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Archive for the ‘Philosophy’
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Teaching Philosophy & M Foucault

Assignment Requirements Professional Dialogues-Education. (M Foucault) NB: No extension will be granted due to the time dimension. Length: 3000 words max-excl epigraph & references/quotes.) Topic 1.Develop your own philosophy of teaching. Using original sources from Foucault and associated wider reading link your own philosophy to Foucault’s work. Focus on mainly on one or two areas from the list below: Power, knowledge, truth, discipline, ethics. Leadership Link your teaching philosophy to M Foucaults work on the Telos, Care of the self, leadership model and other relevant concepts. 2. Choose a relevant passage from Foucault as an epigraph for your discussion. Use the passage below or find your own. 'Relations of power are not in themselves forms of repression. But what happens is that, in society, in most societies, organizations are created to freeze the relations of power, hold those relations in a state of asymmetry, so that a certain number of persons get an advant

The influences of Rationalism and Empirism- Essay

Academic Level:Undergraduate Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)    Category: Philosophy    VIP Support: N/A Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: Both Peirce and Bacon argue that we must recognize and be wary that what they call the idols of the mind and the first three methods of fixing belief (tenacity, authority, a priori) prevent us from seeing the reality of the world as it is; i.e., the truth. Both of them ultimately advocate an empirical method, inherited from Hume, of seeking truth. At the same time, we also see parallels in the arguments of Bacon and Peirce to Descartes’ skepticism and his argument that in order to build a strong foundation for truth we must first critique our current beliefs. Trace the specific ways you see Descartes’ and Hume’s arguments influencing (or paralleled in) the writings of Bacon and Peirce. Identify the specific points of similarity in all four authors. Place an order with similar or related

Brief Film Analysis/Reaction Paper

Choose the following films to review/analyze including the following: 1. Describe the specific grief, loss, or bereavement issue(s) facing one main character from the film. 2. Identify and apply relevant theoretical concepts/framework for understanding the main character's grief, loss, or bereavement issues, responses 3. Briefly suggest implications for social work practice/interventions. What intervention would you do with this client, if this client came to you? This paper needs to be in a social workers perception. Each paper should be 3-4 pages. **THe movie you can choose from: WHat ever movie you can find on netflix. 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind This was the only on netflix that you could watch without having to get the DVD. Movies you can watch but only on DVD - I would really like to talk about this movie. This is my first choice. **Garden State (2004)..Natalie Portman, Zach Braff other choices **The Greatest (2010)..Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon This is

Leadership Philosophy-Essay

Requirements: Leadership Philosophy Paper Write a one page Organizational-Level Leadership Philosophy Paper Incorporating your ideas and expectation as an organizational-level leader. Background: You are a military officer and have taken command of a Company. You have been instructed to write your leadership philosophy and post it on the bulletin board for your Soldiers to understand your leadership skills Use APA format.


When taking into consideration how I would respond in two possible cases in a zombie outbreak, both involving a man about to murder his curable, zombie wife and children, my views seemed to carry a bit of dispute. The first case consists of the man with a rifle, allowing you to take the gun and kill the man slightly more indirectly. While the second scenario involves no weapons, requiring you to very directly kill the man with your own hands. I think both of these cases follow a direct correlation with the previously discussed trolley cases, in that the first case allows you to pull a lever, killing one man and saving four, while still keeping a distance from the situation. And in the second case, you are required to directly push a man off the bridge to save four people. The difference between both cases seems to come down to direct and indirectness. My view on the first case, in both the zombie and trolley scenarios, follows utilitarianism, while the second case brings out a deontolo

Human Trafficking-Essay

At least 2 quotes/statistics. 2 book references. Citations needed Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW


Stage 1(a): Define your issue as a question on which reasonable people may disagree.(1 page) The first task is to select an ethical issue that you find provocative and important – an issue on which you believe there is more than one credible and legitimate point of view.The issue may be related to one of the “application” issues discussed in the latter chapters of your text, or in the readings within each chapter; or, it may be an ethical issue that has particular meaning and relevance to your own life. Stage 1 (b):Identify at least two different, competing positions that have been articulated and promoted by respected thinkers in the appropriate field.Make sure to provide accurate citations in a separate Works Cited page. Remember to identify the key claims of each perspective, and the key premises (reasons) supporting them.Relate these, where appropriate, to the ethical frameworks we have studied in this course. Stage 2: Compose your own position paper. (2-3 pages) Next, co

Discuss representations and /or criticisms of capitalist ideology in two of the authors

Please discuss the following topics in an original, brilliant, insightful, interesting essay. You must cite the works you choose to discuss. Three typed pages. Assignment:    Please discuss representations and /or criticisms of capitalist ideology  in two of the authors: Authors: Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Philip Larkin you must choose two and only two authors.