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Archive for the ‘history’
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Ramakrishna essay

Should include a direct discussion of the question of how Sri Ramakrishna is a mystic when compared to definitions of mysticism and to other mystical figures Instructions: Sri Ramakrishna essay, should include his importance and a direct discussion of the question of how Sri Ramakrishna is a mystic when compared to definitions of mysticism and to other mystical figures. general outline of how the paper should be like SUMMARY: Write a review that clearly demonstrates that you have accomplished the following: You have relfected and understand the mystic include in the context of their traditions. Contents and Contexts (20%): Have you integrated personal experience, Have you discussed and critiqued the person directly and thoroughly? Are your interpretations accurate and do they demonstrate fidelity and empathetic respect to the tradition? Have you discussed a significant number (perhaps 7) theories, ideas, principles, models, passages or examples (not merely facts)? Is your

Choose from the book- Essay

The book are: (Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty, Volume II) (Loewen, James. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong). US History II: United States from 1877 Please type the answers to the questions you’ve selected Spelling and grammar count, so please read over your papers before you turn them in. Short Answer (50 points) Answer 10 of the following (5 points each) in one to three complete sentences. Do all 15 for up to 25 points extra credit. 1. What was the name of the plan for the Allied invasion of Europe and when did it take place? 2. What is the name of German Airborne troops? 3. Was Richard Nixon ever tried for his involvement in the Watergate cover-up? If so, what was the verdict, if not, why not? 4. Who is Spiro Agnew? 5. What were two of the primary objectives of the Women’s Movement? 6. What is the Gulf of Tonkin incident and why is it important? 7. What was the My Lai massacre? 8. What was the Tet Offensive? 9. What was Iran-Contra? 10

Morality in Duty- Essay

Prompt: Based on the readings done in class(listed below as resources), discuss the concept of morality and how it is defined in relation to dharma(duty). Include in the dicussion how dharma is defined and roles of truth, honesty and obedience. Use at least 6 quotes from at least 3 of the following resources: - The Bhagavad Gita - The Ramayana - The Legend of Seyavash - "Sacrifice" - a play by Tagore - "Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection" - Kalidas

The German Christian Movement in Berlin-Research paper

The purpose of this paper is to display a historiography of the Deutsche Christen (German Christian) movement in Germany in the early 20th century. The thesis should be divided into several sections. 1.) An introduction to the Deutsche Christen movement, it's history and major figures and events. 2.) A specific exploration of Protestant Christianity (Deutsche Christen and the "Confessing Church" or "Bekennende Kirche") in Berlin in the early-to-mid 20th century. Focus could include specific incidences of Anti-Semitism, struggle with the Third Reich leadership, or a specific Kirche (church) in Berlin. Also an exploration of the blending of Christian theology and the Nazi (National Socialist) ideology may be helpful 3.) The particular case of how the members of the Deutsche Christen were re-integrated into mainstream Christianity in Germany after the end of World War II, with emphasis on Berlin It may be useful to have a writer who is familiar w


choose 1 of the questions to answer. PLEASE TYPE THE QUESTION AND ITS NUMBER , FOLLOWED BY YOUR ANSWER. choose 1 of the questions to answer. 3) Was the Mexican War an imperialistic venture by the United States? Why, given the expansionist sprit of the aged did the United States not seek to acquire all of Mexico? 4) How could Northerners detest slavery and yet not embrace abolitionism? Contrast the goals and appeals of the Free-soil movement with those of the abolitionist movement.

The Natural History Museum in London from 19th Century to Modernity- Essay

- Analysizes of the space in relations to its INTERIOR, creator and 19th century society. - Please concentrate on the museums interior and how it changes from the 19th century up to now

History Questions

Choose 1 of the questions to answer. PLEASE TYPE THE QUESTION AND ITS NUMBER , FOLLOWED BY YOUR ANSWER. choose 1 of the questions to answer. 3) Was the Mexican War an imperialistic venture by the United States? Why, given the expansionist sprit of the aged did the United States not seek to acquire all of Mexico? 4) How could Northerners detest slavery and yet not embrace abolitionism? Contrast the goals and appeals of the Free-soil movement with those of the abolitionist movement.

Essay – Why did the New Left revolutionaries in the 1970s and 1980s believe that community media was prefiguring the emerging post-capitalist society?

Here is the question. Why did the New Left revolutionaries in the 1970s and 1980s believe that community media was prefiguring the emerging post-capitalist society? This is for my politics module politics and media freedom and it is the essay question from the discussion week of alternative media.    

Dead Sea Scrolls – Antiochus

Answer the following questions in approx 600 words.Put in essay format. Must be referenced and must use the readings as a basis from what I send you. Questions: 1. Why is Antiochus IV�s persecution of the Jews considered problematic? 2. To what extent can the criticism at the bottom of p.220 (�Not one of these reconstructions escapes from being selective in what it stresses as salient facts, and they all must rely on speculation to fill in � gaps in the documentation�) be leveled against the writing of history in general? 3. What might be meant by the expression �under-determination of evidence� in relation to the cause of the persecution? 4. To what degree are the descriptions of Antiochus�s deeds similar to sacrilege topos of Babylonian literature? 5. Can one speak of 1 Maccabees as propaganda? If so, what did it hope to achieve?

Does neo-liberalism or neo-Marxism provide the most credible account of international politics?

(The answer should discuss with the reference to the films"independence day"and the new rulers of the world". The answer of this question have to be reference to the films Independence day and the new rulers of the world. [ MacLean, J. (1988) Marxism and International Relations: A Strange Case of Mutual Neglect, Millennium, 17: 295-331./Budd, A. (2007) Gramsci’s Marxism and International Relations, International Socialism, 114, available at: http://www.isj.org.uk/index.php4?id=309&issue=114/Doyle, M. W. (1986). Liberalism and World Politics, American Political Science Review, 80: 1151-69./Keohane, R. O. and Nye, J. S. (1987) Power and Interdependence Revisited, International Organization, 41: 725-53. Keohane, R. O. & Martin, L. (1995) The Promise of Institutionalist Theory, International Security, 20 /Nye, J. (1988). Review Articles: Neorealism and Neoliberalism, World Politics, 40, 2: 235-251./] The above sources are compulsory to read and reference. the answer must be incl