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Archive for the ‘Nursing’
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The Competency of Informatics and Technology

Professional Paper Guidelines PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate writing skills, organizational skills, and ability to correctly present ideas and credit others in APA formatting when writing a professional paper. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO #3. Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge using success resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO #3) CO #4. Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO #4) CO #5. Apply concepts of professionalism when planning for personal, intellectual, and professional development. (PO #5) CO #9. Demonstrate accountability for personal and professional development by assessing information and technology competence, implementing plans for upgrading technology skills, and using effecti

Community Wellness

See enclosed file. Thank you!  

Final Exam

See attachment and the book used is Professional Nursing Practice Concepts and Perspectives 7th edition. Author : Kathleen Koernig Blais. Please number the questions but do not write them down. More instructions are located below the attachment paper they are about 11 questions.

Case Study Analysis and Care Plan Creation

Click here to download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care. Visit the South University Online Library and research for current scholarly evidence (no older than 5 years) to support your nursing actions. In addition, consider visiting government sites such as the CDC, WHO, AHRQ, Healthy People 2020. Provide a detailed scientific rationale justifying the inclusion of this evidence in your plan. Next determine the ICD-10 classification (diagnoses). The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is the official system used in the United States to classify and assign codes to health conditions and related information. Click here to access the codes: https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/staticpages/icd-10-code-lookup.aspx Cl

cardiovascular diseases capstone project

State your clinical question. Briefly state the intervention you will implement. While these two items are not typically included in Part 5, doing so will help orient faculty so appropriate feedback can be provided. What outcomes will be analyzed and how they will be analyzed? Describe the statistical analysis you will do relating this to the data collection tools you plan to use. Indicate the types of demographic data you plan to report on your participants as well. Briefly discuss the outcomes expected should this project be implemented *** NO need to rewrite the clinical Question Will educating American women, ages 35 to 60 years, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels?

Professional Boundaries & Challenges

Order Description
See attached. There are TWO parts to this assignment. One is answering 3 questions according to Texas BON and Texas law. No cover page is needed. Second portion is writing a letter in response to allegations made against you, as the nurse. This needs to be on a separate page and no cover page either.

Professional Boundaries & Challenges

Please do thorough work; last time the writer didi a wonderful job

Global health Alert

Community nursing: identify a global health issue like TB found in 3 countries. Develop an educational alert using an epidemiological framework. Analyze the risk factors and health promotion aspects of TB from a world wide perspective. Use internet sites WHO.org, UN.org etc. Use bio statistical data of population affected . Analyze and discuss social, cultural, environment, political, behavioral, economic, health policies and health care infrastructure factors in 3 countries where TB presents. Discuss the efforts made by global organizations to improve the health and well being of the affected populations which include political action and policy development and levels of prevention in 3 countries. Use only global health sources WHO, UN, CDC, or Unicef. 3 to 4 pages

Trends in Managed Care

After conducting your research, construct a 2-page report of your findings. At a minimum, your report should
  1. Identify at least two trends that you feel have a great impact on managed health care today.
  2. Discuss the effect these trends have on managed care.
  3. Explain how these trends will continue to influence managed care in the future.
  4. Evaluate the potential impact on government and state sponsored, Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  5. Analyze and provide at least two reasons why implementing Medicaid managed care is so complex.

Senior Project Progress Report

Complete a two to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to date on your Senior Project.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your progress report should cover the following:
  1. Topic: Identify the topic that you have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two feedback.
  2. Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality, and ac