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  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Laboratory Activity Report—Impression Evidence: Shoes, Tires, Tools

Prior to beginning this activity, please thoroughly read the instructions for this activity in this week’s student manual. Always follow all safety recommendations. Ensure you have all of the supplies you need before you start the activity. Some activities may need to have elements prepared in advance. Remember, the time requirements listed are estimates only, and individuals may need more or less time than the estimates to complete the laboratory activity. Complete the Impression Evidence: Shoes, Tires, and Tools analysis laboratory activity by following the procedural and safety instructions in the forensics student manual. Be sure to take notes that are relevant and will support your written laboratory assignment for the week. The student manual provides guidance on taking notes. At the conclusion of each laboratory project, a written report will be required. This is your opportunity to tell the instructor what you have learned from the weekly content by focusing on the criteria
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Crime Scene Scenario Analysis

Throughout this course, we have explored topics in forensic science with special emphasis on approaching, securing, and managing a crime scene; documenting, collecting, and processing evidence; maintaining chain of custody; and presenting evidence at trial. We have also looked at collection and analysis of fingerprints, ballistics evidence, blood, trace evidence, tool marks, and impressions of tires and footprints. This process is critical to locating, securing, and analyzing physical evidence that will help solve crimes and to the admission of that evidence in court in order to secure a conviction. The final assignment for this course is an analysis of the Crime Scene Scenario from Week One. You will analyze the crime scene and provide a detailed, step-by-step examination from initial discovery through admission of evidence at trial. Do this by including the following:
  • Approach to the crime scene
  • Documentation of evidence
  • Collection of evidence
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Death Investigations

The death investigation is set apart from all other crime scenes not because the scene itself is different (other than the likely presence of a dead body) but because of how seriously the criminal justice system, and in fact, society itself, takes human life. As you read through the required materials for this week, you will discover that there are special issues that exist with regard to death investigation crime scenes. Using the required readings for this week and two additional credible sources related to death investigation crime scenes from the Ashford University Library (or another resource for finding credible sources), identify and discuss the special crime scene issues involved with a death investigation. Include the following elements in your initial post:
  • Briefly explain all the special crime scene issues involved with a death investigation.
  • Discuss how the special crime scene issues involved with a death investigation are typically dealt with.
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Criminal Investigations

400-600 words APA Format with Citations What do you think are some of the reasons why a person may choose to falsely confess to a crime that he or she did not commit? Explain.
  • What is the investigator's responsibility upon learning of a possible false confession by a suspect in a case he or she is investigating? Explain.
    • What do you think the consequences should be for ignoring knowledge of a false confession? Why?
  • How do false confessions relate to Miranda warnings? Explain.
  • Should individuals wrongly imprisoned because of false confessions be compensated? Why or why not?
  • About a page or so APA Format with Citations following the scenario!! Also I reside in Colorado when answering section of sexual assault laws
You are a rookie investigator assigned to the Juvenile Sex Crimes Unit. Because you are new to the unit, the supervisor of the unit has assigned you to
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Case Study 2: Plain View, Open Fields, Abandonment, and Border Searches as They Relate to Search and Seizures

Officer Jones asked the neighborhood’s regular trash collector to put the content of the defendant’s garbage that was left on the curb in plastic bags and to turn over the bags to him at the end of the day. The trash collector did as the officer asked in order to not mix the garbage once he collected the defendant’s garbage. The officer searched through the garbage and found items indicative of narcotics use. The officer then recited the information that was obtained from the trash in an affidavit in support of a warrant to search the defendant’s home. The officer encountered the defendant at the house later that day upon execution of the warrant. The officer found quantities of cocaine and marijuana during the search and arrested the defendant on felony narcotics charges. Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
  1. Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Jones’ actions.
  2. Analyze the validity and constitutionality of officer
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

compare and contrast essay

I need help writing a 1,750-word paper comparing juvenile courts with adult courts.
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Reducing Juvenile Weapons Crimes

Explain the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative. Choose one of the strategies and tactics  Explain the program in depth and its effectiveness in reducing juvenile weapons crimes. Requirements:
  • 2-3 pages double spaced
  • At least two reliable sources used other than the text (not Wikipedia)
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Assignment 3: Evaluating Funding Requests: Juvenile Boot Camp Programs

Centervale councilman Pete Parsimonious has received funding requests for two competing juvenile corrections boot camp programs and requires your assistance on how to evaluate program success through appropriate research. There is a general perception that one of the two programs is only marginally successful while the other succeeds through much lower recidivism rates. Of course, the director for each program cites the outstanding success of his or her program in the funding application but fails to provide any research data to support these claims. The intent of this assignment is to help you refer to empirical-based observations that can be quantitative (e.g., expressed as numbers) or qualitative (e.g., expressed as objects, words, or pictures)—specifically, the assignment will help you understand why one boot camp excels over the other in statistical terms particularly relating to lower recidivism rates. Tasks:
  1. Conduct research related to juvenile justice boot camp p
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Assignment 2: Information Needs of Various Components of the Criminal Justice System

Prison overcrowding is a major issue in virtually every state and in many municipalities. This is a noted problem nationwide. The reasons are that judges are sentencing more offenders to jails and prisons. State and federal sentencing guidelines have prescribed specific sentencing ranges for various types off offenders and offenses committed. Inmate populations are increasing due to the number of repeat offenders returning to our jails and prison systems. It is a documented fact that at the local, state, and federal levels, prison and jail populations are at an all-time high. The research reported in the National Institute of Justice supports these positions and has the appropriate documentation to support these notions. While there are a great many research studies on the broad subject of prison overcrowding, making use of research findings can be a daunting task. You must consider the information needs of the various components of the criminal justice system:
  • Law Enforceme
  • law
  • February 7th, 2017

Mid Term Project from our textbook: Twomey, David. Labor and Employment Law: Text & Cases (South-Western Legal Studies in Business Academic) Cengage Textbook. Kindle Edition.

Review the attached case scenario and instructions. Write a minimum 5- page to a maximum 7- page (double spaced) paper (cover page, abstract, reference page and appendices do not count toward this requirement) in APA format, addressing the issues outlined in the attached scenario. Your paper must identify and discuss all of the applicable laws and how they apply to each of the five (5) employee situations. The paper should be organized around an introduction, body and conclusion. An abstract is not required. APA citation to information from the textbook is required. APA citation means in-text citation to information from the textbook, including page numbers, within the text of the paper and a separate reference page. Instructions: Review the following case scenario and instructions. Write a minimum 5- page to a maximum 7- page paper, (cover page, abstract, reference page and appendices do not count toward this requirement) in APA format, addressing the issues outlined in the attached