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Archive for the ‘Management’
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Business decision making

No plagiarism please, follow the instructions and please cover all learnings outcomes. when you do calculation tables please do ONLY with excel program.

Project management for business

No plagiarism please, follow the instructions and please cover all learnings outcomes.

organization analysis report

you did good job last time and this time you are doing the sept 2 that follow the sept 1 which the organization you chosen . I will submit request and the organization you have written last time .

operation management case study

Using the QM( operation management) software, complete the case study on the two pages attachment. There are 2 problems there. You will need to download the software for this. Please make sure to do the study case correctly. --- You can use excel instead of the software HELLO. I just attached a new file. this file has an example ( example: 8 as you will see this in the attachment) please use the data in this example to do the case study as said in the instruction for the case study in the last attachments. ALSO, YOU CAN USE EXCELL TO DO THIS WORK. Please the assignment is due today.

External and Societal Environments

The health care system is highly influenced by the external environment (e.g., consumers, suppliers, buyers and regulators) and the societal environment (e.g., economic conditions, cultural values, demographics, government regulation, and technology). Health care leaders and managers use the external and societal environments to make strategic decisions on how to better position health care organizations. Write a paper that examines at least 3 categories in both the external and societal environments, and describe how health care leaders and managers can use them to influence strategic decision making. The use of at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, dated within the last five years, is required for this assignment. Will need at least 1,000 words and 2-4 scholarly references

Telehealth envelops an expansive assortment of innovations

Double spaced 7 pages total with APA reference page please! Brief essay in business management in health care regarding: How Telehealth is used today. Brief background or history of TELEHEALTH ****(2 pages)**** Present and analyze the issue or problem to address and describe how is impacts health care delivery in the following environment(s): Economical Technical Cultural At a minimum, each selected environment of examination should detail (with supporting reference citations in the body of the paper) impacts on health care, from the selected environment’s perspective, with regard to: ****( 2 Pages)**** Impact on relevant stakeholders Impact on quality and efficiency of Health Care Delivery Conclusion/Summary ****(2 pages)**** Topics can be selected from the news, internet, journal publications, or the text. Selected topics will need to be issues that surround/impact community-based health care and/or the public health.

HINT 294 -You work in a facility that has a delinquency rate of 40%

Discussion Question 1: You work in a facility that has a delinquency rate of 40% in regard to dictated reports in the chart. How will not meeting regulatory standards on this affect the Health Information Department? How will this affect revenue cycle management? Discussion Question 2: Describe the relationship between coding and case mix index. How does it reflect the financial position of a hospital? If your CEO said to you the CMI is too low, you need to raise it? Do you as a coder have any options to help this become higher? Answer in APA format along with a reference page. Each discussion question shouldn't take more than a page or a little more than a page.

contract management

  • Due Week 3 and worth 120 points Imagine you made your hobby of building model airplanes into a small business that produces very small remote control aircrafts capable of long sustained flights. You are ready to expand your business by competing for Department of Homeland Security contracts. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze how the federal act supports and favors your business over large multinational organizations that build aircrafts (e.g., Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation). 2. Create an organizational chart that would best support working within the federal contracting system and explain the value of each position (i.e., internal contracting officer) to your proposed business. 1. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with on

MGMT 615 Strategy

Week 8 Final Project – Strategic Assessment Project (PowerPoint presentation plus References page) Goal: Develop and present via PowerPoint a strategic plan for your organization, integrating various concepts, components and processes presented throughout this course.  Submit the presentation (ppt or pptx) along with a References page (.doc) that verifies sources used. Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of the future outcomes of their organization employ strategic planning. In a 20-25-slide PowerPoint presentation, present a strategic plan for your organization, accompanied by a References-only page as a Word.doc that contains the minimum 10 sources used in the development of the presentation. Your presentation may be a re-developed plan based on the plan your organization already uses. If you are in the military, you may elect to choose a company where you previously worked, or select a company that is

GSCM 588 – Explain the concept of problem solving.

Explain the concept of problem solving. Why is it important to gather critical information prior to defining a problem statement? This answer must be in your own words