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Archive for the ‘Nursing’
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Emotional Intelligence

Write a 2– to 3–page paper that describes the results of your emotional intelligence assessment and include your strategies for developing your EI. Be sure to refer to your week 10 resources to develop these strategies and of course cite any references that you use. Also consider how to work with leaders who do not demonstrate strong emotional intelligence (EI) or whose EI strengths differ from yours. Include these strategies as well. Refer to your assignment rubic for grading criteria. Review the leaning resources for Week 10. There are 2 tests that are available to you to assess your personal Emotional Intelligence. Take both the tests and consider your personal attributes of emotional intelligence..
  • Identify strategies for developing any areas of opportunity or areas for enhancing your emotional intelligence. What do you need to do to achieve or sustain a high level of performance in this area?
  • Also consider how to work with leaders who do

Application: Taking a Stand

Write a 4 to 5 page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:
  • Introduce the conceptual frameworks of the ethical constructs of ethics, moral, or legal standards and the purpose of the paper.
  • Consider  an ethical, moral, or legal dilemma that you have encountered in your work environment and describe it.
  • Analyze the moral, ethical, and legal implications utilized in this situation. Describe your role as a moral agent or advocate for this specific issue.
  • Consider your leadership styles identified by your self-assessment and determine if they act as a barrier or facilitation during this dilemma.
    • Consider the examples of leadership demonstrated in this week’s media presentation and the other Learning Resources.
    • To further your self-knowledge, you are required to complete the Kiersey Temperament as indicated in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider your

Physician assisted suicide.

Ethical Analysis #2: (Select a current ethical issue related to nursing or access to nursing care from list of faculty-approved topics" Physician- Assisted Suicide.) A. Identify the Nursing Issue/Dilemma (1 pt). B. Identify the Ethical Principles or theories at issue (1 pt) and C. de   NURS 220: Memorandum   Model Format for Ethical Analyses   Ethical Analyses are critical analyses of situational issues or problems in which the student applies knowledge of ethics.  These are brief papers, typically 1-2 pages long, and should be submitted using the format of a professional memo.  See Model Format below.   A minimum of two (2) references with citations is required for each Case Study. APA format must be used for all citations and references. See www.Apastyle.org  or http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/0

Develop a Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Directions: Each student will develop their personal philosophy of nursing. The philosophy of nursing must include the theoretical framework used to develop this philosophy and the rationale for its selection. The nursing philosophy will be complete with the use of all four metaparadigms.

Health Care

Question 1  
  • Identify a health care need that would benefit from political advocacy by nurses.
  • Describe how nursing could influence legislation in this area.
      Question 2   In the media, there has been much debate about the effectiveness and affordability of the ACA. Let's consider how this legislation will influence your nursing practice and work environment.  
  • Summarize the key components of the ACA. (Affordable Care Act)
  • Describe how you have observed this policy influencing health care and nursing practice in your organization

Executive Summary (Benchmark Assessment)

Executive Summary (Benchmark Assessment)

Essentials VI

I AM REQUESTING KRYSTAL (i don't know her writer #), the writer who is doing my analysis paper on Diversity as THIS ASSIGNMENT FEEDS OFF THE DIVERSITY PAPER. - I have attached the diversity paper. I have attached information about the assignment, references and grading rubric. if you have any questions feel free to call or email me.

Health Promotion: Barriers of Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose

You need to use the sources I have provided on screenshot 17. Make sure to read the rubrics too I will upload my first paper for your reference. The second paper should be connected to the first paper because I will need to write 1 essay each week. In week six the final paper will be a compilation of all previously written papers. I need this by THursday October 20, 2016. Please follow the rubric below: Complete a comprehensive review of the literature on your topic. The goal of the review of the literature is to better understand the components of the health promotion problem identified. Begin with the selection and development of a theoretical framework for the project. Based upon this framework, you can select literature and data from a variety of resources to help explain the phenomena and to help identify potential interventions for the problem. Look at the South University library for peer-reviewed publications not older than 5 years to provide information about various aspects


Structured Literature Review Protocol and The study sampled undergraduate nursing students in Saudi Arabia at Taibah university college of nursing


In a 4-5 page reflection paper, assess your nursing career through �appreciative inquiry� (Billings & Kowalski, 2008). Drawing on your own life stories and experiences, what does a nursing career mean to you? How does your nursing practice parallel the ANA (2015) Code of Ethics? List 4 specific examples from the Code of Ethics. What motivates you to remain in the nursing profession? Give an example through a personal story and what you learned that motivates you as a registered nurse. Develop 3 short-term and 3 long-term goals that emphasize your unique strengths. � How will a BSN degree impact your short-term and long-term career goals? Be creative and talk about your personal journey as a nurse. Include a personal nursing philosophy in the reflection. Remember to follow APA 6th edition format and include a title page, running head, page numbers and a reference page, as well as in-text reference citations. The page limit is content and does not include the title page and ref