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Archive for the ‘Philosophy’
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Graphic Organizer 2: Epistemology

ssignment Overview For this assignment, you will create a chart to summarize and respond to chapters of Philosophy for Dummies. This chart will assist you in better understanding the material by practicing discriminatory and critical thinking. Assignment Instructions Read Philosophy for Dummies, by Morris Chapter 4: Belief, Truth, and Knowledge Chapter 5: The Challenge of Skepticism Chapter 6: The Amazing Reality Basic Beliefs Summarize chapters 4, 5 and 6 by constructing a two column table for each chapter (one page per chapter). The left-hand column should be a summary of chapters 4, 5, and 6. The summaries should include Morris’s main points, support for main points (in the form of citations) from the text, and Morris’s position on what he is writing about. The right-hand column is your response to the chapter. Your responses are to include at least two citations from other sources that support your comments. Responses are to include passages you don’t understand for which

World Religions

Pick one of the topics that and picture I'm glad about it. It have to be up to 1000 word.

Book: A Kierkegaard Anthology edited by Robert Bretall

Book: A Kierkegaard Anthology edited by Robert Bretall

Assignment 2: Problem Solving

Please find the instruction and rubric attach, Pick one senario you feel confortable and let me know and i will sent it to the professor. Thanks  

Book: A Kierkegaard Anthology edited by Robert Bretall

Book: A Kierkegaard Anthology edited by Robert Bretall


Find another case besides (Berman v. Allan) - a case study about disability. Discuss what it argues and why it is in support of what is being argued. Must support this following statement: “I argue that the complicated relationship between politics and science is the underlying cause for many controversies in disability studies”. Does the case study have an example? What is the problem presented in the article? What is the solution? Does the solution support the thesis statement? Why should your audience believe this is a viable solution? What is one counter argument? These should all be arguments that need to be specific and detailed.


Book: A Kierkegaard Anthology edited by Robert Bretall  

Chisholm, Human Freedom and the Self

Follow the instructions. Thesis have to be in first person. I have very bad experience with you guys with thesis, so make sure it have to be in first person example is given in instructions.

Theory of Knowledge essay

TOK title: Title 1: " It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. " To what extent do you agree with this statement? This is the question that must be answered through examples that fall under AOKs. What is an Area of knowledge (AOK)? Disciplines such as Natural sciences, human sciences, Arts, History, Ethics. Two of these AOK's must be chosen (human sciences and history) along with specific real life examples. Language: Please use formal but understandable language, while keeping the arguments coherent. Paragraph 1: Introduction (approx. 200 words) Present an appropriate and cogent analysis of knowledge questions in discussing the title. The essay question is identified. It will embody all the AOKs and WOKs you plan to use. Thesis is clear (KI - knowledge Issue) (see TOK Understanding knowledge issues.) Produce a preview/roadmap (your statement of how you will explore the KI, and which Way Of Knowing and AOK you’ll use) AOK 1: Broadly supports Paragraph

Intermediate Logic (predicate/intuilistic logic, tableaux, natural deduction, semantics)

I am desperate to be shown what the proofs are for the specific questions given in the attached file. This is purely as a means for being able to retrospectively look through what the proofs are, as a useful and relevant revision tool; this is a revision sheet and the questions are practice-revision questions but without the solutions available, I can not know which are correct or incorrect solutions.