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Assignment 2: Harley-Davidson: External and Internal Analysis

Assignment 2: Harley-Davidson: External and Internal Analysis

Instructions for this assignment: Perform all of the elements listed below.

This assignment has you complete two parts of a strategic business plan. To see how those parts fit into a full business plan, click here for a strategic business plan outline.

Part I – Analysis of the External Environment

As part of the Strategic Business Plan, you have been asked to:

  • Identify and analyze the major driving forces for change in the external environment of the motorcycle industry.
  • Analyze the dynamics of competition using Porter's Five Forces Model of Competi

Damien’s Guided Computer Repairs Case Study

Damien’s Guided Computer Repairs Case Study

BMGT 380 Final Exam

  1. Sam orally agreed to sell Jamie some land for $500,000. Jamie paid Sam the $500,000; Sam gave Jamie the deed to the land. Jamie took possession of the land and began building a cabin on it. One month later, Sam tried to retake possession of the land by arguing that the contract for the sale was invalid because it was oral, not written. Sam sued Jamie to invalidate the contract and retake the land.
  The court will likely conclude that Sam will:  
  1. a)  Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid under the Statute of Frauds.
  1. b)  Win; all land sales contracts must be written.
  1. c)  Lose; because the contract was fully executed Sam cannot rescind the contract.
  1. d)   Lose; because Jamie had begun building a cabin on the property, Sam cannot rescind the contract.

BMGT 380 Project 1

This project requires you to identify and analyze legal issues and to make recommendations based on one or more fact patterns. The issues will relate to the concepts covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3 about the legal environment of business and business organizations. Report:
  1. Report: 20% / 20 points
Review Grading Rubric Report Format Requirements: Label each Part of analysis, as Part I A., Part I B., Part II A, Part II B Analyses should be comprehensive, fully supported/justified/explained, specific, and detailed in rationale (this is a most important requirement of this project) Analyses should be paragraph format All in text citations must be in APA proper format Part I A and Part I B should each be a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per part, but may be longer, for a total of a minimum of 4 paragraphs total for Part I Part II A should each be a minimum of 3-4 paragraphs, but may be longer Part II B should be a minimum of

Leadership Style Discussion

You are the Package Distribution Manager for GDD.  It has come to your attention that five drivers in your region have serious errors in their delivery report logs.  The delivery report is key to controlling package flow and must be accurate.  If not, GDD will not be paid by their clients and would quickly lose their business to Fed Ex or UPS.  One of the drivers accounts for 60% of the errors.  She is a nice person, reliable but occasionally late to work because of conflicts with getting her kids to school on time. She is a single mother. A second driver accounts for 30% of the errors. This driver is new to the company and while his error numbers are high they have declined from last month.  The other driver’s errors hover around 10 to 15%. After taking the quizzes below and using the course readings to delve deeper into your leadership style, answer the following questions using the style that is indicated in the test results.  THE TEST INDICATES THAT I  HAVE AN I


If you were to begin a business, what form would you select? Why would you choose this form over ? Support your decision using the readings, videos  and any outside research, being sure to cite sources in APA format.

Management Control System

Balance Score Card (BSC) and Strategic Map (SM) to be included in the appendix, and to be linked together. Strategic Map from the bottom (learning and growth) there must be arrows that link the the rest to the financial perspective such as the example I will submit. Use of PAS1919 is necessary to answer the questions Critically evaluation and recommendations are essential.


please read the attached case study and answer the 4 questions in the first page. a balanced scorecard and strategy map should be created for the p plc as a whole and for one of its divisions( plumbing and heating OR building materials). these 4 diagrams must be included in the appendices of the report and they are not included in the word count. the PAS 1919 standards attached must also be used and referenced in the report. thanks in advance and please do not hesitate to contact me for further help.

Project Management Methodologies

Project Management Methodologies

Project Kickoff PaperProject Kickoff Paper

Assignment: Project Kickoff Paper Create the following materials: 100–150-word project risk analysis 200–250-word quality management plan 200-word agenda for your project kickoff, including the following: purpose, prerequisite(s), participants, required documents, and project launch assessment agenda. Write a 250-word paper describing and rationalizing the decisions you made when creating the agenda. Be sure that: You include an explanation and rationale for how the project will be monitored, controlled, and evaluated. Your agenda includes the key activities for the meeting. Your description and rationale includes the desired outcomes associated with each activity. Your agenda and description reflect attention to the preconditions for meeting and project success