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Archive for the ‘history’
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Does America today need a great awakening? -Essay

What did the great awakening reveal about 18th century social and economic trends? Does America today need a great awakening?    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)    Category:   American History    VIP Support: N/A Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: double spaced, introduction, body, quotes from the book the american promise a history of the united states book must be have page number behind quote, and a conclusion. must be three pages. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem-Essay

ESSAY QUESTION : Why (in your opinion, backed by ancient sources) did the Roman state come into conflict with both Jews and Christians? How far did the Romans distinguish the two? You can use any resources you can find ? but make sure you cite them! This is not a research assignment, so the standard will be different to that expected for essays. In an essay you are showing your research and analytical skills; in this you will be showing your grasp of the main concepts of this course, and understanding of events and their contexts, and your familiarity with the ancient evidence. ?    Yes, you can just cite the titles form the course reader, no publication details required. So for example (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book VIII) would be sufficient. ?    I would suggest, for ease of writing, just using in-text citation. YOU MUST CITE your sources if you refer to other people's work, however you may keep the citation simple ? author, title of work, page number (or section nu

The Modern World-Essay

Order Instructions: What elements in the life and work of Simone Weil, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and some of the characters portrayed in the movies Dr. Ambrosio mentions speak to you most effectively about the qualities of the secular saint? How does Simone Weil's view of justice demonstrate a rooting in Greek philosophy?  Can you find a similar rootedness in the articulations of the idea of justice in the lives and work of Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa? Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

"The Old South" and Slavery – Essay

Order Instructions: Working closely with the sources in "The Old South," write an 8-10 page paper addressing the following: Historian Mark Smith writes, "Myriad, multiple, and plural though the Old South was, one institution stood at its center and defined virtually all social, economic, political, and cultural arrangements. That institution was black slavery" (p. 4). How did the institution of slavery shape WHITE southerners' experiences, behaviors, and values? How did it shape the SLAVES' experiences, behaviors, and values? ****In your paper, critically assess Smith's argument that slavery generated "a southern cultural and social identity that was a product of the BRAIDING OF WHITE AND BLACK CULTURE" (p. 4) Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Capitalism roles in US History – Term Pape

"Examine the roles of capitalism (Ie the desire to make money without interference) and the impact it had on key decisions throughout history. Final term paper- Turninit.com will be used. This is AMH 2010 (US history to 1877) I need 4-5 (specific) examples of how capitalism influenced key decisions in American History from beginning to 1877. I need to show complete knowledge of each example. Book used for course is- America a Narrative History 8th Ed Vol 1 author George Tinadall Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

American Constitution-Essay

Was the U.S. Constitution a continuation of the ideals of the American Revolution or did the Constitution betray the revolutions ideals? you will need,of course, to determine first what the ideals of the revolution were and where they came from. Then, you should argue, providing support, wether the Constitution continued or betrayed those ideals. Please note: since the topic is mainly about the Constitution, the only aspect of the revolution you should discuss is the ideology behind it. you should try to incorporate some of the primary sources. (America Firsthand Seventh Edition)into your argument. Also, as with any good argument, you need to support your argument and conclusions with evidence. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

London during The Span of the 20th Century-Essay

You find yourself transported back to London, England in the year 1900. You then find yourself shifted to London in 1945 and then to the year 2007. A- The period 1900. 1- As a time traveler and using the required source: "Schneer, London 1900" imagine that you could be anything from a merchant, to a student, to a solider. (I've chosen to be a journalist.) 2- Describe in deep, deep, deep details how do you earn a living? What is your daily life like (for example, what do you wear, what do you eat, where do you sleep.) What problems do you face? Is your life exciting? Does anything important happen during your stay? And so on and so fourth. In other words describe the social, economic, and political circumstances and the daily life that happened during that period. B- The period 1945. 1- As a time traveler and using the required source: "Waller, London 1945" imagine that you then transported to the period 1945. 2- Describe how do you earn a living? What is your daily life like (for examp

American History- Essay

This course has covered American history from the presidency of Andrew Johnson to George W. Bush. In this period, 26 men served as president. In an essay of 500-600 words, which president do you think left the boldest mark on American History? Why? The essay should present the events that serve as a hallmark to his career and a clear explanation of not only the events but also their impact upon the course of American History. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Study of W. Edwards Deming's work and concepts in the US in the 50’s.

W. Edwards Deming is considered by many to be the “father” of the quality movement in manufacturing. While he is something of a hero in Japan, this American born statistician did not start to gain renown in the U.S. until near his death in 1993. His ideas were considered radical and met with resistance in the U.S. in the 1950’s. However, they were accepted enthusiastically in Japan and led to world dominance in many markets by Japanese companies. The assignment is to research Deming’s work and identify at least one concept, idea or practice that was considered radical in the US in the 50’s. In your paper you will identify your topic, define it using examples if appropriate and explain why it was not considered mainstream at the time. You will then offer your opinion as to whether Deming’s idea, which you have identified, is still relevant in business today and why. Make sure to use good writing conventions (introduction, body, conclusion). P

Victorian Literature concerning the story a tale of two cities-Essay

1. write 7 newspaper type stories concerning the story a tale of two cities.l They are to be written as though I was a reporter during the time of the story. 60 word minimum I figure 4 stories on a page have you done this type request 2. Victorian age in british literature explain how the social, historical, political and religious events of the time period affected literature in that era how does the literature of the time period reflect what is going on in Britain during that time use different selections to support your points. 4-5 pages dbl space with works cited Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW