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Archive for the ‘psychology’
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4-5 encounters with social psychology

Your paper must discuss 4-5 encounters with social psychology (e.g., a particular theory, concept, phenomenon, etc.) in the real world (e.g., personal experience, magazine, television show, etc). You will be expected to use correct grammar, syntax, and spelling. The paper should be 3-5 typed pages.

counseling ethics and boundaries

Need 4-5 paragraphs on counseling ethics and boundaries.   Must be APA Format. Must Cite Sources 12 Point Times New Romans Font

Psychology Application Paper

Topics: 1. What are the main factors of learning  a new language? And why are they  important.
  1. Difference between problem solving by people and  by computers.
  Application paper should… Have descriptions and examples of at least topics/concepts -          Accurately describe/define each of the concepts you are illustrating -          Give one or more detailed examples from your life that accurately illustrate eachconcept. Examples should be from your life outside of class, not from in-class demonstrations or activities -          Be 1 page typed, single spaced (using size 12 Times New Roman font and 1” margins)

The Research Process

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes the following:
  • Identify steps in the research process using a diagram.
  • Identify a list of 10 credible research strategies, and explain how they may be used.
  • Compare peer-reviewed resources and resources that are not peer-reviewed.
Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Explaining the Id, the Ego, and the Superego

Read through the below scenarios and then briefly describe how the id, the ego, and the superego would handle the situation.  
  1. Rachel is walking to class and the late bell rang two minutes ago. As she walks into her class, she stumbles and her books go flying everywhere. Out of one of the books falls a note to a boy that Rachel has secretly liked for a long time. The boy picks up the note and reads the top line and then hands it back to Rachel. She is so embarrassed.
  1. Jake is going on his first date with a really popular girl. He still can’t believe that she agreed to go out with him. During the movie they are sitting so close that their legs are touching and he so badly wants to hold her hand and kiss her, but he isn’t sure how she would react. He takes a chance and does it and she looks at him and then gets up and walks out.

Assignment 2: The Prisoner’s Dilemma; What is in My Best Interest?

We learned in earlier discussions that according to Aristotle and Bentham, one’s happiness was the highest goal. Enter social contract. How does one ensure one’s self-interest when one has to compromise with another to achieve the goal? David Gauthier proposes that it is possible, offering the Prisoner’s Dilemma as an example. According to the story of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, two people have been brought in for questioning, conducted separately, about a crime they are suspected to have committed. The police have solid evidence of a lesser crime that they committed, but need confessions in order to convict them on more serious charges. Each prisoner is told that if she cooperates with the police by informing on the other prisoner, then she will be rewarded by receiving a relatively light sentence of one year in prison, whereas her cohort will go to prison for ten years. If they both remain silent, then there will be no such rewards, and they can each expect to receive moderate s

Psychology Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Assignment

Joe, Stacie, and Shannon are all employees within the same organization. Consider each employee's characteristics below. Then address the questions following the employee descriptions. Employee 1: Joe enjoys coming to work each day. He finds pleasure in the outcome of his work. He believes his work helps others. He seeks out new ways to make his work more effective, and often initiates new work projects. He likes to stay busy throughout the day. He sometimes has a hard time if there is not enough work to do. He has no desire to leave the organization and would like to continue to be promoted within the company as he gains experience.   Employee 2: Stacie finds that although she used to like her current position within the company, she now finds it less rewarding. She has been in the same position for a few years, and in the past, enjoyed working on the team she was assigned. Recently, she had the opportunity to work on a special project, but this work was temporary. She found t

Psychology Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Assignment

Joe, Stacie, and Shannon are all employees within the same organization. Consider each employee's characteristics below. Then address the questions following the employee descriptions. Employee 1: Joe enjoys coming to work each day. He finds pleasure in the outcome of his work. He believes his work helps others. He seeks out new ways to make his work more effective, and often initiates new work projects. He likes to stay busy throughout the day. He sometimes has a hard time if there is not enough work to do. He has no desire to leave the organization and would like to continue to be promoted within the company as he gains experience.   Employee 2: Stacie finds that although she used to like her current position within the company, she now finds it less rewarding. She has been in the same position for a few years, and in the past, enjoyed working on the team she was assigned. Recently, she had the opportunity to work on a special project, but this work was temporary. She found t

Psychology Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Assignment

Joe, Stacie, and Shannon are all employees within the same organization. Consider each employee's characteristics below. Then address the questions following the employee descriptions. Employee 1: Joe enjoys coming to work each day. He finds pleasure in the outcome of his work. He believes his work helps others. He seeks out new ways to make his work more effective, and often initiates new work projects. He likes to stay busy throughout the day. He sometimes has a hard time if there is not enough work to do. He has no desire to leave the organization and would like to continue to be promoted within the company as he gains experience.   Employee 2: Stacie finds that although she used to like her current position within the company, she now finds it less rewarding. She has been in the same position for a few years, and in the past, enjoyed working on the team she was assigned. Recently, she had the opportunity to work on a special project, but this work was temporary. She found t

Comparing and Contrasting the MMPI and the Rorschach Inkblot Technique

Controversy surrounds the validity of certain personality tests, including the Rorschach Inkblot Test.  Pundits argue that the Rorschach test results in over-identifying mental problems and is unreliable and invalid. Scholars in favor of the Rorschach test argue that it is one piece of evidence in the whole battery, and criticisms are unfounded or controllable. Compare and contrast the use of the Rorschach, a projective measure, with the MMPI, an objective measure. Construct a scenario, and present both sides of the argument, where the Rorschach test could be used to help and to hurt the individual being tested. How might a clinical interview influence the interpretation of test results for each? Would you need to make any special accommodations if you were testing an 8 year old? 16 year old? 85 year old? If so, describe and explain. If not, justify your answer. Search for at least 1 reference that discusses the validity concerns of personality tests. You can use relevant Web sites