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Archive for the ‘history’
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Write about how you believe imperialism was the main cause of World War I. Feel free to use online resources to conduct research and argue that imperialism was the main cause of World War I. Instructions and guidelines are provided in the attachment. Please do not include the cover sheet. I will take care of it. Please ensure grammar is well written.

Define the concept of Manifest Destiny

Define the concept of Manifest Destiny and assess its impact upon American politics in the 1840s. What various reasons were there for Americans to move west in the 1840s? What did Manifest Destiny mean for: Slave owners? Black Americans? Western Native Americans? Is the idea and spirit of manifest destiny still alive in America? Explain/discuss. Minimum 150 words

the differing experiences of Americans from the colonial era through the Civil War

Write an outline and an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources to be used as evidence in the Final Paper.Outline: Your outline should be detailed enough to show the development of your topic, including bullets for the introduction, supporting points for at least four body paragraphs of the paper, and your conclusion. Your proposed thesis statement should appear under the introduction heading. Your outline should be approximately ½ to 1 page long in outline format with headings and subheadings organized by body paragraphs that build on your thesis statement. Topic: Some Americans consider their nation’s history as the story of inevitable and ever-increasing freedom and opportunity. For the period from 1492-1867, was this true for all Americans, or only some? Make sure you address at least two different groups of colonists/Americans from the following list: Enslaved Africans/African Americans Native Americans Women (you may break this group down further, i.e. n

American History

The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 3 - 4 pages double spaced, 12-point font). The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation. The paper will not be just a report presenting information, but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered. The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement. It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you. Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered. You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.) Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it. You wil

Port Huron and the National Security Strategy

The Port Huron Statement (1962), in Foner, Voices of Freedom, 282-288. The National Security Strategy of the United States (2002), in Foner, Voices of Freedom, 341-344. In your analysis and interpretation consider some of the following questions: What motivates the writers or speakers to express their views? What risks might be involved in expressing these views? What is the message they are trying to communicate? Does their message clash with any of the accepted values or perspectives of that time in American history in which they live? Who is their intended audience? Do the authors or speakers achieve their goals? Explain how their words or ideas change the course of subsequent events. The paper must include the following: A title. A thesis statement and an argument. Do not simply summarize or describe the document. Provide an analysis of its meaning and significance. In other words, form an interpretation of the document. Evidence from the text to support your thesis statement,


Using the following resources and your textbook only, discuss the factors contributing to the Civil War: https://www.wvculture.org/history/civilwar/sesquicentennial/jonestimeline.html https://www.learner.org/series/biographyofamerica/prog10/index.html https://www.civilwar.org/education/teachers/lesson-plans/the-gathering-storm/the-gathering-storm-lesson.html

Humanities 112- World Cultures Discussion Question

"Tchaikovsky and Women in Art" Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Select one (1) composition by Tchaikovsky that you enjoy. Describe the music and subject matter of that work, and explain why you enjoy it. Explain the key reasons why you believe that compositions by Tchaikovsky continue to be popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences. Passionate nationalism, like Tchaikovsky's for Russia, could be a feature of Romantic art and music and in the arts of the late 1800s. Give primary examples of music today (besides national anthems) that is characterized by nationalism. Select two (2) paintings depicting females by both a male artist and female artist named within the Explore section. Compare and contrast these two (2) depictions of women, and comment on any general tendencies that you detect among artists of that era in this respect. Compare this situation in the late 1800s to the way females are de


Discussion 9-How did medieval Universities differ from universities today? See Jacques de Vitry’s description of medieval students (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/vitry1.html) for one scholar’s description of students in medieval universities. Discussion 10-Describe the social, political, and religious misfortunes of the 14th century and the effect of these events on the psychological and material fortunes of Europeans.

American History Questions

Question 1 Evaluate the policies and doctrines that helped the United States shift from isolationism to a Superpower during the middle of the 20th century. Be certain to include specific events, doctrines, and people to make your point. Your response should be a minimum 75 words in length. Question 2 You are a journalist in the present. You have just been assigned to write a news story that evaluates the role of the United States during the Cold War era, specifically in Korea. Since your newspaper has a broad audience, you will need to include analysis of other shifts in this time period, including social, political, and economic changes in the Civil Rights movement as well as policies the U.S. takes that shape its role during the Cold War. Your response should be a minimum 200 words in length

Policy Assignment

Policy Assignment (25 Points) You will be responsible for creating a Power Point Slideshow that focuses on a social problem that deals also with a local, state, or federal policy. Once you identify this social deviance related problem and the corresponding policy that goes with it, your group will use the slideshow to break down the issue by discussing the background and statistical nature of the problem, which social theory applies best to the issue, the results or possible results of such policy, and information on how that policy controls how the problem itself plays out. Finally I want you all to write up a slide or a couple of slides where you rewrite the policy in a way where you think your version of the policy will make the social problem go away or at least shrink. Use lots of pictures and illustrations and try to make your presentation fun and interesting as if you are really going to present even though we will not. Be sure your slides make sense and are balanced without y