpful. What type of graph would you use to give a graphical representation of the following information? Why? Create a chart and paste it into the discussion or attach it as a separate file to the discussion post 100 admission to a pediatric hospital for the following reasons: adominal and pelvic pain : 50 pain in the throat and chest: 25 non-Senile cataract: 10 neoplasm of the breast: 10 Senile cataract: 5 Textbook information: Chapter 4 Spath, Patrice. Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, 2nd edition. Health Administration Press . 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-56793-593-6