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Archive for the ‘history’
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what are solon's contribution to the city-state of athens

what are solon's contribution to the city-state of athens

1920s News Story

The 1920s introduced many modern conveniences, such as the widespread use of the washing machine, and many modern ideas, such as buying on credit.     In this assignment, you are to assume the role of a 1920s reporter commenting on current or recent events in a 1920s tense. Format your paper as it would look like in publication of this time.     Imagine you are a newspaper reporter. Your News Story Topic: Birth Control Clinics     Write a 700-word (Minimum) news story. The news story must address the following:  


WRITE A PAPER ON THE ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT in AMERICA   This short paper is at least three. full double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) MINIMUM OF 900 WORDS and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Your bibliography and citations must be in APA format with minimum of 2 sources.   Do not use the words, I, we, us, me or you.   Do not write jargons, no grammatical errors and paper must use specific historical references tied to the subject. The following should be answered in the paper:   1: What was the abolitionist movement and what did they hope to accomplish?   2: Who were the leaders and what was their significant accomplishments?   3: Why was the abolitionist movement opposed?   4. What happened at the Pennsylvania Hall?   5. What methods did the abolitionist movement used to convey their points?   6. Talk about the black resistance, the amistad and other insurrections?

primary source analysis

Length: 500-750 words Purpose: To learn how to read a historical primary source This assignment will require you to choose one of the primary sources (attachment below) and do the following: Identification: Identify the source (who, what, where, when) and determine the author’s point of view Historical Context: Place it the context of a broader historical event, trend, or issue (you don't have to discuss them all.  One or two will do.) Historical Question: Pose a question that this source might be used to answer and explain how you would use the source to answer that question.  Your question should draw a connection between the micro (your source as an individual case) and the macro (some larger historical development).  By answering it, you should be able to tell your reader something that helps them better understand the time and place in which the source was written.  Please avoid the following: (1) Counterfactual (what if...) questions, (2) Reading comprehension question

English Composition II

In the DRG case-mix problem, VVH has determined that it could convert 15 of its routine beds to ICU beds for a cost of $2,000. What should VVH do and why?

History 1306 Document Analysis

Review the document "Primary Sources for Document Analysis#3" and pick an article and write a 2 page essay answering the questions from "Guide for Document Analysis"   There are many sources to choose from, but you only need pick one.  Then use the guide to write your essay analyzing the document.  Make sure to write it in paragraph form and answer the questions on the guide

911 Research Paper

Based on the history of 9/11 write a research paper that talk the topic of"How does terroism changed America and the world after the 9/11" In your paper you need to focus on this topic and list the facts that how terroism changed it political/Economically/Socially. You can either discussing what were the historical remifications of the topic or an argument related to the topic. 1. Must have several Citations/Quotations in every body paragraph 2. At least 5 resources. Try to have a variety, such as a. periodicals(newspapaers/magazines) b.reputable online resources c.book(on-line variety fine) d.periodicals from the era of your topic(if possible)(archived accepted) 3.The paper defends an argument, proves a point, is neither a report nor a book summary; and is written in your own word. *Please list all the facts/resources/citations/quotations that you found either online/hardcopy-if it is online provide a link would be awesome.(Make a works cited page)

Hist 221 ART week 7

Part I
  • Click on this link: http://aoc.gov/paintings-0 (Historic Rotunda Paintings).
  • Click on the individual images for each of the 8 paintings to see them in more detail and read the short article on each of the corresponding pages for these paintings.
  • Choose 2 images and write a 200–300-word paragraph for each of them addressing the following:
1.      When was the image commissioned and hung? What is the historical context of this painting? What events were occurring when this painting was created that could have contributed to its content? How are those connections between content and context most clearly presented? 2.      Is the artist successful in communicating contextual influences? Is the message too difficult to understand for a modern viewer?
  • As a heading for each paragraph, include the image, its title, and the artist.

Art Project 221 week 7

Part I
  • Click on this link: http://aoc.gov/paintings-0 (Historic Rotunda Paintings).
  • Click on the individual images for each of the 8 paintings to see them in more detail and read the short article on each of the corresponding pages for these paintings.
  • Choose 2 images and write a 200–300-word paragraph for each of them addressing the following:
1.      When was the image commissioned and hung? What is the historical context of this painting? What events were occurring when this painting was created that could have contributed to its content? How are those connections between content and context most clearly presented? 2.      Is the artist successful in communicating contextual influences? Is the message too difficult to understand for a modern viewer?
  • As a heading for each paragraph, include the image, its title, and the artist.

Week2 DB2 hist480

What do you believe the role of the media is in the “War on Terror?” Why? Do you believe that the terrorism and the media have a symbiotic relationship (they benefit from each other)? Why or why not?     400 word Min        2 sources min