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Archive for the ‘law’
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  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Organizational Management and Operations Paper

Organizational Management and Operations Paper Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. Analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels are similar or different and why. Be sure to identify the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level. Include at least four peer reviewed references.
  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Reducing Juvenile Weapons Crimes

Explain the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative. Choose one of the strategies and tactics shown in Table 8.2 (p. 246). Explain the program in depth and its effectiveness in reducing juvenile weapons crimes. Requirements:
  • 2-3 pages double spaced
  • At least two reliable sources used other than the text (not Wikipedia)
  • law
  • January 25th, 2017


It seems like every city has a “bad part of town” that has high crime and other related problems.  Based on the reading and material covered in the presentations for this module, how would Shaw and McKay explain the “bad part of town?”  
  1. Summarize how Shaw and McKay would account for the high crime neighborhoods that seem to exist in almost every city.
  2. Shaw and McKay developed their theory nearly 100 years ago.  Do their arguments still apply today?  What do the high crime neighborhoods look like now (versus early 1900s Chicago neighborhoods) and does this present any problems for their explanations of crime?
  3. How has this theory changed since Shaw and McKay first presented their original ideas, and have these new developments helped fill in the gaps left by Shaw and McKay to explain high crime communities today? **APA format, 3-4 pages in length, Answer each question thoroughly, NO PLAGAIRISM , use in text citations
  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

The Bargaining Mix

You are a manager of a large retail outlet and have been employed with the organization for four years. The retail outlet employs approximately one hundred employees and has a number of management roles (Several Assistant Managers, several Managers, two Senior Manager, and a Director). For the last two years, you have been an Assistant Manager and have received what would be considered fair compensation for your role. Over the last year, you have been asked to take on many of the responsibilities of a Manager, as one of the Senior Managers left the company and your Manager has essentially taken on that role. Your additional duties have caused you some stress and you would like to ask for either a promotion to a management position or, at minimum, additional compensation. You’ve previously expressed your frustrations to your Manager, but have been told that the company simply doesn’t have the ability to make any changes at this time. You have decided to approach your Manager

  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Student Issues

School violence and shootings have increased significantly over the last decade. Assume you are a law enforcement professional. You have been asked to prepare a presentation in order to train your community on mass and spree killings. Your audience includes schools, city councils, churches, and any other community based organization. Using the materials presented in the preceding modules and external resources, develop a PowerPoint presentation discussing what you believe to be the most accurate predictor of school violence. Describe, in detail, your rationale for selecting your indicators.
  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Assignment 2: Constitutional Amendments and Miranda

As a law enforcement investigator, it is critical for you to know and understand the components and applications of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution and the Miranda case. From the law enforcement officer assigned to patrol an area of his or her jurisdiction to the detective assigned to follow up on homicide cases, each needs to have skills to legally conduct investigations that are admissible in court and eligible for prosecution. It does not serve patrol officers or homicide detectives to develop criminal cases that are not prosecutable.

This assignment directs you to explore and discover the attributes and scope as well as specific legal components of each of the above-mentioned constitutional amendments.


Compose a 5- to 7-page report addressing both Part 1 and 2.

Part 1

Utilizing a minimum of three s

  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Three Symptoms

For several years, "The MacDonald Triad", named after the forensic psychiatric, JM MacDonald, was used as a predictive tool when examining the common traits of serial killers. The three traits primarily found in these suspects were:
  1. Cruelty to animals
  2. Obsession with fire
  3. Bed wetting past the age of 5.
In this assignment, you will examine "The MacDoanld Triad" study and its conclusions. Using at least FOUR external sources, you will discuss strengths and weakness of the study. Be sure to address the impact it has had on various criminal investigations. Is this a reliable tool to use when profiling these offenders? Are there better indicator(s) of violent, criminal behavior?
  • law
  • January 25th, 2017

Three Symptoms

For several years, "The MacDonald Triad", named after the forensic psychiatric, JM MacDonald, was used as a predictive tool when examining the common traits of serial killers. The three traits primarily found in these suspects were:
  1. Cruelty to animals
  2. Obsession with fire
  3. Bed wetting past the age of 5.
In this assignment, you will examine "The MacDoanld Triad" study and its conclusions. Using at least FOUR external sources, you will discuss strengths and weakness of the study. Be sure to address the impact it has had on various criminal investigations. Is this a reliable tool to use when profiling these offenders? Are there better indicator(s) of violent, criminal behavior?
  • law
  • January 19th, 2017

Memorandum about UN Charter and UDHR.

Write a short memo on the following two questions. (1) what is the most important difference between the non-discrimination clause in Article One of the UN Charter and the non-discrimination clause in Article Two of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)? (2) what are the dual aspects of duty in Article 29 of the UDHR?
  • law
  • January 19th, 2017

criminalistic HW

1. You receive a potential drug sample for analysis. The appearance of the powder suggests that it is adulterated and may contain more than substance. Would spectrometry be a good analytical tool in this case? Why or why not? If not, what other technique could be used? 2. If you wanted to analyze a particular sample for the presence of trace amounts of inorganic substance, would X-ray diffraction be a suitable analytical tool? Why or why not? 3. Upon arriving at the crime scene of an attempted homicide, police officers observe a man fleeing the scene and apprehend him. He is suspected to be the shooter in the attempted homicide and the police wish to test his hands for the presence of compounds consistent with gunshot residue (GSR). How should they proceed? What instrument would be beneficial for determining the presence of compounds consistent with GSR? 350-500 words APA citation