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Archive for the ‘Politica Science’
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Political science essay

There are 3 questions that need to be answered.short essays Answer ALL parts of each question in as much detail and depth and with as much information and analysis as possible. A page and a half per answer.All answers need to pertain to living in the United States and an Americans viewpoint on the issues. 1) Why do people in the United States need government? Do they/do they not need government? Make a case for OR against the need for government either way. How MUCH government do YOU feel is necessary (ie how much welfare, how large the tax burden, how much regulation of business and your personal life etc?) to sustain YOUR ideal type of democracy? 2) Explain what is meant by the term `political ideology?` Which of the specific ideologies covered in the online lecture and chapter 4 (Understanding AmericanGovernment IBSN #1-93741-63-1) contemporary versions is MOST appealing to you and why? Try to include as much detail about WHY this belief system best fits your view of the world (ec

Energy for political science-Term paper

CSN Political Science 101: Final papers “OPTION A”: (you will post and respond to each other in an Angel forum) During our last week/last class, POST your final paper (and all components of it…see below) on ANGEL as a single file on or before 9pm of our last class day.  Next, respond to 2 (or more) of your peer's papers by midnight as part of the final requirements. Seek insights from your colleagues, offer insights for them too! *Save the papers as a word document with your name in the file name (as ".doc" file extension).  Otherwise, post as a text file.   It is important that you do NOT save it as a Word 2007 or newer document (".docx" file), since not everyone can read that. 5-7 pages, including brief 1page letter, double spaced, 1" margins, plus a brief outline and references page…any style. FINAL PAPER, including a 1-page letter to the official of your choice. On Domestic or Foreign Policy:  YOUR CHOICE of policy topic! Select ONE policy area or specific program th

Asian Politics-Essay

Select an Asian nation state.  Read a book or two that focus upon that nation state’s political development as well as that nation state’s relationship with the United States.   Then, Write a 8-10 page essay that explains:  1) the traditional political and social class system; 2) the colonial period political and economic experience, and; 3) the history of the independence movement including a short analysis of the political system that emerged after independence in the Asian nation state that you selected.    Then, conclude your essay with an explanation of that nation state’s basic strategic and economic  relationship with the United States during the Cold War and today.

Media and Politics- Essay

How the media affect on politics

Hurricane Sandy-Essay

Review the governments actions from an accountability and performance perspective  as well as applying one of these theories (Network, Principal-Agent Theory, Interest Group Mobilization). Limit to state of New Jersey.  Incorporate National Guard mobilization, President Obama's actions, Economic Issues - gas problems, Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa - filed complaints on gas companies and hotel's for price increases, imposed curfews to prevent looting

Politics and Governance- Essay

Political (Government) actions for Hurricane Sandy - network, principal-agent theory and interest group mobilization Review the governments actions from an accountability and performance perspective  as well as applying one of these theories (Network, Principal-Agent Theory, Interest Group Mobilization). Limit to state of New Jersey.  Incorporate National Guard mobilization, President Obama's actions, Economic Issues - gas problems, Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa - filed complaints on gas companies and hotel's for price increases, imposed curfews to prevent looting

Should preemptive strikes be allowed? Essay

Recommend steps for this paper: 1. lead-in with a historical introduction 2. give an account of the arguments pro and con. 3. state one's own view 4. give reasons for holding which have universal appeal. 5. consider likely objections or counter-arguments to one's own position and the reasons  you have given for holding it. 6. respond adequately to these objections or counter-arguments either by trying to argue against them or by revising one's own position in the light of them. here are some pro or con that you can put into the essay: If atrocities do occur, should they be prosecuted by international tribunals? Nuclear weapons are also prison weapons, so should they be banned? Guerrilla war falls outside the just war rule, because: 1. the combatants are not in uniform of a nation-state, and the commanders are rebels fighting in civil wars 2. the means they use go beyond what is permitted by the just war doctrine. 3. one cannot easily distinguish between combatants and civilians 4. at

Countering Violent Extremism-Research paper

Research on Countering Violent Extremism the President Obama stragey

Democratic mechanisms- Essay

When do democratic mechanisms increase political risks to waging war?

Britain Imperialism in India-Analysis Essay

Paper on Britain Imperialism in India. Political, cultural, and economic influences. Finding better synonyms for words and rewriting some content. Doesn't have to be perfect. Analysis Essay: World Powers and Imperialism The purpose of this paper is to give you an opportunity to think further about how world powers influenced the Modern Middle East, to deepen your understanding of the notion of imperialism, and to explore resistance to imperialism.  You will also cultivate your ability to focus on a purpose, to develop ideas thoroughly, and to analyze and synthesize appropriate sources. In Traditions and Encounters, Jerry Bentley and Herb Ziegler write, “ . . . imperialism refers to the domination of European powers—and later the United States and Japan as well—over subject lands in the larger world.  Sometimes this domination came in the old fashioned way, by force of arms, but often it arose from trade, investment, and business activities that enabled imperial powers to