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Archive for the ‘Marketing’
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Assignment 2: Marketing Plan

Description / paper instructions Please complete this without the e-book. I do not have access to it. The demographic info can be found elsewhere, like online etc. I apologize for this inconvenience.   Create a Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy in (MS Word or equivalent)   The Company is a non- alcholic beverage company and for the first six (6) months your company is in business you will start marketing and selling in your own community, a radius of twenty-five (25) miles from where you live   Write the three to five (3-5) page Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy section of your business plan, in which you:  
  1. Define your companyвЂTMs target market.
  Analyze the types of consumers who will be drinking your beverage in demographic terms (i.e., age, education level, income, gender, ethnic group, etc.). Support your analysis with actual data on the size of the demographic groups in your local community (nearby zip codes). (Alab

Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT Analysis

What To Do: This week, you will be creating components of your capstone marketing plan assignment. You will then finish your plan in week 5. Using the company you selected for your marketing manager internship, you will complete a situation analysis with the goal of identifying a new product/service to develop your marketing plan against. Guided Response: Create a minimum 750 word APA style formatted Word document that includes at least 1 scholarly resource from Ashford’s online library in addition to the course text. Your document should contain paragraphs that cover the following topics:
  • A description of your selected company/brand
  • The core products/services they offer
  • A brief history
  • Key current competitors
  • A SWOT analysis
  • The product or service line you want to develop a marketing plan for and a SWOT based argument for why it warrants marketing investment
Please see

Consumer Behavior Blog Post – Does my behavior link to yours?

  • As stated in the textbook, the motivation to belong is an important part of human life. Consumers are generally social creatures who desire contact and affiliation with others. As a result, consumers often belong to a number of formal or informal groups. These groups can exert significant influence on consumer behavior. Go to LinkedIn, and create a LinkedIn account if you have not already done so (see “LinkedIn 101” for more details). In this week’s blog post, discuss two to three (2-3) methods in which a business could use LinkedIn to influence consumer behavior. (Hint: See Chapter 10 in the textbook for more details).
  • Your blog entry should be approximately two to three (2-3) paragraphs in length. Additionally, be sure to respond to the blog entries created by two (2) of your peers.

Customer Behavior and Loyalty

You learned about consumer behavior in this module. An organization cannot persuade a customer to purchase a product or service without understanding the basics of "how people buy."   In a 3-page APA paper, address these points:
  1. Describe why businesses study consumer behavior.
  2. Using one past major purchase you have been involved in (for example, an appliance, a house or car, or your education), describe the process using the five stages that people go through in the buying process.
  3. Explain how the degree of involvement impacts the purchase process decision. Include what your degree of involvement was for the product in the previous step.
When a customer continually returns to a given company because of satisfaction, we call that customer loyalty. In your paper, also include the following:  
  1. What does customer loyalty mean to you?
  2. Compare and contrast customer loyalty and c

Social and Ethical Aspects of Advertising and Promotion

Each person will write 200-250 word count on the following:  


Advertising creates and perpetuates stereotypes. Advertising creates images to which  consumers can relate.
  Research a single pair using the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database, available in the Specialized Resources section of the University Library.   Include a defense of the pro position and arguments for the con position, as well as counterarguments and closing rebuttals for both positions. Select only one set for this assignment.  site reference    Support your arguments with credible sourced information rather than your opi

Complementary Partners

magine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Review the following optional articles and videos that detail creating a PowerPoint presentation for this assignment:

Business Message Mechanics

This assignment has 2 parts.  Part 1 will be completed in Unit 3 and Part 2 will be completed in Unit 5.  The scenario will stay the same for both assignments. You and your colleagues, who teach business communication at Oscoda County Community College, are interested in setting up a business writer's hotline (a telephone and e-mail service) that will provide answers to grammar, mechanics, and format questions for people who call in or write. You see it as a way of providing a much-needed service to local businesspeople as well as a way of providing positive public relations for your institution. Each faculty member is willing to donate time to answer the phones and e-mails, but you will need funds for telephone lines, answering machines, reference books, advertising, and more. You decide to apply for a grant from the H. M. Luce Foundation to fund the project for 1 year. After that, if the hotline is successful, you will either reapply for funds or ask Oscoda County Community C

Hsci 2117: Problem Set 6 – Chi-Squared and Regression

Hsci 2117: Problem Set 6 – Chi-Squared and Regression A pharmaceutical company develops a new drug that helps obese patients who are not currently diabetic avoid contraction of diabetes. The company conducts a trial splitting a sample of 135 patients into two groups: a drug group, and, a placebo group. They then monitored the patients for 5 years and noted how many patients in each group contracted diabetes. The company wants to conduct a Chi-Squared test for Independence to assess whether their new drug has any effect on the contraction of diabetes amongst obese patients at the 95% confidence level. Use this data to answer questions 1-3.
Number of Patients Drug Placebo
Contracted diabetes 56 20
Did not contract diabetes 34

“Consumer Behavior Blog Post – The influences of social media on increasing convenience in your lifestyle with Yelp. “

  • So far we have learned how to get into contact with people who have the same interests all over the world via social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest. These apps have gained you contacts in your business life as well as in your social life. But are they really useful to everyone? This week we learn more about an app that absolutely everyone can use: Yelp. Check out Yelp and see if it is something you might find useful. In this week’s blog post, discuss two to three (2-3) uses of Yelp in which you could influence consumer behavior.
  • Your blog entry should be approximately two to three (2-3) paragraphs in length. Additionally, be sure to respond to the blog entries created by two (2) of your peers.

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Supply and Demand in a Global Market

Answer the following questions using examples and applications from the readings.  Justify your answers using economic concepts and ideas as they apply. Each response should be between 100-200 words. Questions:
  1. The demand for labor is said to be a “derived” demand.  What is the meaning of a derived demand? How does this concept help to determine the demand for labor?
  2. What are some of the factors that determine the supply of labor in a market? What significant factors have changed the supply of labor over the last twenty years?
  3.  How does a firm determine its prices and the quantity of labor required in the resource market during a specific period?
  4.  Why do income inequalities exist?  How are income inequalities measured? How have income inequalities changed from 1980 to the present?
  5. What is the role of the U.S. government, in terms of dealing with the problem of income inequalities?  What are the arguments, for and against