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From Revolution to Reform

From Revolution to Reform: A Brief History of U.S. Intelligence Based on the understanding of From Revolution to Reform: A Brief History of U.S. Intelligence, conduct a case study to identify the origins and reasons for creating a centralized intelligence collection apparatus to protect the U.S. homeland. Answer the following questions. When did the U.S. begin conducting intelligence collection activities? When did the U.S. formalize these collection activities into a centralized federal effort? What intelligence was the initial centralized system designed to collect? What impact does the initial intelligence apparatus has on current intelligence structure, purpose, and efforts? PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC 15 )

Jane Goodall's autobiography , Reason for hope

Jane Goodall's autobiography , Reason for hope -Must include an outline and a page with the works cited at the end. The essay must contain quotations from the book. Must be typed, double spaced. Must be analytical, not merely summative, contain a suitable thesis with topic sentences and provide textual proofs, and it must demonstrate ability to make logical and meaningful conclusions at the end. essay question: Jane developed lasting and meaningful relationships with the animals she studied for so many years. Discuss the history of her conatct and relationships with the chimpanzees and her trail-blazing methods of studying animals in the wild. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC 15 )

Politics and Human Rights

Politics and Human Rights 1. State, Democracy and HR. Discuss how citizens can engage in politics in democratic states in order to influence decisions; which different ways are there and what characterizes these different ways? 2. State Capacity. Ethnic belonging is often of great importance for the access to security and power in several of the sub-Saharan African countries. Discuss why this is the case, as well as the relationship between failed states and ethnic conflicts. Analyse the case from a HR-perspective! (1) Which actors are there in the conflict? (2) Which HR have been violated directly/indirectly? (3) Does the situation pose a threat against “international peace and security”? If yes, why? If not, why not? (4) Is there any substance for intervention from the side of the international community? PLACE AN ORDE TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC  15)  

How American POWs were treated during korean war by north koreans and chinese?

Korean war and American POWs (prisoners of war) How american POWs were treated during korean war by north koreans and chinese? use one of these as a source: 1.remembered prisoners of a forgotten war by lewis h. carlson 2.and the wind blew cold ; the story of an american POW in north korea by richard m bassett with lewis carlson -outside research may be required PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC 15 )

A study of the Relationship Between Germanys Weapons and Her Aggression

Germanys Violation of The Treaty of Versailles: A study of the Relationship Between Germanys Weapons and Her Aggression. After World War I the Treaty of Versailles put strict limitations on the size of Germanys military, the number and types of weapons Germany could have, and the amount of ammunition for each type of weapon. These strict limitations extended to Germanys navy as well. Germany was not permitted to have an air force. When Hitler came to power he started rearming Germany and was aggressively attempting to expand Germanys territory by reclaiming territory that was lost as a condition of the Treaty as well as adding new territories,He used various weapons to achieve this, some of which are not obvious as others. The paper assignment is to show, and document, the relationship between Germanys aggression and her weapons. Or, in other words, show the relationship between Hitlers weapons and aggression. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15% DISCOUN

American Politics and Culture in the Roosevelt Age, 1932-52

American Politics and Culture in the Roosevelt Age, 1932-52   Please be sure to address every issue raised by the statement/question! "Not with a bang, but a whimper, the New Deal petered out in 1938," David Kennedy tells us. (363) Why? And how could a President who had been reelected by the greatest landslide in American history in 1936 experience such a devastating series of defeats in the next two years? PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE GAC 15)

Reflect on the role that political influence plays in the internal decision-making of a public organization.

Columbia Incident Case Study Analysis Order type: Case Study For this assessment, reflect on the role that political influence plays in the internal decision-making of a public organization. Read the Columbia Accident case study and materials attached. Consider the questions that Stillman poses at the end of the case study: • How did the political environment influence the decision to launch the space shuttle Columbia? Who was involved and who was not? • What were the sources of the political pressure? Their points of view? • Who was the most responsible for the decision to launch the shuttle? How can one determine "responsible" or "irresponsible" use of administrative power? And ensure its "responsible" use? • List the reasons why the "political dimensions" are repeatedly overlooked or ignored? • Finally, analyze how the unified ethic might speak to this situation. PLACE

Kentucky v. King, 563 U.S. ___ (2011) -Case Study

Details: Please read the entire court opinion then summarizing it into your own words so that the important information from the brief is easier to understand and remember. Legal case names should be done in standard "Blue Book" format. Example: York v. Smith, 65 U.S. 294 (1995). For further information see http://www.law.cornell.edu/citation and look under the "How to Cite" section. In your brief, answer the following questions using the IRAC method. Please go to the following web site for help with IRAC Format www.lawnerds.com/guide/irac.html Please use the separate sections of the IRAC format to include: FACTS: ISSUE: RULE: ANALYSIS: CONCLUSION: Your brief should be 2-3 pages in length. It should be done using the IRAC method. NB: Us use the IRAC method, Bluebook citation style Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

India; Bandhan – Research Paper

Details: Write a case analysis of the microfinance sector in India, and then Bandhan (your specific microfinance institution) in India. In your case write-up, try to discuss briefly: the overall size of the microfinance industry in India, key regulatory or other economic environment issues in the country or region that influence the Microfinance Institutions, and then Bandhan’s history and mission, patterns of customer profiles, types of financial services offered, and anything you think particularly unique or interesting. As part of your analysis, relate Bandhan to at least one specific theoretic issue that its operations help illustrate. In other words, imagine what section/topic of the textbook this box could go into, and tailor part of your discussion towards how the institution helps us understand the practical implications of that section/topic. There may be existing analytic papers about microfinance with illustrations like this that you can find (you could try Google Schola

The Jungle-Coursework

Hide order Order Description I have uploaded the instructions. Please use the document I have sent you to answer the questions asked. This is not an essay. This is just course work. Please only answer the questions in blue! A couple questions ask about a documentary relating to Andrew Carnegie's documentary Prince of Steel. I have uploaded the transcript from the documentary. I do not have access to the documentary itself. Maybe you do? The rest of the questions have to do with Upton Sinclair's -The Jungle-. If you have any questions please ask!!! Thank you Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW