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Archive for the ‘history’
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The Forbidden City Bejing China-Essay

Requirements: Minimum Word Count: 1000 Words (6-10 paragraphs) 4-6 Sources using MLA or APA format Discovery Essay 2 (Option) If you cannot find a cultural activity that relates to this course, you may also choose any subject that we have covered in the course, like we did in discovery essay 1. Be sure to tie your subject or topic into the historical and cultural developments the period. Try to include as many cultural components as possible such as art, architecture, music, literature etc. Use as many outside resources as possible. (4-6 sources required) Description: The purpose of the discovery essay is construct an expository essay that researches and explains a discovery from any of the learning modules up to this assignment due date. Choose a subject of your interest to research and write in the form of an academic essay. Discovery essays are your chance to relate your cyber journeys into the humanities. This can experiences in music, painting, history, ideas, the fine arts,

The seminole wars-Essay

This paper needs to be about the Seminole wars from 1817-1858 focus on the age of imperialism and and how European nations conquered much of the globe. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Politics and Human Rights-Essay

1. State, Democracy and HR. Discuss how citizens can engage in politics in democratic states in order to influence decisions; which different ways are there and what characterizes these different ways? 2. State Capacity. Ethnic belonging is often of great importance for the access to security and power in several of the sub-Saharan African countries. Discuss why this is the case, as well as the relationship between failed states and ethnic conflicts. Note that the literature examined is: Robert Rotberg: The New Nature of Nation-State Failure (article), Mahmood Mamdani: Indirect Rule, Civil Society, and Ethnicity: The African Dilema (article), Robert H. Bates: When things fell apart (book), Patrick Chabal, introduction chapter in Is Violence Inevitable in Africa? Theories of conflict and Approaches to Conflict Prevention, Red: Patrick Chabal, Ulf Engel, Anna-Maria Gentili. 3. Changes to World Politics. Fifteen years ago, states Pluto and Mars were established as a result of the dissolu

Korean war and American POW's (prisoners of war)-Research paper

How american POWs were treated during korean war by north koreans and chinese? please use one of these as a source: 1.remembered prisoners of a forgotten war by lewis h. carlson 2.and the wind blew cold ; the story of an american POW in north korea by richard m bassett with lewis carlson -outside research may be required Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Germanys Violation of The Treaty of Versailles-Essay

A study of the Relationship Between Germanys Weapons and Her Aggression. After World War I the Treaty of Versailles put strict limitations on the size of Germanys military, the number and types of weapons Germany could have, and the amount of ammunition for each type of weapon. These strict limitations extended to Germanys navy as well. Germany was not permitted to have an air force. When Hitler came to power he started rearming Germany and was aggressively attempting to expand Germanys territory by reclaiming territory that was lost as a condition of the Treaty as well as adding new territories,He used various weapons to achieve this, some of which are not obvious as others. The paper assignment is to show, and document, the relationship between Germanys aggression and her weapons. Or, in other words, show the relationship between Hitlers weapons and aggression. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

American Politics and Culture in the Roosevelt Age,1932-52-Essay

The following question is intended to be provocative. I want to hear your interpretations, and I want you to support the essay with specific and relevant examples from David M. Kennedy's The American People in the Great Depression: Freedom From Fear, Part I. The trick is to make an argument that includes a thesis and to use evidence wisely. Be creative and bold. Please be sure to address every issue raised by the statement/question! "Not with a bang, but a whimper, the New Deal petered out in 1938," David Kennedy tells us. (363) Why? And how could a President who had been reelected by the greatest landslide in American history in 1936 experience such a devastating series of defeats in the next two years? Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Competitiveness of Japanese excellence-Essay

Competitiveness of Japanese excellence from Islamic Perspective Case study of Abu Dhabi Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Development of trading systems- Research paper

Consider the development of trading systems globally from the first to the sixteenth centuries.  How and why did the various regions become incorporated in world trade routes.  Pay particular attention to the evidence of Marco Polo Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Contemporary Constructive Lutheran Theology of Original Sin-Research paper

The general topic is "original sin." I want the paper to take the traditional Lutheran doctrine of original sin and develop a constructive approach that takes into account modern religious views and modern science, while remaining as faithful as possible to overall Lutheran doctrine. It is okay to call things into question and propose other angles of approach. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Haiti's cultural practices- Research paper

How natural disasters have effected Haiti's culture Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW