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Archive for the ‘history’
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Is the Sedition Act a violation of the First Amendment? Why or why not?

Is the Sedition Act a violation of the First Amendment? Why or why not? ALL FREEWRTING NO SOURCES, JUST YOUR IDEAS ON THIS!


Explain the main points of Hamilton's economic plans and assess their effectiveness at the time. By comparison, what is our nation's current, general ecomic plan and is it effective? Discuss 150 words

Alessandro Manzoni Ch. 34 The plague

Talk about style, themes, characters, anything you find interesting and worthy of mention.

Renaissance Humanism

What does the word "humanism" mean? -What was the impact of humanism upon the Italian Renaissance?

us history

Describe the structure of the Constitution in terms of liberty and power. Was the Constitution a fulfillmet of the Revolution? Why did a majority of the states oppose ratification of the Constitution when it was presented in 1787? Why was it ratified in 1789? Are the Bill of Rights still revered and respected today as they were back then? Has their original meaning been lost or reinterpreted to the point where there is a disconnect with the Founding Fathers' intentions? Should the First 10 Ammendments ever be altered? Discuss Minimum 150 words

NRS 429V/429V Week 4 Family Health Assessment (100% Tutorial)

Details: Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) B
efore interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: Values, Health Perception Nutrition, Sleep/Rest, Elimination, Activity/Exercise, Cognitive, Sensory-Perception, Self-Perception, Role Relationship, Sexuality, Coping, NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment. After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses. In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected. Identify two or more wellness nursing diagnoses based on your family assessment. Wellness and family nursing diagnoses are different than standard nursing

The topic of empire and imperial conquest is a controversial one

The topic of empire and imperial conquest is a controversial one.  Think about the major empires we have encountered so far and articulate a response to the following question: are empires a positive force for social, political, economic, and cultural development or do they only serve as a source of exploitation?

Compare and contrast the Roman Empire with the modern-day United States.

Compare and contrast the Roman Empire with the modern-day United States.  The Roman Empire often used "soft power" (ie its culture, laws, social norms, living conditions, etc) as a means of controlling the areas they conquered.  For example, Roman laws were far more appealing (jury trial, double jeopardy, etc) than tribal laws (which included such things as fights to the death to determine the guilty party).  Is the United States an empire?  How do we compare to the Roman Empire?

Discuss and define the idea of Romanization and its role in creating unity in the development of the Roman Empire.

Discuss and define the idea of Romanization and its role in creating unity in the development of the Roman Empire. APA format no minimum word count but You need a full essay with a clear main argument and a bibliography for question. No just a couple of sentences

Discuss the spread of Christianity in the late antiquity

Discuss the spread of Christianity in the late antiquity. What changes and developments came with the growth of Christianity? APA format no minimum word count but You need a essay with a clear main argument and a bibliography for question. No just a couple of sentences probably 150 words or more should do it this is my textbook if helpful Levack, B., Muir, E., & Veldman, M. (2011). The west: Encounters & transformations, vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Longman.