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Archive for the ‘Music’
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  • Music
  • January 24th, 2017

How is this degree going to help you in your ministry and/or vocation

In 500 words or less, please explain your purpose for pursuing a degree in Masters of Arts in Ethnomusicology Consider the following questions in your response: •How is this degree going to help you in your ministry and/or vocation? •What do you hope to learn through this process? •What do you hope to do with this degree after graduation?
  • Music
  • January 10th, 2017


Write a 2-3 page paper answering the following questions. Briefly describe the ethnography. Who is the ethnography about? From what point of view is the ethnography written? Do you feel the author was biased in any way? Describe the music and its impact on this particular society? Give at least one specific example. Do you understand this society better after reading about its music? Why? Please compose a well-written essay. Take time to proof-read it for grammar and sentence structure. Don’t worry about answering the above questions in order or in any kind of list form. Just use these to construct your reaction to the book. Here is a link to the full book, "How Musical is Man" by John Blacking: https://www.scribd.com/doc/104131606/How-Musical-is-Man-John-Blacking
  • Music
  • December 12th, 2016

Class work

Renaissance Following the oppression of the “Dark Ages,” people of the Renaissance saw the rise of secularism, humanism and hedonism. How do Renaissance madrigals illustrate this shift in philosophy? Please discuss polyphony, typical topics found in madrigal texts, and the use of vernacular language. Music Appreciation One of the main goals of this course is to deepen your understanding of music and its relationship to society. No doubt, you came into this class with preconceived ideas about music. Identify at least three (3) views that you held before taking this class that changed over the course of the semester. In detail, discuss the process through which you changed your mind. Write at least one (1) paragraph on each of the views. In your discussion, describe the class activity or activities (reading, group projects, concert reports, online activities, lectures, discussions) that lead you to alter your views of music. In addition, write a paragraph describing how this cla
  • Music
  • December 11th, 2016

Music Business Report

Details of Assessment: Music Business Report (1,500 words). Write a 1,500 word essay to demonstrate your understanding of how technology is changing the music industry. With specific reference to the core structures and functions of the modern music industry, new business models and revenue streams, changes in practice brought about by digital technology and the internet, discuss: • The shift away from traditional media such as TV and radio towards online and mobile Module Handbook – PA5314 Marketing and Monetising Your Music Page 9 of 19 • How artists and labels are responding to the shift of revenues away from physical sales to plays and subscriptions • How artists are able to use social media to promote themselves to a global audience and how this affects the A&R process Credit will be given for the use of specific examples to illustrate your arguments. Also, please ensure that you format the essay correctly. You must reference your ideas according to Harvard Guidelines
  • Music
  • December 11th, 2016

Dark Ages

Renaissance Following the oppression of the “Dark Ages,” people of the Renaissance saw the rise of secularism, humanism and hedonism. How do Renaissance madrigals illustrate this shift in philosophy? Please discuss polyphony, typical topics found in madrigal texts, and the use of vernacular language. Music Appreciation One of the main goals of this course is to deepen your understanding of music and its relationship to society. No doubt, you came into this class with preconceived ideas about music. Identify at least three (3) views that you held before taking this class that changed over the course of the semester. In detail, discuss the process through which you changed your mind. Write at least one (1) paragraph on each of the views. In your discussion, describe the class activity or activities (reading, group projects, concert reports, online activities, lectures, discussions) that lead you to alter your views of music. In addition, write a paragraph describing how this cla
  • Music
  • December 6th, 2016

Programme notes on Robert Schumann Liederkreis Op.39

Your Programme Plan & Programme Notes should contain the following: Comprehensive programme notes relating to the pieces you are performing. (Schumann Liederkreis Op.39, Numbers: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 only. For alto singer and piano). The notes should be informed by in - depth research and show insight into the pieces being performed and demonstrate that yo u understand something of their historical context, their style, their relationship to other works by that composer or his/her contemporaries, their significance within the larger musical genre and their performance history and interpretative issues etc. q These will form the basis of the programme to be presented to your audience, and so should be prepared on that basis (and in that format), with due regard to spelling, grammar, relevance of information etc.
  • Music
  • December 6th, 2016


Extra Learning Options Film: Standing in the Shadows of Motown by Paul Justman Film: “Festival!”: Filmed at the Newport Folk Festival by Murray Learner course material topics: • Rock and folk-rock • Soul music • The marginalization of country music ou will want to briefly summarize the material you read/what you saw in the film (see the course syllabus for the list of approved articles and films) and/or what you saw at the concert you attended (concert must have taken place during the quarter), and then discuss how it relates to the course material. Follow the same general format of the lesson board posts. In order to earn credit for ELOs, you must: 1.Write an original discussion board post of 150-300 words summarizing the work or experience, and relating it to course material (6 points). 2.Respond to two other students (2 points per response): Read the posts of other students, and thoughtfully respond with questions, suggestions for further consideration,
  • Music
  • December 6th, 2016

What is music

Your argument may have much to do with the people and cultures who produce the music as with the music itself. For each argument that you make, introduce your reader to one or more musical example that will help to support it. You must incorporate at least three of the musical examples that we have associated with the question in class( which is in attachments) You must also incorporate at least one example that you have researched independently. Do not assume that your reader has any prior knowledge of the musical examples that you have selected-nor with the topic of your essay as a whole! A successful essay will therefore feature a clear introduction to the topic question itself alone with sufficient explanation of the chosen examples( using SHMRG) to allow the reader to understand your point. Your essay should conclude with a List of references, in which you list the title, the composer or performer.
  • Music
  • December 5th, 2016

Programme notes on Robert Schumann Liederkreis

Your Programme Plan & Programme Notes should contain the following: Comprehensive programme notes relating to the pieces you are performing. (Schumann Liederkreis Op.39, Numbers: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 only. For alto singer and piano). The notes should be informed by in - depth research and show insight into the pieces being performed and demonstrate that yo u understand something of their historical context, their style, their relationship to other works by that composer or his/her contemporaries, their significance within the larger musical genre and their performance history and interpretative issues etc. q These will form the basis of the programme to be presented to your audience, and so should be prepared on that basis (and in that format), with due regard to spelling, grammar, relevance of information etc.
  • Music
  • December 5th, 2016

Concert Review

Read the sample of concert review and the documents carefully please.