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Archive for the ‘psychology’
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“Jesus’ Style of Relating”

The paper should not be a summary of the article, but rather your personal thoughts, feelings, and reactions to one or more key ideas in this article. You may discuss what you found helpful, true, or useful ideas, or you may explain your disagreement to certain things suggested. 300 words, double spaced, APA style

Secondary Data Analyses from General Social Survey (GSS) Final Paper

Description of the research project This research is called secondary data analyses. Your research project, which constitutes 20% of your grade is a secondary analyses of data from the General Social Survey. Lit Review & Final Report After finalizing your intro, methods and results, you have one more task to complete: Please compare your results to the findings in the current literature.  Search the literature and identify three references that are on the same topic or related.  You will find details on compiling your literature under the lit review and final report tab. Compare their findings to your findings. If your results are different than theirs, speculate on potential reasons for it.  Present the information on one or two slides with the title "Place in Literature."

Final Paper: Instructions


  The final paper is a team paper—that is, it will be written by all members of y

What is Groupthink?

What is Groupthink? Explain this phenomenon using research on conformity, obedience, and group polarization (explain what these are and how they are different from one another). Provide at least one example of how Groupthink led to a bad decision. How can Groupthink be prevented?   This is is a discussion question

Intercultural Learning Activities

Read the following anecdote: Yuri, an exchange student from Russia, was gratified by the warm reception he got upon his arrival in the U.S. He was greeted by broad smiles and was frequently invited into homes for meals. He was invited to stay in American homes several times. At cultural events, people would say to Yuri, "You must drop by and see us sometime." Yuri called home and enthusiastically told his family, "Americans are so friendly! We are going to be close friends and see a lot of each other." When researching this topic, some questions to consider in your response may include: What is Yuri's view of Americans, and on what does he base this perception? (Before you answer this…think of how many times you tell someone to “stop by anytime” but really anticipate that someone would call first.) Is Yuri's perception accurate? Will the friendly Americans remember the invitations for Yuri to stop by? How durable are friendships with strangers in the U.S.? Are the signs of fri

Theories of Personality, Ch. 5, “Erikson”

100 word about your opinion on reading this chapter

Paranoid schizophrenia

need a research paper

Anthropology 105

Anthropology 105: Questions on Chapters 1-5 of De Waal (2016) Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? Due in class on November 2nd Using the book, say something about (give a definition and/or example of) each of the following terms.  What is the relevance of the term to understanding animals?  If you use any external sources, you must cite them fully.  It is fine to discuss this assignment with others or work in teams as long as you answer each part in your own words.  Please type your responses.
  1. Umwelt (page 6, 12)
  2. Ecological Niche (6)
  3. Behaviorism versus Ethology (27)
  4. Instinct/innate behaviors (4,40)
  5. Trial and error learning (56)
  6. Operant conditioning (31)
  7. Cognition (69)
  8. Human exceptionalism/saltationist view versus evolutionary continuity/connection (13, 26, 43, 121-122)
  9. Anthropomorphism versus anthropodenia

Learning Experience Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing an informal learning experience you have had. You may describe, for example, how you became afraid of heights, why a particular food or smell moves you emotionally, or why you dislike elevators. The experience must be concrete and can be singular or an experience that occurred over a longer period. Describe the experience by applying learning theories from this week's readings to the steps involved. Include the following:
  • Identify what you learned from the experience.
  • Describe how your learning could have occurred through classical conditioning. Identify the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response.
  • Explain how your learning could have occurred through operant conditioning. Describe the behavior, consequence, and reinforcement. Indicate the schedule of reinforcement, if applicable.
  • Address how your

Classroom Management: The Impact of Federal Laws

For this essay, minimum 300 words in APA format including references from :Shepherd, T. L., & Linn, D. (2015). Behavior and classroom management in the multicultural classroom: Proactive, active, and reactive strategies.

In keeping with the goal of creating safe and positive environments in which learning can take place, it is important to incorporate proactive, active, and reactive strategies in the classroom.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a “universal design” for classroom management. Describe proactive, active and reactive strategies and how these strategies are implemented in the classroom.

How do the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 affect classroom management? Include the following in your discussion:

  • Response-to-Interve


After reading the module resources, think about the importance of attachment and the ramifications according to attachment patterns. According to the DSM 5, RAD is classified as a consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers, manifested by a child who rarely or minimally seeks comfort when distressed, and a child who rarely or minimally responds to comfort when distressed. Moreover, the child exhibits social or emotional disturbance as outlined in the DSM 5. In your post, identify and assess reactive attachment disorder and its possible causes and treatments. What specific treatment do you think seems most plausible to you and why?   REQUIREMENTS: 2 TO 3 PARAGRAPHS AT LEAST ONE REFERENCE