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Archive for the ‘law’
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  • law
  • January 9th, 2017

Advance IP 1

You are the public information officer for a medium-sized metropolitan city police department. The police department is fictitious, but the geographical location will be in an environment that you select (i.e., New England, East Coast, West Coast, Gulf Coast, plains, mountains). You may have a border city with Mexico or Canada. You have been tasked by the chief of police to explain the functions of the 5 levels of the police organization in your city. They include patrol operations, the investigative unit, command and staff section, the training division, and special teams. Your audience will be the newly elected city council. The chief expects you to put the department in a good light because upcoming budget considerations for the police department are being made by the city council next week. There are a number of law-enforcement-related resources that are not found in academic journals that may be utilized as references in this assignment. It is critical that when you make a state
  • law
  • January 9th, 2017

Technology in the courtroom

Choose one of the following topics: Juvenile court process and specialized courts Women and minorities in the court Causes of wrongful conviction Technology in the courtroom Prepare an 8- to 12-slide presentation that explains the topic. Include statistics, contemporary examples, and scholarly sources in your presentation. Arrange the information in a visually appealing manner by selecting an appropriate background design and by balancing short, bulleted phrases with complementary images. Include all references in the notes section for each slide Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
  • law
  • December 13th, 2016

Commercial Law

Question 1. Materials Ltd (“ML”) sell building materials and sold 200 tonnes of gravel to Builders Ltd (“BL”) for a price of £8000. BL bought the bulk of the gravel to use in the construction of a new warehouse for Olicana Ltd (“Olicana”) on a site owned by Olicana. BL agreed to sell 25 tonnes of the gravel bought from ML to Patel Builders (“Patel”) for £1750. The 200 tonnes of gravel was delivered to the Olicana construction site from ML’s storage facility containing 20,000 tonnes of gravel. The contract between ML and BL provided that payment was due within 14 days of the invoice which was sent to BL on delivery. BL are in financial difficulties and even though BL received an interim payment under their contract with Olicana towards on- going costs of construction including materials, BL failed to pay ML for the gravel. Payment to ML is now 3 months overdue. BL has become insolvent and there is no money to pay ML. 50 tonnes of the gravel has already been used in
  • law
  • December 13th, 2016

article 51 in the united nation

Class of International Law and Security The Essay Question: Write an essay about article 51 in the united nation discuss and defined and explain the article 51 in the united nation. Critically analyze and evaluate through an open current case example the legal, strategic and operational environments and effectiveness of self defense of UN missions. o The essay, will examine the following parts. 1. Methodology of approach 2. Description 3. Analysis 4. Critical Thinking 5. What we learn from 6. Research Evidence based references used. Write an essay about article 51 in the united nation discuss and defined and explain the article 51 in the united nation. the question will be on the right of Self Defense. o Under which conditions we have the right of protection of our country? o What are the rules and regulations of warfare? o What does the UN say about it? o What I want you to remember is that you have to advise me what to do in case someone attacks the country? o Do I have the right
  • law
  • December 13th, 2016

Equity and trust- certainity of objects

In Re Wright's Will Trust the court of appeal unanimously decided that property left to trustees to distribute at their discretion among such people and institutions as they think have helped me or my late husband' void for uncertainty with almost no analysis of Mcphail v Doulton and no reference at all to Re Baden No2. By reference to the principles of certainity of object set out on Mcphail and Baden write a case commentary on Re Wright's Will Trust including your view on whether the case was correctly decided.
  • law
  • December 12th, 2016

company law (reflection of previous CW)

General Remarks Overall you have a clear structure, but the aspects for improvement are in terms of the analysis of whether reforms should be introduced or not. You have, however, discussed at length the benefits and disadvantages of the Salomon principle, so additional analysis or a deeper evaluation of the concept would help you improve. There were some minor spelling/grammatical errors which could be rectified with further checking before submission. Question: Examine and critically reflect upon the feedback given on your first assignment and draft a response to the feedback that demonstrates improvement on your work. For example: • If a comment made by the marker in coursework 1 is that greater linkage between a number of sources would improve the answer, you can make use of coursework 2 to demonstrate how the sources could be linked more closely. • If a comment made by the marker in coursework 1 invites the student to conclude a particular argument, you can make use of c
  • law
  • December 12th, 2016

Critically evaluate the concept of error in electronic communications under the International and EU legal approach.

Please use OSCOLA reference and use cases to support the answer
  • law
  • December 12th, 2016

“forming” your own Michigan nonprofit corporation

You will be “forming” your own arts and/or cultural Michigan nonprofit corporation. All documents should be compiled in the order as outlined below, with a cover page and tabs. Your final documents must include the following: 1, Form Nonprofit Corporation (25 points) Run a Business Entity Search to ensure that the name of the nonprofit corporation is not already in use, and include proof of said search. Draft the Articles of Incorporation using the Michigan Department of Licensing and Reglatory Affairs form number CSCL/CD-502. Include tax-exempt language required by the IRS. Create a “check” for the proper fee amount. 2, Apply for Employer Identification Number (EIN) (10 points) Apply for an EIN for your nonprofit corporation using the online IRS Ein application form. Go through the process to “print the page for your records” but do not hit the Submit button, which will actually generate an EIN. Apply for an EIN for your nonprofit corporation using form SS-4 3, Draft B
  • law
  • December 11th, 2016

company law

Question: Clayton, Cliff and Glen work at Wireless Us Ltd as directors and are also shareholders. Susan and Ben are shareholders of the company as well. Susan was sent by the board to attend a meeting with potential clients and to make a decision to buy a new software because the board could not make a decision from the previous meeting. Whilst at the meeting, Susan decided to order an extra software for the company. Clayton, Cliff and Glen later found out that Susan had ordered an extra software for the company and are furious. Clayton is a software engineer and the company always rely on him to advise the company when they are acquiring new computers. Clayton when to ‘My Computers Ltd’ to purchase some computers for the company. Once there, Clayton met and old friend and they chatted for a long time. Clayton did not have enough time to check that the computers were working and he just placed an order for 20 computers to be delivered to Wireless Us Ltd. Once the computers were de
  • law
  • December 11th, 2016

Question: Critically evaluate PSD2 and its potential impact upon the payments industry, the Banks and the UK customer. Is PSD2 likely to achieve its aims?

Question: Critically evaluate PSD2 and its potential impact upon the payments industry, the Banks and the UK customer. Is PSD2 likely to achieve its aims? DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2366 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC CRITERIA Your work will be graded taking into account all of the following criteria: Does the response address the question? You must address all parts of the specific question you are being asked, not only part of the question. Structure Your essay should have a clear introduction identifying the issues, a middle comprising a logical and coherent argument, addressing those issues and a clear conclusion, supported by the body of the argument. Content The marker will be judging your work on whether you have: properly identified the legal issues and attached appropriat